
Respiratory organs

Touching the neck just under the lobe of the right ear occasions a cough, with a smarting sensation extending to the ear and throat, in the afternoon (twenty-eighth day). Very offensive breath in the morning (thirteenth day). Feel as if I must take a long, deep inspiration, and yet this does not satisfy; have to loosen my clothes; soreness up through the left side, upon inspiration, at 5.20 P.M.; can breathe with more satisfaction, and yet, upon deep inspiration, a sore pain in the left side; occasionally, also, in the right side, at 6.30 P.M. (twenty-third day).


Heavy feeling in the chest; pulsating pain all through, deep seated (thirteenth day). Slight pain in the left lung, on inspiration, at noon (seventh day). Stooping two write causes constant severe pain through the chest and in the region of the liver at 11 A.M. (thirty-eighth day). Dull aching all through the chest at 11 P.M. (thirty-third day). Sharp pain, just below the left clavicle, at 4.40 P.M. (thirty-second day). Occasional sharp pains in left lung (twentieth day). During afternoon, shooting pains in left lung (twenty-eighth day). Bruised feeling extends up through the chest; this bruised pain is increased by deep inspiration, towards 6 P.M. (thirty-fourth day). Sides. Pain through both sides of chest when writing (fifty-third day). A few pains in my left side (second day). Pain of upper inner side of left side (forty-fourth day). Neuralgic pains in left side of chest in evening (forty-eighth day). Constant dull, aching pains through both sides of my chest, but especially through the heart, at 1 P.M. (forty-sixth day). Oppression of left side of chest (forty-ninth day). Occasional dull, sticking pains in the left side, not affected by inspiration, in the evening; at 8 1/2 P.M., sharp sticking pains in the left side, which come suddenly and go suddenly, a kind of kink in the side, not affected by respiration (second day). Sharp stitches on left side of chest (forty-fourth day). Severe twinges of pain under the arm (sixty-fifth day). Mamma. After retiring (11.30), a severe sticking pain through the breast from the nipple backward, relieved by pressure (first day). Stitches in the right breast on inspiration (after three hours and a half, fifth day). Sharp stitch, like the prick of a needle, in the right breast on inspiration, at 9 A.M. (ninth day). Severe twinges of pain streaking up and down the left breast, outer side (sixty-fifth day).

Heart and Pulse

Precordium. Sense of uneasiness in the region of the heart, at 5 P.M. (seventh day). Pain in the region of the heart on stooping to write; pains aggravated by going upstairs (sixth day). Dull pains in the region of the heart, which cause general depression of spirits (seventeenth day). Pain in the region of the heart dull and continued, at 10 A.M. (thirteenth day). Pain around the heart (at 9 P.M)., (thirty-fourth and fortieth days). Pain around heart; was obliged to lie upon my back (thirty-third night). Have pain around the heart come on soon after rising; this continues at intervals through the day. Comes on while sitting still, or while walking rapidly (fiftieth day). Pains around the heart come on while walking, also while sitting; relieved by gentle motion (fifty-sixth day). Pains around the heart upon walking far or sitting long (sixty-first day). Pain around the heart, and heat of head, greatly aggravated by riding on the cars, in the afternoon (fifty-fifth day). Occasional pains around the heart, in the forenoon; stinging pain on waking from sleep; oppression around it in the afternoon. Belching wind always relieves it temporarily (forty-third day). Much pain around the heart and through both sides of the chest, in the morning (thirty-eighth day). During the afternoon a great deal of pain around the heart (thirty-sixth day). Pressure upon the abdomen, from suddenly sitting down, causes severe pain around the heart, at 3 P.M. (forty-second day). Severe pain, which seems to pass through the heart, soon after waking (fifty-first day). Slight constrictive feeling around the