
Inferior Extremities.

Thigh. Crawling and drawing along the course of the sciatic nerve. Knee. Transient cramp in the knee (fourth day). Slight pain in the outer and upper portion of the left knee as from straining the tendons (third day), sticking in the left knee as from straining the tendons Tearing in the right knee (tenth day). Tearing in the right leg and knee (eighth day). Leg. Tingling in the legs and knees as from weariness. (Very acute cramp in the calves, several times at night, first in the right afterwards in the left leg, obliging him to get up and walk about), (fifth day). Foot. Painful tension like a cramp in the soles of the feet. Cramp in the left foot. Painful cramp like drawing as if the feet would become dead, when lying. Feeling as though the left foot were sprained or dislocated, on rising from stool at 3 p. m. (ninth day). Sticking in the bone in the inner side of the right foot, as after a sprain on ascending steps, several times during the day (fourteenth day). Tearing extending from the right calf through the whole foot, at 6 p. m. (first day). Toes. Toes and heels somewhat swollen, with biting (ninth and tenth days). Sticking as with a dull knife in the fourth toe, in the evening (tenth day). Dull Sticking, as Dull sticking as with a knife, in the ball of the great toe (Fourteenth day). Crampy feel in the lower part of gluteal muscles, right hip; immediately on its disappearing, flashing pain on back of left toes, 5 P. M. (ninth day). Drawing in left buttock, under tuber ischii, with same in right wrist, slight (ninth day). At night, after a walk, strained feel in right ham (first day). Pain in inner condyle of right thigh for a moment; morning in bed (eighth day). On walking in the afternoon, felt a bruised pin in left thigh; muscles supplied by anterior crural nerve are stiff and sore; this lasted some days, going and coming (ninth day). Left thigh sore and lame (tenth day). About midday the pain in front of left thigh returned, and came and went frequently (first day). Pressive pain on center of front of left thigh, afternoon (fifth day). Pain in left thigh as before (sixth day). Slight shoot down the great sciatica on back of pelvis, in bed at night (eighth day). Pain in right knee, morning (ninth day). Starting of left leg on going off to sleep (third day). Numbness in legs (twelfth day). Left leg numb, in evening (first day). Left leg numb (second day). Slight numbness in left leg after first dose (second day). Cramp in left leg on going to sleep (fourth day). Severe deductive pains down nerves of right leg, for a few moments, afternoon (fifth day). Flashes of weakening drawing pain all over front of left leg, all the afternoon, either walking or sitting (fifth day). Last night at 12 o’clock, coming home, felt a sudden shoot of pain all over front of left leg, apparently in the periosteum, it recurred two or three times, and several times to-day (fifth day). Single biting on left shin (seventh day). Biting on front of left shin, evening (seventh day). Biting on left shin (ninth day). Tendency to tingling in leg, particularly the left one (fifth day). Pressure on left calf, as of a blunt point, several times (eighth times). Painful drawing in right tibialis anticus (after one hour, second day). Drawing in right calf (first day). Sticking stitching in inside of right calf in walking, momentary, 4 P. M. (eight day). At breakfast felt a pressive drawing in the right tendo Achillis (Sixth day). Left ankle particularly liable to wrench (ninth day). Cramp in left foot on going to sleep (third night). Pressive drawing on inner border of left foot, forenoon (sixth day). Twinges of pain along the external border of left foot, after dinner (third day). Lying in bed, the feet seem disposed to tingle (second day). On falling asleep at night, felt a slight jerk in toes of left foot (fifth day). A gnawing in right toes, succeeded by crosses (ninth day). Frequent biting stinging in toes of right foot (third day). Single biting on a toe of right foot (eight day). In the morning early, stinging biting in back of toes, on right foot, in attacks of a few moments (second day). Slight lancination, in fold of skin, internal to great toe- nail of right foot, for a quarter of an hour (after dose, fourth day).


Objective. Some small pimples on the skin, Biting eruption like nettle rash on both hands, she was obliged to scratch until they were almost sore (eight day). Violent biting on both hands: nettle rash eruption on the backs of the hands and between the fingers (fifth day). Subjective. Crawling in the skin at times. Great itching, especially in the sacral region, in the evening on undressing, the skin felt rough and seemed full of little pimples (tenth day). Ulcerating pain the morning in a vesicle on the thigh), (fifth day). Biting in the fingers of the left hands in the evening (second day). Crawling in the hands and feet, they felt fuzzy (third morning). Tingling in the feet, (itching on the forehead, Vertex and hip). (Itching on both cheeks, especially in beard), (second day). The feet seem fuzzy, with sticking in them as from needles (fourth day). Papulae on the middle of the right sternomastoid muscle, such as had appeared before on the chest (fifth day). Pimple on back, right side (fifth day). Very small pimple or boil on right hip (sixth day); pimple rather sore under the friction of the clothes (seventh day). A cluster of itching, psora like vesicles on root of left thumb, in forenoon; gone at night (ninth day).


