

Pain in the right ear, with a sensation as though hot vapor penetrated it (sixth day). Painful tension within the left ear (after six hours). Very violent boring pain within the right ear in the region of the drum, as if from within outward (after seven hours). Sensation to dragging from within outward in the ears (fourth day). Sticking in the ear, feeling as though earache would set in (first day). Violent stitch in the right mastoid process (three-quarters of an hour after dose, third day).


Objective. Swelling of the mucous membrane of the left nostril, in the morning (nineteenth day). Inflammation of the left half of the nose again returns (thirty-fifth day). Sneezing and yawning (first day). Sneezing, with profuse fluent coryza, whereby much mucus is discharged, not only through the nostril, but also through the posterior nares (after nine hours). (Frequent sneezing, which she had not had on preceding days, wherewith much watery mucus was discharged from the nose), (first day). Slight fluent coryza, with pressure in the forehead, near the root of the nose, on waking, at 5 A.M., disappearing after taking a cold sponge bath, at 6 A.M. (fifth day). Profuse fluent coryza, in the morning, with much cough and expectoration (after forty-six hours). Subjective. Dryness of the nose (twenty-sixth day). Dryness of the nose and eyes, so that he is obliged to close the eyes whole reading or writing (forty-third day). Great dryness of the nose and photophobia (thirty-third day). Violent irritation to sneeze, during the whole day, without having taken cold and without cause (this symptom returned every day while under the influence of Euphrasia). Itching of the nostrils (sixth day).


Objective. Red, hot face for half an hour (after a quarter of an hour). Pale color (second day). Paleness of the face, lasting an hour, immediately. Subjective. Violent pain in the facial nerve, below the eye, for a long time in the afternoon (a kind of tic douloureux), (first day). Redness and heat of the cheeks, lasting an hour (after a quarter of an hour and half an hour). Stiffness of the left cheek while speaking and chewing, with a sensation of heat and some transient stitches in it (after six hours). Drawing pain transversely across the upper jaw (after two hours and a half). Lips. Slight excoriations in the corners of the mouth (third day). China Stitches in the chin (sixth day). Fine stitches in the chin, with a sensation of internal heat in the same place (after half an hour). Violent drawing in the right side of the lower jaw, and slight indications of earache in the right side, in the afternoon (second day). Stitches several times through the right side of the lower jaw (third day). Violent stitches from behind forward beneath the right lower jaw, near the throat, quickly disappearing on touch (after eight hours and a half). Needlelike stitches piercing forward in the left lower jaw, which actually hindered chewing, at noon while eating (after seven hours).


Teeth. Violent pain in a molar tooth, which had been sensitive several months, at times (first day). Sticking in the lower teeth. Sticking in a hollow tooth, while walking in the open air, lasting several minutes, and disappearing on entering a warm room; at 4 P.M. (second day). Stitches in a hollow tooth and in the right lower jaw, while walking in the open air, becoming better on returning into a warm room; in the afternoon (fourth day). (Throbbing in two teeth after eating and at other times). Gums. (Inflamed swelling of the gum near the last back tooth, which had been painful for some weeks), (eighth day). Profuse bleeding of the gum (after one hour). Pain in the gum of the right lower jaw, immediately on rising, where there is an inflamed ring around in incisor (second day). Tongue. Tongue thickly coated in the morning (thirty-sixth day). Very thick coating on the tongue, in the morning, with an earthy taste (thirty-third day). General Mouth. Dryness of the mouth (thirty- fifth day). Taste. Insipid taste in the mouth. Mouth tastes like clay (third day). Unnatural taste to the food at noon (sixth day). Bitter taste to the tobacco smoke in the morning (after fifty-two hours). While speaking he recommences many times, not only repeating the first words of the sentence (a kind of stammering), but also after the periods he frequently recommences, in order to select another expression; formerly he used to speak connectedly.


