

Hypochondria. Pain in region of liver upon stooping, and a bruised, sore feeling, at 10 A.M. (thirty-second day). When lying on right side, quite severe pain in region of liver, and soreness (thirty-third night). Occasional sharp pain in the region of the liver in the forenoon (forty-sixth day). Sharp sticking pain through the liver from behind forwards (eighth day). General Abdomen. Distension of the abdomen, with flatulence (ninth day). Abdomen distended, and have to loosen my clothes, as pressure increases the pain and uneasiness through the body; also the suffocative feeling, which believe starts from the heart, at 11.30 A.M. (twenty-fourth day). Abdomen distended and tympanitic over right side in the evening (thirty-first day). Abdomen distended and tympanitic; pain relieved by moving, and I believe would be by lying, in the afternoon (thirty-fourth day). Abdomen distended; tympanitic over the caecum and ascending colon, elsewhere dull; aching pain deep in, and as if it might originate in the arteries; it extends to the region of the heart, and is aggravated by stooping, in the forenoon (twenty-fourth day). Abdomen very much distended, but no rumbling of wind, in the afternoon (nineteenth day). Occasional distension of the abdomen, and very little of the former feeling of suffocation (thirtieth day). Excessive tympanites (second day). Flatulence (fifth day); (sixteenth day). Flatulence, after eating, in the afternoon (fourth day). Great flatulence (after ten days). Much flatus, distending the abdomen, in the afternoon (seventeenth day). Troubled with passage of flatus early in the evening (eleventh day). Constant discharge of flatus (forty-fifth day). Feeling of uneasiness in the abdomen; heavy, aching pain in the region of the right ascending colon, also transverse colon; pains extend through to the small of the back; dull, throbbing pain (thirteenth day). At 5 P.M., unpleasant feeling and rumbling in the intestines (fifteenth day). Sick feeling in the abdomen before rising, relieved by discharge of flatus downward (eleventh and twelfth days). Immediately after urinating, indefinite pain in the small intestines, in the evening (first day). Fulness of the abdomen, relieved by belching gas, in the evening (third day). Aching pain through the abdomen, which came on after a large pappy stool, at 8 P.M. (twentieth day). Aching pain through the abdomen, with severe tenesmus, at 10.40 A.M. (thirty first day). Aching pain through the whole abdomen and thorax, but especially in the region of the diaphragm, and up through the left side; have to loosen my clothes; have a sense of suffocation, not at all relieved by inspiration, in the morning (twenty-fourth day). Continued and uneasy aching pains in the abdomen (eighth day). Severe aching pains through the abdomen, with tenesmus; they come in paroxysms, with nausea; also hot flashes, with moisture over the body, lasting fifteen minutes, at 11 A.M., disappearing while walking; on sitting down tenesmus, with other pains, returns at once (thirty-first day). About 6 A.M., had a severe aching pain in the abdomen, which forced me to rise and go to stool; stool, dark and pappy, forcibly expelled, preceded and followed by tenesmus (twenty-sixth day). Sharp pain through the abdomen after retiring (twenty-third day). Severe cutting pain through the abdomen, obliged to sit down, lasting about ten minutes, in the evening (thirty-ninth day). Sore feeling in the abdominal region (thirty-third day). A sore feeling across the middle of the abdomen, remaining all day (thirty-first day). Abdomen tender upon pressure in the afternoon (thirty-fourth day). Tenderness around the heart (twenty-seventh day),. Pains are relieved, but cannot bear any pressure upon the abdomen; have to loosen my clothes, at 12.30 P.M. (thirty-first day). Hypogastrium. Sore, bruised feeling in the hypogastric region when moving about in the abdomen (thirty-third day). Sharp pain through the hypogastric region, extending into the left inguinal region, in the evening (eleventh day).

Rectum and Anus

Rumbling of wind in rectum (forty-fifth day). Uneasy feeling in the rectum, with desire for stool, in the evening (forty-fifth day). For several days part, feeling at times as of ascarides in the rectum and around the anus (twentieth day). Burning in the rectum, after stool, in the afternoon (fourteenth day). Great urgency to go to stool at an hour earlier than usual (eleventh day). Ineffectual desire for stool, with a creeping sensation in the anus (thirty-first day). Tenesmus (in the morning), (seventeenth day); (2 P.M)., (thirty-first day).