heart (twentieth day). Dull pain around the heart, soon after rising (twentieth morning). Aching pains around the heart (fifty-fourth day). Dull aching pain around the heart, relieved by slight pressure, at 3 P.M. (thirtieth day). Gnawing pains around the heart, with quite severe stitches, at 8 P.M., relieved upon belching wind (thirty-third day). Gnawing and sometimes stinging pains around the heart, extending to the elbow, in the forenoon (thirty-sixth day). Oppression about the heart, in the afternoon (twenty-eighth day). Oppression around the heart, and sharp aching pain, at 9 A.M. (thirty-first day). On walking out in the afternoon felt a slight oppression over the base of the heart, lasting only a few minutes (twenty-eighth day). Have to press hand over the heart, as it relieves the oppression and pain (thirty-seventh day). Pain in the region of the heart, extending to the left shoulder and arm; pain sharp (thirteenth day). Sharp pain in the region of the heart, seeming to go directly through it, at 11.30 A.M. (twenty-third day). Have occasional pains around the heart, causing great depression of spirits, at 8 P.M.; in ten minutes they become quite sharp, and are increased by inspiration (thirtieth day). Occasional shooting pains in the region of the heart (fifth day). Immediately upon rising in the morning, frequent and severe shooting pain seemed to pass directly through my heart, and my pulse at once became very irregular. Many pains around the heart during the forenoon (forty-first day). After retiring (midnight), suffered with sharp sticking pains at the apex of the heart, which lasted for fifteen or twenty minutes, aggravated by deep inspiration. Did not dare move, but finally turned over on my left side, and the pain gradually disappeared (twelfth day). Sharp stitches in the region of the heart (fifth day). A feeling of soreness in the region of the heart, in the forenoon (thirty-sixth day). Heart’s Action. Throbbing of the heart and pressure in the head (sixth day). Great throbbing of the heart and all the arteries comes on after retiring, even those of my lips; soon become covered with perspiration. Throbbing becomes intense; can heart it. Am finally obliged to get up and sit in a chair until 3 A.M. While sitting the pain and throbbing diminish (forty-seventh day). Palpitation of the heart upon rising after walking slowly, at 8.30 A.M. (thirty-first day). Palpitation of heart, with oppression, at 10.30 A.M. (thirty-third day), Heart’s action irregular (sixty- third day). Feel the heart beat; and occasional double beat, and a feeling of oppression about the heart, at 3.50 P.M. (twenty- third day). Pulse. Great rise in the pulse, upon going upstairs (forty-seventh day). Pulse slow and almost imperceptible (forty- fifth day). On taking medicine pulse beats regular, but very pronounced, at 12 M., very slow but distinct (forty-seventh day). Pulse 153, but soon gets down to 120; in one hour, 103 (thirty- fifth day). Pulse rises greatly on walking; runs up over 150 upon walking slowly upstairs (thirty-seventh day). Pulse 123 after walking slowly; 140 after walking farther; beats seem to run into each other, in the morning; 102, standing, 87 sitting, at 9.15 A.M.; 144 at 10 A.M.; 98 at 10.30; runs together and can be counted only with difficulty; occasionally a few full distinct beats at 11; 82 and scarcely perceptible, at 11.30; 84 sitting, 92 standing, at 12.30; 96 sitting, 104 standing, at 3 P.M.; 103 standing at from 5 to 6; 66 at 11 P.M. (thirty-first day). Pulse 123, on walking slowly upstairs, in the forenoon 98 at 1 P.M. (forty-sixth day). Pulse 120 (fifty-sixth day), (3 P.M). (forty- first day). Pulse 120, at 9 A.M., and yet have been quiet in my room; 90 at 1 P.M. (forty-sixth day). Pulse 68, at 6; 120, at 9, after walking a short distance; 110, at 2 P.M., after being quiet for three hours (forty-second day). Pulse 72, on rising; 87 sitting, 74 standing, at 8.20 A.M., variable at 10; after a short walk in the morning, 120; 67 to 74, at 11 P.M. (thirty-second day). Pulse over 100 (twenty-second day). Pulse 