
Fagopyrum homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

    Common names: Buckwheat; (Germ)., Bachweisen; (Fr). Le ble noir.


Fagopyrum esculentum, Moench. (Polygonum Fagopyrum, Linn). Natural order: Polygonacae. Preparation: Tincture of the whole mature plant.


Emotional. In an exceedingly happy state of mind (forty-fifth day). Don’t want to speak or be spoken to, in the afternoon (fifteenth day). Mind depressed (eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth days). Never before felt much depression of spirits (twenty- seventh day). Irritable (seventeenth day). Great irritability of mind (ninth day). Feel cross and irritable all the evening (sixth day). Have not felt so cross and irritable since I can remember (fifth day). Intellectual. Mind active, at 5 A.M. (twenty-third day). Have less inclination than usual to mental exertion, cannot settle my mind on one thing, cannot think clearly. Undertook to study this afternoon, but could not, I felt so uneasy (second day). At 11 P.M. do not feel as much like study as usual (first day). No inclination to mental labor (twenty-ninth day). Can’t fix my mind on anything, or remember what I read even for a few minutes (twenty-fifth day). Am unable to study, in the evening (nineteenth day). Have for several days been entirely unable to listen to lectures (twenty-seventh day). Mind clouded, at 1 P.M., relieved by eating (twenty-third day).


