
Scurfy spots on the vertex, with violent, sore pain when touched. Much scaliness on the head, which causes a distressing itching and becomes a scurf, which disappears on washing, and then is humid. Humid eruption on the head, which does not itch, but pains as if suppurating, only when touched.

Eruption on the vertex painful to touch and humid. The old scabs on the scalp come off, and have an offensive odor.

Coldness and spasmodic constriction of the scalp. Sore pain on the head. Painfulness and moisture beneath the scurfy spots on the head. Itching on the scalp.


Objective. Redness and inflammation of the eyes, with drawing and pressive pain; followed by biting lachrymation.

Redness of the whites of the eyes, lachrymation, and photophobia. Maturating of the eyes, with pressure in them, and a drawing pain extending into the head. Much hardened mucus in the eyes. Subjective. Weakness of the eyes, Weakness and red look to the eyes. Pain in th eyes on opening them, as from exertion by reading. Heat in the eyes; he could not see clearly. Heat in the eyes, with some pus in the canthi. Burning in the eyes. Burning in the eyes, with the evening light (after thirty days). Burning in the eyes and lachrymation in the open air. Violent burning in the eyes, in the morning.

Drawing pain in the eyes. Pressive pain in the eyes, every morning, and also in the evening. If he looks intently at anything white or red, or at the sun, stitches extend from the temples through the eyes to the internal canthi. Violent sticking into the right eye. Biting in the eyes, as if something acrid got into them. Biting pain in the eyes as from something acrid. Biting in the eyes, with heat in them. Brow and Orbit.

Coldness above the eyes. Pressure in the right eyebrow, extending thence through the whole eye. Twitchings beneath the eyes. Lids. Swelling of the lids and lachrymal glands. A stye on the lower lid, with drawing pain before the discharge of pus. Dry mucus in the lashes. Agglutination of the eyes, in the morning. Red painful inflammation of the lower lid and inner canthus. Very inflamed margins of the lids. Inflammation of the external canthus. Heaviness of the lids. Inclination to draw the eyes together in the external canthi. Paralytic pain in the lids. Sensation of dryness in the lids, and pressure. Heat about the lids. Burning and dryness of the lids, in the evening while reading, and in the morning.

Burning biting in the inner canthus. Itching of the inner canthus. Lachrymal Apparatus. Lachrymation of the eyes, frequently, and pressure. Lachrymation and closing of the eyes, as from sleepiness, while walking in the open air. Vision.

Things are seen as through a fog. Shortsightedness; he is unable to recognize any one at ten paces (after thirteen days).

During menstruation the sight vanishes, it becomes black before the eyes; the left hand becomes numb and dead, with crawling in it extending up the arm, and also with crawling in the lips. On looking at a white object he is blinded, and the eyes water. Light blinds the eyes. Intolerance of light; he cannot look at the bright light; with redness of the white of the eye. Great sensitiveness of the eyes to the daylight, for several days. The eyes are very sensitive to the sunlight; it causes lachrymation. The eyes are only affected by daylight, not by candlelight; with the latter she can read easily and without difficulty. Double vision of letters while writing, with burning in the eyes. In the evening, with open eyes, he sees fiery zigzags around the eyes, as soon as she closes them at night.


Objective. Ears red and hot. Swelling of the glands beneath the ears, with tensive pain. Swelling of the gland beneath the right ear. Swelling within the left ear (after twelve days).

Ulceration of the left helix. Moisture in the ears. Moist and sore places behind both ears. Bloody discharge from the ear, for thirty-six hours. Subjective. Sensation as if a hard body as large as an egg were behind the ear, on turning the head to the left side (ninth day). Feeling of tightness about the left ear (after thirty hours). Feeling as if the left ear were filled with water. Earache, acute pressure in the inner ear like a twinging pain. Stitches in the ears. Stitches in the ear. Stitches in the left ear, in the evening after eating.