Diarrhoea. Slight diarrhoea, with flatulence (fifth day). Stool, at 6 A.M., with tenesmus; during forenoon, two stools more; all thin, and the last watery, with great tenesmus (twenty-fifth day). Bowels quite free twice a day (sixty-fifth day). Stool at 8.30 as usual, but a little loose; at 11 A.M., with severe pain in the rectum, extending down the thighs and legs to the heels (eighth day). One stool to-day, brown and soft, easily expelled (sixteenth day). Stool at 8 A.M., large, dark, and soft, easily expelled; soon after, a dull pain through the abdomen, dark stool at 9.15 A.M.; after it, pressure in the head somewhat increased (twenty-first day). A pappy stool, rather large (fifth day). Stool abundant; at first pappy and then watery; passed with force, and followed by severe tenesmus for ten minutes (eighth day). Stool rather soft (thirteenth day). Stools pappy, with flatulence (fifth day). Soft, pappy stool, with flatulence; very little tenesmus during stool, but after, it becomes quite severe at 11.30 A.M., again at 3 P.M., but smaller and thinner; had the usual stool at 8 (thirty-first day). Thin, pappy, and almost watery stool, with tenesmus (after two hours, fourth day). Watery stool, with considerable flatulence (fourth day). Stools very offensive, but normal in amount; oily look; easily voided; cadaverous smell of the discharge (fifth day). Frequent desire for stool, which was of a peculiar oily consistency, and extremely fetid, at 8 A.M.; stool the same, except more offensive, a smell of rotten eggs, in the evening (fifth and sixth days). Constipation. Hard, difficult stool, at first light and then dark brown, in the afternoon (fourteenth day).

Urinary organs

Urethra. At 10 1/2 P.M., a cutting pain in the urethra, feeling as if a knife was entering (second day). Micturition. Urine rather increased (fifth day). Urine rather increased in amount, chlorides abundant, slightly acid (twentieth day). Urine has been slightly increased all through (thirteenth day). Urine more profuse than usual, very light color (fifth day). Quantity of urine normal, but frequent desire; difficulty in voiding the last few drops; think I am done, and then several drops pass, wetting my linen, lasting four days; urine light-colored and clear (thirteenth day).

Sexual organs

Male. Profuse sweating of the genital organs, and a very offensive odor (eighth day). Before proving this, I had been troubled with an offensive perspiration of the genital organs; this is now very slight, and not at all offensive (twenty-sixth day). The urine seemed to irritate, causing an erection, in the evening (first day). Pain from right testicle up through the abdomen at 9 P.M. (thirty-fourth day). Pain from the left testicle to abdomen at 3 P.M. (thirty-third day). Female. On walking in afternoon, a severe pain in the region of right ovary (thirtieth day). In the evening, on walking about, a burning fullness in the right ovary (thirty-third day). After taking drug, a bruised pain in region of right ovary when moving about the house (thirty-first day). Suffered with pruritus (fifteenth and forty-fifth days). Pruritus, relieved by cold water (thirty- third day). Pruritus most of the time, with slight leucorrhoea, tinging the linen yellow (sixteenth day). Intense pruritus after going to bed (seventeenth day). Slight leucorrhoea all the time, noticed more when sitting quietly (fifty-fourth day). Leucorrhoea, yellow color, not profuse (seventeenth day). Leucorrhoeal discharge, tinging the linen yellow; lately the discharge is passed sensibly, never before (forty-fifth day). Considerable leucorrhoeal discharge of a bland nature, staining linen yellow; noticed more when quiet (twentieth day). Menses two days earlier than usual, and not so profuse; usually suffer with pruritus directly after menstruation, but this time came on during the third evening; relieved by bathing the parts in cold water (ninth day). Menses two days ahead of time, with colicky pains in abdomen (usual), but this time very much intensified, and came on just after the flow, usually not until several hours after the flow is established; unable to keep the body or hands quiet while the pains lasted; flow lasts the same length of time, but not so profuse as common (thirty-second day). Menses delayed two days, with nausea at the breakfast table; discharge normal, profuse; mammae not sore until the day before, and then only slightly; usually tender and very sensitive a week previous (sixty-first day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.