102, in the forenoon; 86 standing, 70 sitting, in the afternoon (fifty-first day). Pulse, sitting, 80; standing, 102, in the forenoon; in the afternoon varies, but tends to go down; sometimes it tends to draw out into a tail, which holds on almost to the next beat; upon rising it constantly accelerates until it loses a beat (twenty-eighth day). Pulse 72, on rising; about 100 during forenoon (forty-third day). Pulse regular, rarely over 60 (before proving), 93 at 4 P.M.; 80 at 6; 66 at 9 P.M. (nineteenth day). Pulse 72, at 7.40 A.M.; 97, and jerking, at 8; 76, small and jerking, at 9; afterwards 67; 81 at 1.20 P.M.; 66 at 6 P.M.; 60 at 6; 73 sitting, 84 standing, at 11 P.M.; 68 at 12 M.; 83 at 1 P.M.; 70 at 5 P.M.; 80 at 6.30 P.M.; 72 at 11 P.M. (twentieth day). Pulse 92, at 10 A.M. (twenty-fourth day). Pulse 84, at 7.45 A.M.; 72, at 9.15 A.M., before stool, after it 80 (twenty-first day). Pulse 84, at 9 A.M.; 68 at 1 P.M. (thirtieth day). Pulse 82, in the morning (sixteenth day). Pulse 78, at 7 A.M.; 66 at 8 A.M.; 80 to 90, at 8.30; 60 at 11; 74, sitting, standing 90, at 2 P.M.; 74 at 3 P.M.; 87 at 4.30; 89 at 5.20; 72 at 6; 82 at 6.30, after supper; 108 standing, 88 sitting, at 8 P.M.; 74 standing, 67 sitting, at 11 P.M. (twenty-third day). Pulse varies from 74 to 80, at 9 A.M.; 60 at 12 M.; 58 at 10 P.M. (twenty-second day). Pulse 76 (at 11 A.M)., (thirty-second day), at 12 M. (twenty- eighth and thirty-fourth days). Pulse 76, full and strong (sixth day). Pulse 76, and very weak, at 10 A.M. (thirty-first day). Pulse 72, at 11 P.M. (thirty-third day); at 10 A.M.; 60 at 5 P.M.; 74 at 9 P.M. (sixteenth day). Pulse 72, in the morning; 58 at 5 P.M.; 74 at 9 P.M. (sixteenth day). Pulse 72, in the morning; 58 at 5 P.M. (seventh day). Pulse 68 at 9.30 P.M. (twenty-ninth day). Pulse 68, at 3 P.M. Very regular (thirty- fifth day). Pulse 68, at 10 1/2 A.M., almost imperceptible; 96 and quick, at 7 P.M. (thirty-third day). Pulse 64, at 11 A.M. (seventeenth and eighteenth days). Pulse from 50 to 57 (eighth day). Pulse irregular (fourteenth and fifteenth days). Pulse irregular and high in the morning (thirty-eighth day). Pulse irregular; 96 at 9.30 P.M.; 64 at 10 P.M. (twentieth day). Pulse 103 and irregular (thirty-sixth day). Pulse 80 and irregular (seventy-fifth day). Pulse very irregular and not at all alike during the first and last half of a minute (eighth day). Pulse ran very fast for 10 to 20 beats and then suddenly changed, and gave two or three full long beats before rising (thirty-fourth day). Pulse 84 sitting, 102 standing, at 7.30 A.M.; it changes constantly in quality, at times full and round, and soon after can hardly be felt, a clinging pulse; the beats seem to hold on. Pulse, as taken by Dr. Wilson, 138, at 8.30, after walking slowly; 80 after sitting for half an hour; when another is taking my pulse, can feel the throbbing under my fingers and count the beats myself; 67, at 9.45; 65 at 11.30 A.M.; 97 sitting, 116 standing, very small, hardly perceptible, at 9 P.M. From 64 to 80, during three consecutive minutes, and yet have not moved from my chair during the time, at 9.30 P.M. (twenty-fourth day). Pulse variable (fifty-third day). Pulse rises high and is variable fiftieth day). Pulse still variable and often over 100 during the forenoon (sixty-first day). Pulse variable; first high and then low; runs from 113 down to 90 in half an hour; very intermittent; at one time trembling and weak, then full and bounding (thirteenth day). Pulse variable, 80 and over, at 3 P.M.; 87 at 8 P.M., begins strong and becomes weaker and weaker until it can hardly be felt; 88 at 8.45; standing, 97; small, variable, and at times hardly perceptible; sitting, 72, round and full, at 11 P.M. (thirtieth day). Pulse through the day from 72 to 110 (fifty- seventh day). Pulse from 66 to 80 during three consecutive minutes, at 1 A.M.; 98 at 1 P.M. (fifty-fourth day). Pulse from 63 to 72, at 7.30 A.M.; 66 at 11 P.M. (twenty-fifth day). Jerking of the pulse (in a few minutes, first day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.