
Hip. Stitches in the left hip-joint, while walking. Thigh. Pain in the adductor of the right thigh, while walking and sitting, lasting the whole day (and for several days), entirely corresponding with the pain she had had nine months previously when she pushed with the foot something standing on the ground (second day). Much pain in the right and right glutei, a pain as if some one had applied burning tinder to the part (seventh day). A mixture of sticking and burning in the fascia lata of the left thigh (fourth day). Stitches in the right nates (twenty-sixth day). Violent needlelike stitch in the posterior portion of the thighs, only when standing (after half an hour). Violent needle- like stitches in the anterior muscles of the right thigh, while standing (after half an hour). Knee. Weariness in the knees, as from a long walk (after four hours). Painful tension in the tendons under the knee, while walking; they feel too short, so that walking is difficult (after three hours). Jerking sticking in the left knee, while walking. Leg. Pain drawing upward and downward in the periosteum in front of the left tibia, while sitting (after two hours and a half). Tension extending from the outer malleolus, near the tendo Achillis, to the calf, while walking and sitting. Cramplike pain in the calf, with feeling of heaviness, on standing a long time (after two hours and a half). Constant boring stitches in the tibiae from below upward (after one hour and a half). Ankle. Cracking in the external left malleolus, while stepping. Foot. Painless numbness of the left foot (not a falling asleep, with an unpleasant sensation when the circulation returned), (first day). Sticking pain in the ball of the right foot for three or four minutes, frequent repeated, and becoming a slight burning while sitting, in the afternoon (twenty-sixth day). Extremely violent sticking in one heel (which had been frozen four years previously) in the beginning of the might, lasting an hour; (this heel had been serviceable as a barometer, always giving indication of a change of weather, which, however, was not the cause of this pain), (first day). Violent lancinating stitches in the left os calcis, at 6 P.M., while sitting, lasting four or five minutes (first day). Toes. Stitches in the left great toe, while walking (twenty-sixth day). Very transient but violent stitch in the left great toe, in the evening (twelfth day). Tickling crawling in the left toes; the place is painful after rubbing (after two hours).

General symptoms

Objective. Indolent, hypochondriac; external objects were no incentive, had no life for him. Weariness, in the morning (third day). Unusual weariness (third day). Irresistible weariness obliges her to lie down towards evening, with great heat of the hands and accelerated pulse (as she thinks); the upper arms are as heavy as lead, and the wrists feel as though they had been forcibly squeezed; in spite of great weariness and partial sleep she heard everything, and on closing the eyes large heads appear which make grimaces; she wakes with chilliness over the whole body, especially the legs and knees; afterwards pressure in the stomach, as if it were overloaded (third day). Very weary during the day, and he was unable to sleep at night lying in bed before 2 o’clock, for three nights in succession. Weakness, lasting into the night (fifth day). Such great weakness of the whole body, especially of the lower limbs, that he is obliged to make unusual exertion while walking, the whole day (third day). Great uneasiness at night; with much desire to urinate (first night). Tossing here and there at night, the bed seemed harder than usual and I could find no place to rest (third night). Weak feeling, as after fasting (third day). General feeling of prostration, in the morning (second day). Pain in the adductors (eighth day). Pain in the right adductors (fifth day). Stitches in various parts of the body, especially in the adductors of the right thigh and last phalanx of the finger which carries the thimble, and which she had violently bruised a few weeks previously (second day). Some stitches here and there in the body (from 6th dil).. Some stitches in the muscles, with lachrymation and contractive feeling in the right eye (from 30th dil).. Some stitches constantly jumping about in the hands, spine, arms, legs, and genitals (first day). Bruised sensation in the morning (second day). Symptoms of Euphrasia are especially removed by coffee.


