

Appetite. Craving for sour, acrid things and aversion to sweet things, with a white coated tongue, red at the tip. Loss of appetite, coated tongue and ill-humor (first day). Want of appetite, during the whole proving. No appetite, with saliva in the mouth and headache. Aversion to eating, especially in the morning. Aversion to tobacco, in forenoon (first and third days). Disgust for smoking, in the morning (second day), Thirst. Thirst, with a sick feeling and headache, even in the forenoon. Eructations and Hiccough. Eructations, in the morning (third and fourth days). Eructations, with chilliness, in the forenoon (fourth day). Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea, especially in a draft. Nausea, with headache. Vomiting, with soft stool. Stomach. Icy coldness in the epigastric region, in the left side on the ribs and in the abdomen (fourth day).


Slight pulsating pain beneath the left ribs. Violent colic about the umbilicus (second day). Rumbling in the abdomen. Flatulence and ill-humor in the forenoon. Offensive flatulence, with colic. Emission of flatulence (fourth day), and in the forenoon (first day). Abdomen hard, not relieved even after stool. Feeling of emptiness in the abdomen and head (fifth day). Colic like pains in the abdomen, especially about the umbilicus, with emission of much offensive flatus, in the morning (second day).


Spasm of the sphincter ani in the forenoon (third day). Pain in the upper part of the anus (second day). Pressure in the upper part of the anus.


Diarrhoea, with discharge of some fluid from the urethra after micturition, in the morning (third day). Diarrhoea-like stool in the evening, with emission of flatulence (thirteen day). Soft stool follows the headache after drinking coffee. Soft stool, with vomiting and discharge of fluid (prostatic?) From the urethra after micturition; in the evening, after he had a hard, lumpy stool in the morning (second day). Stool irregular, not at the usual time (eighth, ninth, and tenth days). Constipation. Constipation; small, nodular stool (second day). Hard, irregular stool (second week). Small, hard, crumbly stool (fourth day). Thick, hard stool, in balls, with tenesmus, preceded by cutting colic in the morning (second day). Hard, thick stool, after much dragging, in the forenoon (first day).

Urinary Organs

Urethra. Discharge of fluid (prostatic?) From the urethra after micturition, with a soft stool (second day); during diarrhoea (third and tenth days). Drawing, extending from the anus through the urethra, in the evening (third day). Sudden drawing pain from the anus through the urethra in the morning (third day). Micturition. Urging to urinate in the morning on waking; the urine does not pass with the usual large stream, it seems as though it were retained by a swelling. Profuse emission of clear watery urine (first day). Dribbling of the urine after the emission in the morning (third day). Urine. Urine scanty, clear (first day).

Sexual Organs

Male. Pain on the top of the penis in the morning (third day). Tensive pain in the testicles (second day), and in the lower part of the testicles in the forenoon (second day). Drawing pain in the testicles (fourth and tenth days). Crawling sensation in the testicles. Drawing in the right spermatic cord in the region of the external ring. Increased sexual desire in the forenoon (third day). Increased sexual desire in the evening (fifth day). Great sexual desire, with erections, in the forenoon (second day). One or two profuse emissions at night, caused by dreams (apparently towards morning), followed by constant tossing about from side to side, with loud groans, so that he called aloud (fourth day). Female. It expedites menstruation, especially at the climacteric period. Menstruation fourteen days too early, without any pain; she feels better than usual two days (in a woman thirty years old).

Respiratory Organs

Pain, extending from the palate to the larynx, in the evening. The larynx feels raw, as if the air was too cold. Cough during sleep, without waking. Barking cough. Expectoration of loose mucus in the morning (fourth day). Mucus expectoration from the lungs, especially in the morning (which he had not had for six months).


A pressing-outward and drawing-upward from the right hypochondrium to the left shoulder. Dull, pressive pain in the chest and on both sides, lasting the whole day. Stitches in the chest in the forenoon (second day). Pressive pain in the right side of the chest, between the third and fifth ribs (where the prover had had tubercles in the lungs). Stitches in the left side, so that respiration is difficult (tenth day). Repeated stitches in the left side. Some dull stitches in the left side of the chest, more towards the back. Pain in the left side of the chest, shooting from below upward (ninth day). A hard, movable swelling of the size of a hazel-nut, full a finger’s breadth beneath the left nipple, between the ribs and skin, in the evening, in bed, disappearing the next day (tenth day).

