
Anxious dreams, from which she awakes with anxiety or fright. Anxious dreams, so that one waking she was quiet beside herself. Very vivid, anxious dreams. Anxious dreams, which took away her breath; she cried out, and lay in perspiration. Anxious dreams, of numberless dogs and cats, with loud talking (twenty-second day). Anxious dreams of lethargy and loss of consciousness; afterwards very difficult waking from deep sleep, with stiffness of the cervical muscles.

Peevish dreams. Peevish dreams, with moaning and groaning in sleep. Peevish, anxious dreams. Frightful dreams (fifth day).

Anxious, frightful dreams. Frightful dreams, with danger from water. Dream of fire. Dreams of dead people (second night); (twenty-ninth day).


Chilliness. Chilliness the whole day and at night; no sleep on account of chilliness. Chilliness in the mornings in succession.

Chilliness for several days before the midday meal. Chilliness from 4 P.M. till the evening after falling asleep (twenty-fourth day). Chilliness in the evening before going to sleep, followed by itching. Chilliness during the day, when lying down to sleep.

Chilliness during menstruation. Immediately after menstruation, chilliness, cutting pain in the abdomen, followed by diarrhoea.

Much chilliness, with cold hands and feet. Much chilliness and shivering, especially coldness of the hands and feet. Violent febrile chilliness, in the morning and evening, then heat, followed by sweat. Coldness and shivering over the whole body after breakfast. Coldness of the whole body, after 5 P.M. with icy-cold feet. The child complained of coldness for half and hour every evening. Sudden coldness all over. Feeling of coldness, as from want of blood. Feeling of coldness and chilliness, with ringing in the ears (after a quarter of an hour). Cold shivers before and after eating, then anxious hoarseness in the evening for an hour and a half.

Febrile shivers in the evening, with sticking pain in the temples, left ear, and teeth, followed by sweat at night.

Violent fever; he was unable to get warm, even in the evening in the warm bed; violent thirst the whole evening and night; after midnight, profuse perspiration, lasting till morning; with the chilliness in the evening, headache and tearing in all the limbs, with coated tongue (thirty-sixth hour). Daily intermittent fever, shaking chill in the evening, followed after an hour by heat of the face and cold feet, without subsequent sweat. At night, chilliness and drawing pain in the limbs, which awoke him, followed by sticking pain above the left breast and in the left side on every inspiration. Cold hands and feet, the whole day, in warm weather. Cold hands and feet, in the evening, with heat of the face (sixth day). Cold feet (after a few hours). The legs become suddenly cold after coition. Icy-cold feet the whole morning. Sometimes her feet are icy cold, again quite burning. Shivering in the back, in the forenoon, with frequent yawning and inclination to sleep.

Shivering in the right limb after the midday meal. Feverish shivers in the back several evenings. Heat. At night heat, and in the morning, on waking, orgasm of blood. He was unable to remain in bed at night on account of heat (fifth day).

Is unable to sleep before midnight, on account of heat and anxiety. Becomes heated from riding in a wagon. Heat while sitting, frequently attacking him suddenly, sometimes with anxiety (seventeenth day). The whole body became burning hot, and he perspired all over, immediately after coition. Dry heat of the whole body, in the evening, lasting a quarter of an hour. Dry heat every evening and through the night till morning, with headache on the vertex and in the nape of the neck, lasting till noon (seventeenth day). Hot hands, and heat and burning of the soles of the feet, so that she was almost unable to step, immediately. Sweat. Perspiration all over from an earnest conversation (after seven days). Perspiration, even on slight motion, in a person who usually never perspired (after four days). Perspiration, even after a short walk, which colors the linen yellow, with exhaustion. Sweat some mornings in bed. Night-sweat for several nights (removed by wine). Perspiration while eating. Profuse perspiration (thirty- fifth night); this perspiration seemed to occur without any cause, and although I was frequently awakened by cramps in the calves, it continued so great that in the morning not only the hair of the head, but the bed along the whole length of the body, was decidedly moist. Sour-smelling perspiration. She perspires much, a very sour, offensive sweat, at night. Very offensive exhalations from the body. Sweat of the head while falling asleep. Perspiration on the sternum every morning.

