

Objective. Papulous eruption in various places (first day). Eruption on the back and shoulders (fourth day). Itching, burning, dry eruption, like tetter, on the middle of the tibia (first day). A spot of nettle rash as large as a been, with red areola and with violent itching, not relieved by scratching, on the lumbar vertebrae (fifth day), also on the right side of the forehead, with large areola (seventh day); then one on the right nates, in the evening, in bed, which itches until it makes him furious (tenth and eleventh days); on the calves and loins, itching just as much after scratching, disappearing on the thirteenth day, though still itching as much; on the fourteenth day on the right forearm; a small spot in the right hand on the side of the thumb, lasting only sixteen hours (twenty-first day). Eruption of;many poisonous vesicles on the arms and thighs (first day). Pustules on the thighs, with red areola (first day). A small pustule on the right middle finger (first day). Subjective. Formication on the right hand, in the morning (fourth day). Itching as from flannel on the skin, relieved by rubbing, on the chest, upper arms, sides, beneath the axillae, then on the thighs, afterwards on the shoulders and back, lasting an hour and a half; at noon when riding, again in the evening when riding, but not on the arms (first day); returns repeatedly on riding in the evening (fourth day); morning, forenoon, noon, and evening (sixth and subsequent days to the thirty-first day); mostly upon the chest and between the shoulders, sometimes extending across the shoulders or under the arms. Itching of the feet (fifth day). Violent itching, as from cobwebs under the nose, more towards the right side, two evenings in succession; afterwards an eruption on the left side of the face. Fine itching on both sides of the chest, in the forenoon (third day).

Sleep and Dreams

Sleepiness. Frequent, almost spasmodic yawning (first day). Inclination to sleep, generally the whole day (ninth day). Sleepiness and burning in the eyes. Sleepiness, early in the evening (first day). Constant sleepiness; the sleep is quiet but not refreshing. Great sleepiness. Falls asleep without much thought and cogitation, which is not usually the case (second day). Sleeplessness. Sleepless. Falls asleep late, preceded by unconscious slumbering without thought (soon after taking). Half-waking condition the whole night; restless, without, however, waking from sleep; she had many obscure fancies about her daily duties (3D dil). Sleep restless, and in the morning heat in the head (following a repeated dose in the evening). Night extremely restless, full of dreams. Dreams. Much dreaming at night, without remembering it (fourteenth day). Lascivious dreams (sixth day). Lascivious dreams, without emissions. Anxious dreams during the night, of an angry ox chasing a child (tenth day). Frightful dreams; he heard many alarms during the night; was in delirium.


Chilliness. Chilliness and shaking all over. Chilliness over the whole body, in the forenoon (first day). Chilliness, beginning in the back. Chilliness and eructations, in the forenoon. Chilliness and a feeling of p73 stopped coryza, at 10 A.M. followed by thirst, sleepiness, headache, etc. Chilliness at 10 A.M., preceded by heat of the head and vertigo, followed by emission of flatulence. Chilliness, especially in the posterior portion of the upper arm, with a weak, slow pulse, in the forenoon (fourth day). Chilliness and pain in the throat, in the evening (first day). Great chilliness of the whole body, in spite of very warm weather, not relieved in the warmth of the bed. Chilliness on the back of the upper arm. Cold feet (fourth day). Heat. Heat, in the evening, with hypochondriac mood (fourth and fifth days). Heat over the whole body, in the evening, with peevish, irascible mood (second day). General heat, heaviness in the limbs; is scarcely able to hold the head erect (tenth day). Fever heat, towards evening, with aggravation of all the symptoms (first day).


Aggravation (Morning), Fretfulness; after uneasy sleep, heat in head; pressive headache; nosebleed; mucus in fauces; aversion to eating; disgust for smoking; pains in abdomen; diarrhoea; urging to urinate; in bed, tearing above knee; on rising, body feels heavy, etc.; formication on hand.

(Forenoon), Disinclination for mental exertion; pain in forehead, etc.; chilliness.

(Afternoon), Towards evening, all symptoms; mental symptoms; towards evening, fever heat. (Evening), Confusion of head; in bed, headache; in bed, pain in head; pressing headache; in bed, pain in head; pressure in eye; pain above eye; pain in throat, etc.; jerking in inside of thigh; cramp in feet; on riding, itching of skin; chilliness; heat. (Coffee), Headache. (Mental exertion), Headache. (Motion), Pain in temple; headache on right side, etc. (In room), Headache.

(Sitting), The symptoms. (Stooping), Headache on right side.

(Walking with sun in face), Headache. (Turning body), Especially rising from seat, beating of heart.

(Walking), Pain in heart. (Walking slowly), Headache.


(Evening), Pains in eyes.

(Coffee), Violent symptoms.

(Lying), Heaviness in shoulder; pains in head.

(Rest), Headache.

(Running), Headache.

(In shade), Headache.

(Sitting), Headache.

(Walking rapidly), Headache.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.