Confusion and Vertigo. Head confused (forty-eighth day). Confusion of head, in the afternoon (forty-first day). Head confused and some of the old feeling of suffocation, in the forenoon (thirty-first day). Feeling of confusion of the whole head (fifth day). Whole head feels confused, in the afternoon (thirty-fourth day). Vertigo and confused feeling in the head (fifth day). Vertigo and fullness of the head upon rising, relieved by sitting still, at 10 P.M. (sixteenth day). Slight vertigo, with nausea (sixth day). Dizzy feeling, and dull pain all through the head (fifth day). General Head. Head feels heavy (seventeenth day). Head tired and confused, at 10.30 A.M., headache at 3 P. m. (thirty-third day). P n in the head (twenty- sixth day). Severe pain in the head, which extends from the irritated surface of the nose through back of the eyes to the forehead (fifth day). Pain through the whole head and occiput, to the back of the neck, relieved by pressure and gentle motion, especially in the cool air (fifth day). Feeling of head in the head, and as if the head was too heavy; temporary relief from bending the head back, but soon followed by pulsating and pressure in the head. At 2 P.M. the heat seems to increase, and yet but little redness of the face (sixth day). Head hot (forty- third day). Head hot and neck tired; dull pain all through the head in the evening (thirtieth day). Heat of head and pain remaining in the forehead until evening, when it went to the vertex also. Late in the evening it extended to the root of the nose (forty-fifth day). For a few minutes a feeling of fullness in the head (second day). Bursting pains in the heard and prostration, lasting for some time (eighth day). Pain in the head, bursting outward all the afternoon; bursting pressure, especially in the temples and forehead (fifth and thirtieth days). During the afternoon and evening, bursting out headache as usual, with inability to apply the mind on account of its increasing the pressure in the head (ninth day). Headache during the afternoon, pressing outward, especially in the occiput, relieved about 10 P.M. (third day). Pressure outward in the head, with steady pain in the morning (eighth day). After retiring head feels as if it would split (thirty-third day). Head feels congested and aches, in the afternoon (seventh day). Congestive headache after eating, in the afternoon (fourth day). Feeling of congestion and as if the eyes were pressed out from behind (fifth day). Through the day, aching of the head, more in the forehead, and especially back of the eyes, pressing outward (sixth day). Dull aching through the whole head, in the morning (sixth day). Woke with headache and pain behind the eyes (eighth day). Soon after rising, headache came on (tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth days). Headache with pressure, in the morning (fifty- first day). Headache increased after retiring (fifteenth night). Headache at 1 P.M., relieved by eating (twenty-third day). Headache and pain in my eyes come on; this is severe; slightly relieved by cold application, in the morning (forty-third day). Dull headache (thirteenth and twenty-first day). Dull headache and pains through the chest, in the afternoon (fifty-firsts day). Dull headache comes on at 8.20 A.M.; increased at 4 P.M.; neck feels very tired, and constant heavy aching pain from occiput down the neck, and dull pressing-out pain in the head (thirty- second day). Dull headache, and pain extending down the back of my neck, which feels very tired (forty-ninth day). Pressure in the head (twenty-third and thirty-seventh days). Pressure and fullness in the head (fifth day). Pressure in the head and dull pain in the occiput, in the morning (twenty-fourth day). Pressure in the head, aggravated by mental exertion; difficult to listen, but not so difficult as yesterday, at 5 P.M. (seventh day). After retiring pressure in the head and some headache (thirteenth day). Pressure and heat in the head, at 3.50 P.M. (twenty-third day). Pressure in head; occasional sharp pains through the head, more through the right eye and temple, in the forenoon (fortieth day). Pressing headache, especially back of the eyes (seventh day). Pulsating in head severe, and nearly the whole scalp feels as if raised by the throbbing (thirty-fifth day). Throbbing all through my head, which now has a sharp aching pain all through, extending to the eyes, and through them; stooping aggravates, at 8.30 P.M. (thirty-first day). Head feels weary, at 2 P.M. (forty-second day). Head feels weary; dull pain from back of the eyes through the head and occiput, in the forenoon; pain in the occiput and severe pressure through the head and back of the eyes, in the eyes, in the afternoon (twentieth day). 10.30 P.M., have a weary feeling in my head, also, at 11 P.M., a tensive feeling in the whole upper part of the head (first day). Surging through the head, which feels hot (fifth day). All head symptoms aggravated by bending the head forward (seventh day). Head and eyes worse, from motion or reading (fifteenth day). Head symptoms relieved by walking in the open air, in the afternoon (fourth day). Forehead. Intolerable headache extending from the forehead to the roots of the nose (ninth day). Fulness of the front and upper part of the head (one hour after second dose, sixth day). Fulness in the forehead, somewhat aggravated by study (fifteenth day). Arose with a slight fullness in the forehead, which soon passed away (ninth day). Sense of fullness in forehead and occiput, in the morning. Sharp, short-lasting pain in left temporal region off and on during the day; on walking out in afternoon, experienced a feeling of fullness in left frontal eminence (eleventh day). Up all night, which brought on congestive headache, frontal (thirty- fourth night). Congested headache and fullness in the front part of the head, with nausea; slightly relieved after a light-brown soft stool, with much flatus, in the afternoon (fifteenth day). Feeling as if the blood rushed to the forehead (forty-fourth day). Aching in the forehead, about the eyes and back of them, in the afternoon (third day). Frontal headache; head feels hot (twenty-eighth day). Frontal headache, with fullness and heat (thirtieth day). Slight frontal headache in the morning upon waking, and when first moving around (fourteenth and forty-sixth days). Slight frontal headache commencing soon after taking the drug, worse in afternoon, and still worse in evening (forty-fifth day). Severe headache back of the eyes; head hot and full, in the afternoon (eighth day). On first day of menstruation a severe frontal headache, more on left side, congested and aggravated by movement (sixty-fifth day). Pressure in the forehead and back of the eyes aggravated by bending forward, also by mental application (sixth day). Dull pressing pain in the forehead, temples, and back of the eyes, at noon (seventh and tenth days). To-night throbbing headache in the left frontal region, aggravated by movement (fifty-fourth day). About 10 P.M. a sharp cutting from the outer angle of the frontal bone, left side, backward and inward (second day). Pain in the temples and back of the eyes, right side worse than left, at 7.30 P.M. (second day). Pain in the temples and back of the head upon rising, relieved by bending the head back, aggravated by stooping. Pressive headache, starting sometimes with shooting from the back of the eyes to the back of the neck, in the afternoon (fourteenth day). Feeling of fullness in the temples, lasting about three hours (after half an hour, first day). Feeling of fullness in the temples, and an occasional darting pain back of the left eye (after twenty minutes, second day). Pressing out in the temples (sixth day). Pressing out in the temples and some pain back of the eyes, at 5 P.M. (seventh day). Darting pain in right temple (after four hours, fifth day). Bruised sore feeling of left temple, and pain on opening the mouth, at 1 P.M. (thirtieth day). Vertex. Pain in top of head during the soon (thirty-second day). Pressing-out pain in top of the head, soon (thirty-second day). Parietals. Head, pain in left side, through left eye and in left parietal bone, all from within outward. Dull pain all through the left side of the head, greatly aggravated by sitting still or thinking; relieved in the open air, also by talking (fifth day). Dull pain in the left side of the head; pain extends from the left eye through into the occiput, and down the left side of the neck (thirteenth day). Slight headache, pressing outward in the frontoparietal region, lasted about an hour (after one hour, first and second days). Occiput. Back of head tired (forty-eighth day). Pain in the occiput, with sense of weariness in the back of the neck (fifth day). A sharp and sticking pain in the occiput, right side especially (fifth day). Sharp darting pain in the left occipital region radiating to the left side, very persistent and very marked (second day). External Head. Sharp threadlike pains of scalp (forty-ninth). Itching creeping sensation of the scalp, momentarily relieved by scratching, but followed by aggravation; lasted nearly two hours (after one hour and a half, third day). Itching of the scalp occurred frequently, with a sense of heat (first day). Itching of the scalp, and especially about the mastoid processes (sixth day). Itching of the scalp, especially back of the ears, at noon (second day). Itching about the occiput (fifth day). Itching of scalp, occipital portion, and of nose, which has become more swollen and excoriated (fourth day). Occasional itching of the scalp, especially of the occipital portion. This comes on while sitting still in a warm room (second day). Terrible itching of the scalp, at 7 P.M. (second day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.