Tearing in the right ear. Ulcerative pain in the left ear, frequently recurring. Frequently a sensation and a report in the ear as though bubbles burst (second day). Beating in the ear slower than the pulse, in the morning after waking, lasting an hour. Beating like the pulse in the ears, especially on stooping and after eating. Bubbling in the ear, on stooping, with heaviness of the head; on becoming erect or leaning back the bubbling, returns, as if something fell before the ear, and then again away from it. Flapping in the ear on every eructation, as if air was forced through the Eustachian tube.

Sensation in the right ear, on every step, as if a valve were opening and closing. Itching of the left ear, in the evening, for a quarter of an hour. Hearing. The hardness of hearing is better when riding in a wagon. Cracking in the right ear, in the evening, when eating. Cracking in the ear, when moving the jaws, though only in the morning when lying in bed. Crackling in the right ear, on moving the head. Creaking in the ears. Cracking and creaking in the left ear when swallowing. Hissing in the ears, the whole day. Humming in the ears. At first ringing, then roaring, in the left ear (after two hours). Roaring in the head (after three days). Roaring in the head, then crackling in the ears, then more acute hearing. Violent roaring in the ears at night, with stoppage of the ears, at times (at the full moon). Thundering, rolling in the ears. Rushing noise in the ears during coition. Violent rushing and roaring in the ears (after fourteen days). Screaming tone in the ears, in the evening in bed, which shoots through all the limbs (after seven days). A sound in the vertex like the tickling of a watch.


Objective. Redness of the nose. Black comedones on the nose.

Scurf within the nose, with pain in it. Sneezing, with very dry nose. Tough white mucus in the left nostril only, which was discharged with difficulty the first day, more easily the second day. Offensive mucus in the nose. Profuse secretion of mucus in the nose, at one time thin, at another thick and yellowish, lasting eight days. Catarrh (after four or five days). Catarrh with sneezing and dulness in the head. Catarrh, with headache and alternations of chilliness and heat. Catarrh and coryza, with tickling rawness, which constantly causes cough, with weakness and headache (quickly relieved by Aconite). Profuse catarrh (after eight hours, and the first days). Profuse catarrh breaks out, which had not happened for years. Fluent catarrh of short duration, with frequent sneezing (after three hours). Fluent catarrh, with nosebleed (eleventh day). Fluent catarrh, with headache, chilliness, and internal dry heat and thirst (after forty-eight hours).

Constant fluent catarrh, which had not broken out for years, and which had never shown itself for more than an hour, though very frequently, with much sneezing. Fluent coryza, with catarrh, frequent sneezing and pressive pain in the submaxillary, glands; the uncovered parts were very sensitive to the open air, as though he might take cold easily (after two hours).

Profuse fluent coryza, with catarrh; great oppression of the chest; the head is confused and very hot; little air in the nose (after sixteen days). Stopped catarrh, with confusion of the head, oppression of the chest, heat of the forehead and face, especially about the nose, and loss of smell, first four days.

Violent stopped catarrh, with great nausea and headache, without vomiting; he was obliged to lie down (after forty-eight hours). Stoppage of the nose, and yet a discharge of clear water. Offensive purulent discharge from the nose. Blowing of bloody mucus from the nose. Blowing of blood from the nose, several days in succession. Bleeding of the nose (after fifteen days). Nosebleed in the morning. Nosebleed two evenings in succession, palpitation, heat, and pain in the back (after third day). Bleeding of the nose, at 10 P.M.; preceded in the afternoon by rush of blood to the head, and heat of the face.

Nosebleed at night. A urinous odor and exhalation from the nose and mouth. Subjective. Catarrhal, contracted, and stuffed sensation in the nostrils. Burning, suddenly, in a small spot on the left side of the;nose. Feeling of tension within the nose. Sore sensation in the nose, on blowing it. The nose is painful internally. Ulcerative pain in the right nostril.

Itching in the nose. Smell. Smell abnormally acute; she cannot tolerate flowers. Smell in the nose as of old catarrh. Smell in the nose as of burning soot, in the morning. Smell at night as of burning hair, mingled with sulphur fumes.


Objective. Paleness of the face. Pale color of the face, with blue rings around the eyes. Sudden paleness of the face, after moderate mental excitement, as for example, reading.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.