

Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea three times (fifty-seventh day). Stool formed and quite satisfactory, in the morning and evening (very unusual), (first day); this was repeated twice daily (third and fourth days). Stool in the evening in part pasty, though in the morning there had been an evacuation of nodular faeces (sixth day). Stool at first solid, then pasty (second day). Constipation. Constipation. No stool for two days (third and fourth days). Stool delayed, hard, and scanty. Stool did not occur at the usual time, and only in the evening, preceded by flatulence, with great urging; it was thick, pasty, followed by sensation of warmth and slight burning in the anus (third day); very scanty and hard, at an unusual time (fourth day); delayed but normal (fifth day); at the usual time and normal (sixth day). Stool later than usual in the evening, nodular, hard, and unsatisfactory, followed after two hours by violent itching in the anus, with an irresistible desire to scratch, lasting a quarter of an hour (sixteenth day). Stool scanty and dry, in spite of large quantities of fruit (thirty-third day). Stool scanty (eighteenth day); for the last three days had been very dry and sluggish (eighteenth day). The stool becomes daily dryer, the discharge more difficult (quite contrary to his habit; for many years he was accustomed to have a daily copious stool after coffee), (nineteenth day). Increased secretion of urine; more was passed in the night than in all the preceding eight days (eighth night). The secretion of urine was somewhat increased during the proving. Frequent secretion of urine (eighth night); frequent urging to urinate (ninth and subsequent nights). Profuse secretion of urine (after 60 drops). Frequent micturition (after three-quarters of an hour). Frequent micturition and profuse urine, in the evening (sixth day). Micturition three times during the first three hours (very extraordinary), (first day). Frequent emission of clear urine (after two hours). Unusual amount of pale urine (second and third days).

Sexual organs

Cramplike drawing inwards of the genitals, together with pressure above the pubis; in the evening, in bed. Feeling of burning heat over the whole glans penis (third day). Several needle like stitches on the tip of the glans penis (after one hour and a half). Voluptuous, itching, needle like stitches on the glans penis, which is painful after scratching; while sitting (after ten hours). The testicles are drawn up, with crawling in them (after twelve hours). Menstruation delayed four days, without other symptoms; continued a shorter time than usual, and was much more scanty.

Respiratory organs

Larynx. No hoarseness in the evening, in spite of reading a long time; felt at last, however, a pressure in the larynx, as if its calibre were diminished (sixth day). Irritation of the larynx, impelling him to cough, followed by tensive pressure beneath the sternum (first day). Voice. Voice somewhat hoarse, in the morning (tenth day). Cough and Expectoration. Cough only during the day, not at night. Cough worse during the day, with mucus in the chest, which cannot be loosened. Sudden violent cough, caused by tickling in the larynx, ceasing after a few seconds (six hours after dose, sixteenth day). Profuse expectoration of mucus by voluntary hawking, for several days. Difficult respiration, even in the room. Deep inspiration is difficult, even while sitting. Shortness of breathing (fourth day). Shortness of breathing, immediately on getting into bed and assuming a horizontal posture, whereby inspiration seemed to him to have a sobbing character, and sound similar to, but much weaker than, the sobbing of a child after crying (fourth day). While coughing he has no breath, almost as in hooping-cough. Constant waking from sensation of suffocation, so that he was obliged to sit upright and cough, during the midday sleep (apparently caused by mucus in the posterior nares), (third day).


Increased tension, especially in the left side of the chest; was unable to sleep before midnight (first night). Pressure upon the chest (thirty fifth day), – Sticking in the left lung remained, but was slight and transient (seventh day). Sticking sensation in the lung, in the region of the right nipple, which after it had disappeared was always renewed by deep inspiration, lasting ten minutes, at 8 P.M. (third day). Stitches in the left lung (after 30th dil).. Stitches in the right pectoral muscles (eighth day). Sticking pulsation in the left lung, in the region of the nipple (fourth day). Front. Pressive pain beneath the sternum, especially in the forenoon, with transient sticking here and there in the chest (ninth day). Some fine stitches beneath the sternum, especially on inspiration (after ten hours). Sides. Stitches in the right side of the chest (first day).


Violent pain in the heart and palpitation, in the afternoon (fourth day). Violent long-continued pain in the heart, with audible palpitation, in the afternoon (first day). Sticking in the heart (third day). Some fine stitches beneath the precordial region, on inspiration and expiration, in the evening while sitting (after fifteen hours). Palpitation, on walking rapidly (fifth day).


Cramplike pain in the back (after one hour). Intermitting cramp like pain in the back, for half an hour (after one hour). Constant pressive pains in the back, while sitting and walking (after fifty-four hours). Violent sticking pain along the whole spine, gradually disappearing after moving about, in the morning on waking (thirteenth day and every succeeding morning for three or four weeks). Rheumatic drawing from the uppermost dorsal vertebra to the left clavicle; the place is painful to touch, in the afternoon (first day). Stitches and burning pain in the left scapula, pit of the stomach, liver, and diaphragm; in the latter place, especially, renewed by deep inspiration (eighth day). Distressing heaviness in the small of the back, on rising in the morning; this developed into a pain as if sprained, so that an hour after rising I could hardly stoop forward, and not at all bend to the right side; even stretching of the body to the right side was not easily possible on account of the increase of pain; this pain in the small of the back gradually disappeared in the forenoon, extending into the left hip, where it caused a similar sensation of heaviness and straining; after dinner there was much less of this pain, and in the evening it had entirely disappeared (third day).

Extremities in General

Weariness in the limbs, in the evening (first day). Weary lassitude in the limbs and generally almost febrile condition (first day). Weakness of the limbs, in the evening (sixth day).

Superior Extremities

Sensation in the arms as if they had fallen asleep. Dull pain in the right upper and forearm, extending to the fingers, in the afternoon (sixth day). Shoulder. Sticking pain in the right shoulder-joint, in the afternoon (sixth day). Arm. Stitches in the right upper arm (first day). A benumbing stitch in the left upper arm (after half an hour). Elbow. Rheumatic drawing and sticking in the right elbow, wrist, and hand, which latter is hotter than the left, with distended veins; the painful sensation extends to the middle finger and thumb, then suddenly returns to the hand, in the evening (first day). Dull tearing in the elbow and wrist-joints (after two hours). Forearm. Pain in the right forearm and hand, as from being asleep (after one hour and a half). Some dull stitches in the forepart of the left forearm close to the wrist (after thirteen hours). Wrist. Paralyzed sensation in the right wrist, extending to the elbow (third day). Pain like a cramp in the wrists, lasting half an hour (after twenty-four hours). Hand. The hands fall asleep (first night). Very piercing pinching pain on the back of the hand (after three hours). Cramp like pain in the metacarpus. Pain like a cramp, alternately violent and slight in the metacarpus, lasting half an hour (after one hour). Cramp like pressive pain in the left hand, changing to cramplike pressing pain in the fingers. Fingers. Numbness of the thumb, index, and middle finger of the right hand, and also of the parts affected by writers’ cramp, immediately on going out (second day). Numbness of the right index and middle fingers (third day). Numbness of the right index finger, so that she lost her needle (first day). Deadness of the fingers of the right hand (first day). Pain, as from being asleep, in the phalanges and finger-joints, more towards the outer side (after one hour and half), Pinching pain in the fingers of the left hand for three or four minutes, while sitting, at 9 A.M. (fifty-seventh day). Side (after one hour and half) pineling pain in the fingers of the left. Pinching pain in the first (metacarpal) phalanx of the index finger (after three hours). Cramplike pain in the fingers, especially in the finger- joints of the left hand (after one hour and a half).

Inferior Extremities

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.