Heart and Pulse

Heart. On every turning of the body, especially on rising from sitting, some hard, violent beats of the heart. Frequently a pain when walking, as though the heart would be torn out; generally there are frequent, very hard beats of the heart. Pulse. Pulse rapid in the forenoon (second day). Pulse slow and weak during the chill in the forenoon (fourth day).


Pains, as if in the spinal cord, in the morning (fourth day). Pain in the back beneath the left scapula. Pain between the left scapula and the spine on swallowing or on deep breathing, and on bending towards the left side, in the evening. Stitches beneath the left scapula lasting a long time. Jerking across the spine, between the shoulder-blades, in the forenoon (fourth day). Drawings in the region of the upper lumbar vertebrae in the morning (first day). Pain in the small of the back (third day).

Extremities in General

Weariness of the arms and limbs, at first for one day, more on the left side; and then for two days, more on the right. Weakness and weariness in the limbs. The limbs were so weak that he believed that he could not get from the place where he was, yet it disappeared on rapid walking. Heaviness of the limbs (tenth day). Tearing pain in the arms and limbs on stretching them out.

Superior Extremities

The left arm frequently feels paralyzed from the shoulder down. Feeling of heaviness in the left shoulder, as if a heavy weight were lying on it and pressing the shoulder down, only disappearing while lying. Twinging in the bones of the left upper arm (fifth day). Paralysis of the wrist (right?) Every morning, in bed, and only at this time, commencing on the eighth day, and after three months had not entirely disappeared (Causticum relieved). (* Similar, only more violently painful and persistent, after Oxalic acid 1/10 in which Causticum also relieved. – HERING. *) A sprained feeling in the wrists, especially in the left, as though he had sprained the hand. Pain in the left wrist, as if sprained, on rising in the morning. Feeling of lameness and heaviness of the hands, wrists, and fingers (tenth day). Stiffness and a feeling of lameness in both hands, as if swollen and asleep (sixth day). The greatest weakness of the hands and fingers, so that he could not hold them tightly together. Great weakness of the hands, so that he could not hold anything with them. Stiffness of the right middle finger in the morning.

Inferior Extremities

Weariness and aching in both thighs and calves (fifth day). In the evening, jerking in the inside of the right thigh above the knee; after two days the same in the left. Feeling as though the knees were sprained, with great weakness in them on standing. Sticking above the left knee (fifth day). Pressive drawing tearing above the left knee in the morning, in bed; the same feeling in the right leg below the knee (sixth day). Jumping throbbing pain on the outer side of the left calf in the morning (first day). Lameness, drawing, and tension in the right ankle in the morning (ninth day). Weakness and dryness in the ankles and soles of the feet, so violent that he dreaded to step (first day); disappearing after washing with brandy. Tension in the sole of the left foot in the morning (eleventh day). Cramp in the foot (tenth day). Cramp in the metatarsus in the forenoon (second day). Cramp in the soles of the feet in the evening when sitting (first day). Cramp in the sole of the left foot in the evening, in bed (thirtieth day). Cramp like pain in the ball of the left foot in the evening when sitting (thirty-first day). Pain, as though sore on the ball of the foot and above it on the toes on bending the foot. Sticking in the corns in the forenoon (fourth day).

General Symptoms

Objective. Starting at noises. Laziness in the forenoon (first day). Weakness, general prostration, physically and mentally. Weakness, general exhaustion, physically and mentally (seventh to ninth days). General weakness and constant inclination to lie down and sleep (eleventh day). Great weakness and prostration, with pale face. On waking, was so weak that he was obliged to lie down. Physical and mental exhaustion, very noticeable from the beginning of the proving, and very decided after the eleventh day. Uneasiness; is driven from place to place. Tossing about the bed towards morning after an emission. Subjective. Desire to lie down, but was not relieved thereby. Inclination to lie down; while lying, the head feels better, at noon (first day). On rising, the whole body feels heavy and uncomfortable, especially the head, in the morning (fourth day). Feels heavy and uncomfortable over the whole body, especially in the head, on rising in the morning (fourth day). He feels sick, weak, and fretful the whole of the fourth day. Bruised sensation and weakness of the whole body. Appearance and aggravation of all the symptoms towards evening (first day). The mental symptoms especially are worse in the evening, with heat of the face (third day). Violent symptoms relieved by two or three cups of coffee. Symptoms appear mostly while sitting.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.