

Hypochondria. Feeling of fullness in the hepatic region. Tension in the right and left hypochondria (eight day). Drawing pain in the hepatic region. Sticking in the right hypochondrium (third day). Umbilical. Cutting in the umbilical region, as if something were cooking therein, in the afternoon (fifth day). General Abdomen. Distension of the abdomen (third day). Distension of the abdomen, which is tympanitic and hard, in the evening, (fifth day). Abdomen hard, with tension in the right hypochondrium (ninth day). Flatulence, with tension in the abdomen. Much flatulence, pressure, and dragging in the abdomen, through the day. Feeling as though flatulence would pass (fourth day). Troubles from flatulence at night. Pain in the abdomen and diarrhoea like stool, in the evening after coffee. Abdomen full and tense, as from flatulence, with gripping and nausea, pain in the abdomen, griping distension, followed by soft stool. Violent griping pains in the bowels, as from flatulence, soon followed by soft stool (sixth day). Cutting and griping in the abdomen, as from incarcerated flatus (third day). Dragging in the groins.


Burning biting, and a feeling of dryness in the anus, in the morning. Great desire for stool, with discharge of hard masses (second day). Urgent desire for stool, with discharge small faecal masses (third day). Very unusual, severe urging to stool, in bed soon after waking, which could only be restrained with very great difficulty while I dressed; stool normal (third morning) Ineffectual urging to stool (third night). Stools attended with most violent tenesmus (fourth day).


During the proving the stool almost always occurred twice daily, morning and evening, normal and profuse; usually I had but one stool, and was not at all inclined to diarrhoea. Stool freer than usual, in the morning (second day). Stool soft, in the evening (third day). Stool hard (eight day) at 3 p. m. (second day). Stool irregular, sometimes hard, sometimes soft, “very bilious”. Stool Delayed. Difficult stool, with violent tenesmus, so that it caused nausea, in the evening (seventh day).

Urinary organs

Burning in the urethra. Micturition. Urging to urinate in the afternoon (fifth day). Urging to urinate, with vertigo, almost a faintness, at two o’clock at night, when in and when out of bed (eleventh day). Frequent emission of very yellow urine, without burning. Urine profuse clear yellow urine, at night, with burning. Urine. Profuse clear yellow urine, at night with burning. Urine clear, wine yellow. Urine very highly colored, frothy, of a peculiar sweetish odor, in the morning (fifth day). Strong smelling urine (first night).

Sexual organs

Lascivious thoughts, soon (in a man). Tension in the uterine region as form a short band (seventh night). Violent tearing in the genitals, with a desire to urinate, and micturition twice at midnight (seventh night). Leucorrhoea for several days after the proving. Menstruation more profuse and with less difficulty than usual; the second menstruation was three days earlier and more profuse, with cold feet and acute sensibilities. Menstruation fourteen days too late.


Anxiety in the chest, like shortness of breath, in the morning (second day). Burning pains in the chest, especially in the afternoon. Tightness in the chest (fifth day), in evening, (second day). Pressure upon the chest (third day). Pressure and heaviness on the chest. Pressure and burning in the chest, at 5 p. m. (first day). Oppression of the chest, in the evening (fourth day). Transient sticking cutting pain in the right upper half of the chest, on moving about; these cutting pains in the right upper half of the chest, few times in the left lower portion of the chest, in the afternoon of the same day (third day). (200). Sticking in the left chest, in the evening (second day). Sticking in the ribs and shoulders, as after taking cold). Sticking pain in the middle of the chest (internal aching like heartburn). Stitches through the left chest, at 8 p. m. (first day). Constant stitches from with in outward, through the left chest and sternum, aggravated by motion (third day). Some sharp stitches in the chest. Violent stitches through the chest, so that she was obliged to hold the breath, at 5 p. m. (sixth day). Crawling and orgasm in the chest. Stitches alternately in both sides of the chest (ninth day). Violent sticking pain in the left breast, in the evening (second day). Stitches here and there beneath the right breast, in the evening (second day). Pressure on chest at nipples, with a peculiar warm kind of formication (third day). After breakfast, pressure on outer third of left clavicle (seventh day). After breakfast, dull heavy pressure on right side of chest from seventh rib down (fifth day). Single thrill of shooting pain in left pectoral muscles (sixth day). Dull stringing in right pectoral muscles, extending to back around ribs (third day). Sticking pain in left chest, among the tendons of serratus magnus (seventh day). Sticking-burning pain on edge of left pectoral muscle, noon, one minute (fifth day). Creeping feeling in right breast up to the median line (eleventh day).