Sweat of the feet, most profuse in the afternoon and evening. Sweat of the feet, in the evening, with tearing in the feet and hands (after twelve hours). Profuse sweat on the feet; they begin to smell. Profuse sweat of the feet; they become sore, especially between the toes, so that he frequently does not know what to do with himself on account of the pain.

Profuse sweat of the feet, when walking a little distance, which makes the toes sore.


Aggravation. (Morning), Irritable, etc.; confusion of head; on waking, vertigo; stupid in head; on waking, headache; tearing in head; in bed, while half asleep, dull headache; in bed, pain in the temple; in bed, one sided headache; burning in eyes; after waking; beating in ear; smell in nose; after rising, swelling of sides of a face; on stooping, saliva runs from mouth; after eating or drinking, water comes into the mouth; mucus in mouth; after rising, taste in mouth; on rising, pain in throat; thirst; after rising, hiccough; during menstruation, nausea; immediately after rising, nausea; after rising, nausea, etc.; qualmishness, etc.; pressure in pit of stomach; immediately after rising, stitches in hypochondrium; in bed, and for some time after rising, rumbling in abdomen; colic, in bed, cutting in anus; in bed, urging to urinate; after rising from bed, leucorrhoea; on rising, especially on inspiration, oppression of chest; in bed, pulsation in heart; on rising, backache; tearing in thigh; in bed, pain in malleoli; burning of the heels; trembling; after rising, pain in whole body; dread of open air; in bed, chilliness; after breakfast, coldness; cold feet; in bed, sweat; sweat a sternum.

(Forenoon), Pain in forehead; pain in stomach; chilliness; shivering in back, etc.

(Noon), Nausea, etc.

(Afternoon), Hypochondriac; bitter taste in mouth; nausea, etc.; tearing in thighs; sweat of feet.

(Evening), Anxiety; depressed mood; while walking, reeling, etc.; during menstruation, headache; pain in head; after eating, stitches in ear; when eating, cracking in ear; in bed, screaming in ears; nosebleed; in bed, tearing, in zygoma; while sitting, leaning backward, toothache; swelling of the gum; hiccough; in bed, nausea; fullness, etc., in abdomen; in bed, tickling in larynx; hoarseness; on lying down, cough; dyspnoea; after lying down, when lying on left side, throbbing in region of heart; jerking in the limbs; in bed, jerkings in the arms; before going to sleep, chilliness; after 5 o’clock coldness; shaking chill; cold hands, etc.; shivers in back; dry heat.

(Night), Raving; anxiety after lying down, thoughts full of care; headache; roaring in ears, etc.; nosebleed; smell in nose; toothache; pain in teeth etc.; dryness in mouth. etc.; eructations; water brash; inclination to vomit; pressure in pit of stomach; on waking, beating beneath short ribs; pain in abdomen; fullness, etc., in lower abdomen; frequent micturition; dragging to urinate, etc.; attacks of suffocation; sticking in shoulder, etc.; in bed, sticking in thigh; pain in knees; cramp in calves; during sleep, jerkings; pimply eruption; chilliness, etc.; heat; sweat.

(Open air), Lachrymation; stitches in back tooth; pains in lower extremity.

(Walking in open air), Cutting colic; dyspnoea; pressure in chest; pain in ankle; exhaustion.

(Ascending), Pains in chest, etc.

(Blowing nose), Stitches in leg.

(After breakfast), Acidity in mouth.

(Candlelight), Burning in eyes.

(Chewing), Toothache.

(At commencement of coition), Cramp in calf.

(During coition), Noise in ears.

(After coition), Weakness; coldness of legs; heat, etc.

(After dinner), Warmth in head; hiccough; weakness.

(After drinking), Rumbling in abdomen.

(Eating), Headache; beating in ear; pain in teeth; pain in stomach; pressure in stomach; distension in abdomen; colic; stiffness, etc., in sore foot; perspiration.

(After eating and drinking), Sour taste; gnawing in stomach.

(Inspiration), Pain in lower abdomen; throbbing in left chest.

(Looking up), Vertigo.

(Lying down in bed), Pain in teeth.

(Lying down to sleep in daytime), Chilliness.

(Lying on right side), Pain in the right chest.

(After meals), Hiccough; heartburn; qualmishness, etc.

(After midday meal), Sleepiness; shivering in limbs.

(Motion), Pressure in forehead; stitches in hypochondrium; pains in side; pulsation all over; beating of blood at heart, etc.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.