Sleepiness. Yawning. Frequent yawning. Sleepiness, the eyelids keep closed, at 6 p. m., (first day). (sleepy in the afternoon, after eating) (second day). Sleep heavy exhausting every night, with sweat in the morning Wakes late (second morning). Sleeplessness. Falls asleep late, sleep restless wakes early (first night). Sleep uneasy (first and third night). Sleep restless; disturbed by various pains, and with confused, anxious, voluptuous dreams of business. Sleep extremely restless, with frightful dreams, starting up and apprehensiveness (first night). Waking early in the morning with hot perspiration and uneasiness (sixth day). Sleeps usually lying on the back, with emissions (second night). Dreams. Dreamy sleep, with sweat in the morning. Many dreams (second night). She dreamed very much and awoke after every dream (first night). Vivid dreams at night not remembered in the morning (fourth day). Busy dreams very indistinctly remembered (fifth day). Many dreams at night of journeying, etc., indistinctly remembered in the morning (first night). Constant dreams at night; after waking several times he always fell asleep and continued to dream. Dreamed of journeying, hunting, etc.,; very indistinctly remembered (first night). Exhausting dreams of climbing mountains, great pressure of business, etc. without sweat at night. Sleep. Felt as if under the influence of tea, and went to bed with the brain excited; did not sleep soundly. Dreams vivid and active; next morning found myself lying very much on the back and digging the head backwards into the pillow (first night). Dreams active, confused (third night). Lay a good deal on back; sleepy uneasy; threw the head back, and kept on jerking it backwards (sixth day). This morning conscious of anxious dreams, as if something important were left undone (seventh day). Dreams busy (eighth night). Dreams full of bustle (ninth night). Sleep disturbed and uneasy from face ache (first night). Passed a bad night from horrid sexual dreams; disturbed sleep (second night). Dreams horrid and agitated, sexual (third night). Dreams confused (third night). In spite of a bad night rose feeling well (eighth day). At night got late to bed, and dreams awful horrid dreams, as that God was far from me and repudiated me. (Eighth night). Sleep full of dreams of Mormons, of horses, fights, and great action (first day). Found myself very early in the morning lying on my back, dreaming some desperate horror, and half awake, saying to myself “Why should I fear, the Lord is around and about me” (second day). Sleep disturbed by all sorts of horrid dreams; starting of the legs when falling asleep; slight convulsive shocks and twitches following up, preventing sleep; singular erethic state of nervous system all night; erotic ideas and dreams (third night). Dreams active (fifth day). Sleep disturbed by active dreams (eighth night). Restless night (third night). Sleep lighter, and is more refreshed by it (tenth day). Slept badly; dreams of distress (second night). Dreams distressing (third and fourth nights).


Chilliness. Chilliness over the whole body with nausea., Feeling of chilliness through the whole body, at 4 p. m. (fifth day). Shivering over the whole body, in the evening (second day). Constant shuddering, while sitting, worse on moving about, with expectoration of mucus, nausea, and Qualmishness, slightly relieved by drinking cold water, lasting through the evening till midnight. Coldness of the soles legs frequently during the day (second day). (Shuddering in the back extending across the shoulders), (fifth day). Heat. Heat with anxiety, in the evening (second and third day) dry burning heat over the whole body (third day). Sensation of internal heat without thirst, with perspiration, preventing falling asleep for two hours, so that I sought a cool place and was frequently obliged to throw off the covering, but I soon became too cold (fifth morning, soon after the dose), heat in the head and feet, with restlessness and desire to seek cool places, from 3 to 5 am. (Tenth day). Heat in he face in the morning after a restless night, (340) Feeling of heat in the face, in the afternoon (fifth day). Sweat. Gets into a perspiration easily on slight exertion. About four hours after first dose felt a great coldness and numbness of left leg, for ten minutes, while sitting. Feet cold (tenth day). Face hot and smarting, for two hours (third day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.