
During menstruation, dry cough and profuse perspiration. Dry hacking cough wakes him at night from sleep, and continues the whole subsequently day (after five days). Cough, with much expectoration, in the evening on lying down. Expectoration of blood, with great sensitiveness of the palate and tongue.

Respiration. Whistling at times in the air-passages, on breathing. Tightness of breathing and oppression of the chest.

Difficult breathing (after twenty days). Dyspnoea, in the evening on lying in bed; deep inspiration produces cough.

Sudden dyspnoea, with difficult short breath (after three hours). Violent dyspnoea, as if she would suffocate every moment, when walking in the open air. Attack of suffocation at night, on account of which she awoke; she could not get her breath.


Objective. Accumulation of mucus in the chest (after twenty days). Subjective. Pain in the chest, on ascending. Pains in the chest, when sitting (after seven days). Pain in the upper part of the chest, when yawning, on touch, and on riding horseback. Pain in the right ribs, when touched. Burning and tensive sensation on inspiration, on the middle of the chest, with sensitiveness of the place. Pinching pain in the chest.

Pressive pain across from the left to the right side of the chest (after twenty-four days). Pinching pressure in the chest, which obliges him to stretch, in the evening, for half an hour. Pinching pressure in the chest, when walking long in the open air. Oppression of the chest (after a few hours).

Oppression of the chest, especially on inspiration, in the morning on rising (after twenty-one days). Everything oppresses the chest; she can endure nothing tight upon it. Sticking in the middle of the chest, with oppression of breathing, when ascending steps. Raw pain in the chest like raw flesh.

Catarrhal rawness and affection of the chest and trachea.

Tickling low down in the chest, with loose cough and salty expectoration. Front. Pain in the sternum between the breasts (fourth day). The lower ribs near the sternum are painful to touch (after twenty-one days). Sides. Tightness of the left side of the chest and heart, in the morning, for several hours.

A pressure on the left side of the chest, which increase to a pinching and almost intolerable twinging pain, only when sitting, disappearing on standing, but returning when sitting, and entirely disappearing on lying in bed. A burning pressure on the left side of the chest beneath the axilla. (Sticking) pains in the sides, on every slight motion (after six days). Sticking pain externally in the right side of the chest near the sternum, especially violent when lying on that side. Violent sticking in the right side of the chest, which always arrests breathing (eight day). Violent sticking in the left side of the chest, so that she thought she could not endure it (after eleven days). Violent stitches in the right side of the chest, on breathing; she is obliged to press with the hand in order to relieve it, for several days. Sensitive stitches in the forepart of the left side of the chest, which made her start up in the evening. Violent tearing in the whole right side of the chest. A burning throbbing in the left side of the chest, externally, aggravated by inspiration. Mammae. The nipples are painful.


Precordium. (Constant emptiness and coldness about the heart and in the chest, with sadness). Pressure in the region of the heart, on breathing. Sticking in the region of the heart.

Throbbing in the region of the heart, in the evening after lying down, when lying on the left side, so violent that the covering was moved thereby, with anxiety; disappearing on turning over. Pulsation in the heart, trunk, and head, without anxiety, for several minutes, in the morning in bed. Heart’s Action. Violent palpitation. Violent palpitation several times, sudden, like an electric shock, from the heart up to the throat.

Violent palpitation of the heart, which moves the arm and hand, and makes him anxious.

Neck and Back

Neck. Stiffness of the nape of the neck. Stiffness and sticking pain in the nape of the neck. Pain, even to crying out, in the nape of the neck and both shoulders, when bending the body forward; she is unable to raise either arm to the head on account of the pain. The nape of the neck and shoulders are painful, when lying upon them or turning (from the swollen glands on the side of the neck, which, however, are not sore).

Violent pain in the nape of the neck. Rheumatic pain in the nape of the neck (after twelve days). Painful tension of the nape and right side of the neck, on moving the head. Stitches in both sides of the neck, on moving the head. Tearing stitches in the nape of the neck, frequently (after twenty-one days).