Heart and Pulse

The heart feels as thought it would fall down, in the evening, (second day). Palpitation of the heart (fifth day). Acceleration of the pulse, at 6 p. m. (first day). Pulse rapid and hard (fifth day). Pulse accelerated after dinner (second day). Pulse 90, after breakfast, before stool, 10 A.M., fell to 80 at noon (seventh day). Pulse 80 (eighth day). Pulse 82, at A.M. (ninth day).

Neck and Back.

Neck and Back. (Tension in the neck and nape of the neck), (first day). Tension in the nape of he neck; motion of the head is painful. Tension in the nape of the neck, with pressure and sticking in the middle of the chest. Back. Twitchings of muscles in the back. Aching in the back (after one hour and a half). Dull drawing and pressure in the back, especially in the lumbar region, more in the afternoon and evening. Sticking and burning pain in the back and loins, with feeling of coldness in the back shoulders, and arms. Dorsal. Stitches in the scapulae (tenth day). Lumbar. Paralytic pain in small of the back (ninth day). Aching in the small of the back (fifth day). Pressive pain in the small of the back (eight day). Pain in the small of the back pressive, paralytic (third day). Some stitches in the small of the back, at noon (fourth day). Awoke with pain in right trapezius muscle, early in morning; it went off after washing (fourth day). Aching of the back of the neck and upper part of shoulders (trapezius), (fifth day). Severe pressive pain on top of right, shoulder blade, afternoon (third day). Pressive pain in left shoulder blade, after dinner (eighth day). Cutting pains between shoulder blade on right side of vertebrae (tenth day). Stinging in back, near edge of right scapula, near spine, morning (sixth day). Cutting pain under left shoulder blade, with pressure in stomach, after dinner (seventh day).


Numbness of the limbs. Feeling of weakness and trembling in all the limbs (sixth day). The right foot and left arm feel paralyzed, alternating with tearing (fifth day). Limbs heavy (first day). Feeling of stiffness in the limbs. Painfulness in all the joints. Rheumatic drawing and tension in the limbs. Bruised feeling in the extremities. Limbs heavy; felt fatigue in walking before dinner (eighth day). All articulations feel bruised (ninth day). Sawing pains in left hand and inner ankle (eleventh day). Tearing of outside of right knee, followed immediately by severe pressure on upper part of shoulder blade (right), (seventh day). Flying pains in right shoulder, and also in left calf (seventh day). Lancing pains in left wrist and ankle, and along inner border of left foot (third night). In bed, this morning, drawing under right malleolus and in right wrist, momentary; also sticking jerking on center of back of foot, with fugitive feeling of fullness in left half of head (eighth day).

Superior Extremities

Trembling and cramp in the left arm and finger (eleventh day). Weakness in the arms (eight day). Tensions in both arms (after one hour and a half) Fine sticking like needles in the arms (second day). Tearing in the left arm, in the morning (seventh day). Tearing in the left arms, in the evening (sixth day). Shoulder. Stitches in the left shoulder with every inspiration, at 2 p. m., (third day). Tearing in the right shoulder and in the forearm. Arm. (Neuralgia, paralytic pains in the left upper arm). Elbow. Transient tearing in the elbows (third day). Wrist. The left wrist is painful on motion as if sprained. Hand. Tension in the hands (second day). Pain as from suppuration on the outer margin of the ball of the left hand, while it lies upon the table. Fingers. Rheumatic pain, swelling and tensions in the last join of the left little finger. Rheumatic sticking pain in the right middle finger, as though a knife were thrust from the joint along the metacarpal bone to the wrist; Afterwards a similar pain in the great toes, but less violent and of shorter duration (sixth day). Tearing in the right thumb in the evening (fifth day). This morning, slight rheumatic drawing aching in point of left shoulder (third day). Slight pains in the shoulder-joints, especially the left one, forenoon (third day). Numbness in left arm awoke her three times; it went off after friction (third night). Pressure on right humerus, at insertion of deltoid (ninth day). Hard pain running down left median nerve, followed by the above pain in front of thigh, in the evening (ninth day). Slight ache in left elbow, passing immediately to right forearm (ninth day). Pain in right elbow very severe (fourth day). Weakness and strained feel in right elbow, trouble some a month back, has returned, and is aggravated by second dose to- day; worse in lifting (second day). Right arm very weak and painful, just behind elbow-joint (second day). Rheumatic pains in right elbow (fifth day). Slightly lancing pains about head of right radius for a few moments (first day). On going to sleep starting in right forearm above wrist (second day). Pressive pains down left forearm, on ulnar side (fifth day). Jerking of tendons in left wrist on going to sleep (sixth day). Pressive lancing pain on the middle metacarpal bone of left hand (back), morning (sixth day). Lancing pains in joints of left hand fingers (first day). Strained pain between index and thumb of left hand, at 1 P. M. (eighth day). Lancing pain in phalanges of middle and little fingers of right hand (fifth day). Cutting pains in the fleshy ends of fingers, of late several times (sixth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.