Papulous eruption containing pus, on the wings of the nose (after one hour and a half). (Sticking in the condylomata, even while sitting, worse when walking, with sore and burning pain when touched). Transient, itching stitches here and there throughout the whole night; he tosses uneasily about the bed, and cannot get warm enough. Frequent biting and itching over the whole body as from flea-bites (nineteenth and following days). Formication beneath the left scapula, lasting two minutes, but returning after half an hour, in the afternoon (first day). (Itching sensation in the condylomata). Voluptuous itching on the margin of the prepuce, obliging him to scratch; after scratching and on pressure the place is painful (after two hours). Voluptuous itching on the forepart of the thigh, obliging him to scratch, after which the part is painful; only while walking in the open air (after nine hours and a half). Voluptuous itching on the right calf, obliging him to scratch, in the evening while walking (after twelve hours).

Sleep and Dreams

Sleepiness. Yawning, at first in short, afterwards in long attacks (first day). Yawning several times, followed by nausea, which continues some minutes, soon disappearing after a glass of fresh water (after two hours, first day). Frequent yawning, at 5 P.M. (first day). Frequent yawning and sleepiness; sleep only about 11 P.M. (sixth day). Incessant yawning in the evening, without weariness (first day). Unusual yawning while walking in the open air. Violent yawning (first day). Spasmodic yawning; before she had completely yawned a second yawning commenced, without any sensation of weariness, with lachrymation of the eyes, bubbling in the ears and pulsation internally in the throat (it seemed as though one could hear the noise of it); after which she saw indistinctly with the left eye; the whole lasted about ten minutes (second day). Stretching and yawning, while sitting and reading, as if he had not slept enough (which was not the case), (first day). Sleepiness, which seems to begin in the eyes and lasted ten hours (after half an hour). Sleepiness, early in the evening; I went to bed earlier than usual and slept quietly (third day). Sleepiness in the afternoon (fifth day). Sleepiness, with activity. Sleepiness, without being able to sleep, with much yawning. Great sleepiness during the day, though he had slept throughout the previous night. Overpowering sleepiness (in the afternoon), (fourth day); (at 8 P.M)., (ninth day). Sleeplessness. Late falling asleep (twentieth day). Went to bed early, but was unable to sleep till towards midnight; sleep was good till 5 A.M. (first night). Was obliged to go to bed early on account of sleepiness, but on lying down sleep disappeared until about 11 P.M. (second night). Frequent waking at night from feverish dreams, with sensation of chilliness, frequent urging to urinate, and emission of large quantities of urine (tenth night). Frequent waking as from fright, at night. For three mornings, in succession he awoke every moment after 3 A.M., then fell into a stupid sleep about 6 A.M., without dreams; on waking from this there was a pressure on the upper part of the chest, the head was dizzy and heavy; he was nauseated and sweat broke out all over; vertigo was increased by every slight motion, even to falling sideways; all the limbs seemed weak and tremulous; on rising the upper part of the body seemed much too heavy, as if the limbs were unable to carry it; the attack gradually diminished till noon, with depressed mood. Night sleep frequently interrupted, with confusion of the head in the morning; eyes heavy as though he had not slept enough; this condition disappeared after washing the whole body in cold water, to which he had been accustomed for years (fourth day). Uneasy sleep, with many dreams and frequent micturition (first night). Unrefreshing sleep at night, with tossing about and frequent micturition, which did not seem to correspond to the amount of water taken (third night). Dreams. Confused dreams (first night). Frightful and uneasy dreams (eighth night). Frightful dreams of fires and conflagrations from lightning (second night).


Chilliness. Much chilliness in a warm room (second day). Constant chilliness. Internal chilliness, the whole forenoon, but in the afternoon (after 2 P.M). violent chilliness in both arms, which were quite cold. Febrile chilliness all over (after half an hour). Coldness of the whole surface of the body, under the usual covering at night (first night). Heat. Sudden flushes of heat, with redness of the face and cold hands (without thirst), (after quarter of an hour). Slight febrile excitement, in the evening (ninth day). Sweat. Sweat at night during sleep, disappearing on waking, two nights in succession. General sweat three nights in succession, during sleep, of a strong odor, mostly on the chest (chilliness on rising from bed). Distressing dryness of the skin; perspires with great difficulty, even after violent exercise (thirty-third day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.