Smarting-cutting pain, as from an ulcer, at the seventh cervical vertebra. Back. Violent, backache, as after stooping a long time (fifth and sixth days). Violent backache, in the morning on rising, relieved by moving about. Violent drawing in the back. Dorsal. Rheumatic pain in the left scapula, for several days. Contractive pain between the shoulders, day and night. Pressure in the back between the scapulae. Stitches and pains in the left scapula. Bruised pain in the scapulae.

Lumbar. Pains in the small of the back, very violent for two hours. Severe griping and twisting in the small of the back, as from a pair of tongs, and afterwards also pain in the arms and feet, as if they would turn outward. Pressure in the small of the back. Pain in the back, a pressure in the small of the back near the spine. Sticking pain in the small of the back (after a few hours). Bruised pain in the small of the back.

Violent bruised pain in the small of the back, especially on touch. Throbbing in the small of the back. Sacral. Pain in the coccyx, while urinating. Dull drawing in the coccyx, in the evening.

Extremities in General.

Objective. Jerking in the limbs, in the evening, or inclination thereto, almost daily. Frequent jerkings in hands and feet (thirtieth day). Violent jerking in all the limbs, now in one, now in another, even in the shoulder and scrotum (after ten days). Involuntary twitching outward in the limbs, late in the evenings, with consciousness. Stretching of the limbs, with weakness of them. Stiffness of the limbs. Stiffness of the shoulder and knee. Weakness of all the limbs (after three and four days). Great weakness of all the limbs (after twenty- four hours). Cannot sleep the whole night, on account of uneasiness of the limbs, which she cannot keep still.

Subjective. Limbs inclined to fall asleep at night, with great peevishness. The limbs fall asleep (after twenty-four days). The arms and legs fall asleep. The limbs fall asleep and seen dead, while walking in the open air. Falling asleep of the arms and legs and legs while sitting; while walking, crawling in them, in the evening (eighth and ninth days).

Heaviness of all the limbs, with depressed mood. Great heaviness and weakness of the limbs. Paralyzed sensation of all the limbs.

Pain, as from weariness of the joints, when stooping and sitting down, so that he could not rise again from his seat.

Bruised pain of all the limbs. Bruised pain in the limb and scapula upon which he lies.

Superior Extremities.

Objective. Jerking of the muscles of the arm. Jerkings here and there in the arms, in the evening in bed. Jerking of the arms frequently in succession, during the first sleep at night.

Subjective. The arm falls asleep when lying upon it. Falling asleep of the arm and hand, when sitting (after three days).

The right arm falls asleep. Pinching pain in the left arm, with feeling of heat in it. Drawing in the arm. Shoulder. Rheumatic pain in the left shoulder. Burning in the shoulder-joint (after fourteen days). Sticking in the shoulder and elbow-joints, even while at rest, worse at night. Violent sticking in the left shoulder, so that it takes away his breath, lasting three days (after three days). A burning stitch frequently in the left shoulder. Tearing in the left shoulder-joint, on moving the arm.

Violent tearing in the right shoulder, at night, removed by external warmth. Pain in the axillae for two days (after twenty- six days). Pinching and sticking in the right axilla (after twelve days). Arm. Sudden burning in a small spot on the right upper arm, together with a cold sensation (after ten days). Sticking, two or three stitches, in the upper and forearm and in the hand. Feeling of soreness in the upper arm (after seven days). Right upper arm sore, tender and swollen.

Elbow. Muscular twitches at the elbow-joint. Pain in the bend of the elbow, so that he was unable to stretch out the arm.

Pain in the bend of the elbow, as if too short, on stretching out the arm. Drawing in the elbow-joint during rest, with tearing in it on raising the arm, with sensation if cold water were running through the bones. Sharp cutting drawing in the right elbow-joint, whereby the arm felt for a moment paralyzed and useless. Paralytic pressure in the left elbow- joint and forearm, after the midday nap. The condyles on the elbow are painful to touch. Forearm. Burning pain like fire in the right forearm, upon which he was lying Sudden burning in a small spot on the forearm. Drawing spasmodic tension of a muscle of the forearm. Gnawing pain in the bones of the right forearm.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.