The nose is quite free from catarrh, and the usual course of the disease has transferred it to larynx, and trachea, but the clearing of the throat is remarkably suppressed, and the difficulty of breathing very great), (fifth day). Isthmus faucium somewhat painful (twentieth day).


Appetite. Hunger, without appetite, at noon (after fifty-four hours). Loss of appetite (third day). Appetite for breakfast and dinner less than usual, with pasty taste (eighteenth day). Little appetite for dinner (ninth day). The cigar was very little relished, and after a few puffs was laid aside (I usually smoke a great deal), (ninth day). No relish for cigars (first and third days); (fifth day). Thirst. Thirst in the evening (twentieth day). Increased thirst in the evening (ninth day). Eructation and Hiccough. Eructations of food in the afternoon (fourth day). Eructations of food at 1 P.M. (fifth day). Frequent eructations of the food in the afternoon (third day). Eructations, tasting of the food. Eructations, tasting of the food, in the afternoon (first day). Hiccough (after five minutes). Heartburn, with frequent empty eructations (half an hour after dose, fourth day). Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea soon after a dose (sixth day). Nausea, and feeling of emptiness in the stomach (a quarter of an hour after dose, fourth day). Transient nausea, soon after 5 drops (seventeenth day). Qualmish nausea and griping in the abdomen (half an hour after the dose, third day). Qualmishness and nausea, caused by the tobacco smoke, which has a bitter, biting taste (after fourteen hours). Qualmishness and nausea for a quarter of an hour (ninth day). Qualmishness and nausea, relieved after a swallow of water (fourth day). Transient sensation of qualmishness; I had just commenced to smoke a cigar, which I immediately laid aside on feeling the nausea (a quarter of an hour after second dose). During the day I smoked without any further sensation of nausea (third day). Transient inclination to vomit (eighth day). Stomach. Slight discomfort in the stomach (after one hour, first day). The uncomfortable sensation in the stomach increases in the room to nausea and uprising of heat, a sensation whereby all parts of the body were gradually affected (first day). Stomach feels distended, disappearing, with frequent eructations of food, in the afternoon (sixth day). Tensive pain in the epigastric region at noon (twentieth day). Gnawing in the stomach, after eating, at noon (fifth day). Pressure in the stomach, as from fullness, followed by eructations, with relief (half an hour after dose, fifth day). Stitches in the epigastric region (first day).


Hypochondria. Violent sticking in the hepatic region, extending to the back, at 6 P.M. (fourth day). Stitches in the hepatic region, which sometimes extend to the abdomen, and sometimes to the right lung (third day). Stitches in the spleen in the morning (fourth day). Umbilical. Griping in the umbilical region in the afternoon (sixth day). Griping about the umbilicus in the afternoon (fifth day). – Griping about the umbilicus, with qualmish nausea, transient, followed by rumbling in the intestines (second day). General Abdomen. Rumbling in the bowels, with desire for food, that was satisfied by a bit of bread, at 11 A.M. (sixth day). Painless rumbling in the abdomen, as from hunger and emptiness (after one hour and a half). Distress in the bowels (fifth-seventh day). Pains in the abdomen, frequently griping, with three soft stools and rumbling in the intestines (first, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth days). Distension of the abdomen, as without flatulence, before dinner. Griping in the abdomen in short paroxysms (after three and four hours). Awakened at night with griping and rumbling in the bowels, disappearing after much flatus (seventeenth day). Transient griping in the bowels (in the morning he had had a difficult, unsatisfactory, and delayed stool), (first day). A kind of oppression of the abdomen, a burning, pressive pain, extending transversely across the abdomen, during rest and motion (after five hours and a half). Colic, lasting seven hours (after two hours). Iliac Region. Sticking-drawing from the upper part of the thigh into the groin, worse while sitting (after forty-eight hours). Sudden sticking-drawing pain along the left inguinal canal, extending down into the testicle, on rising from sitting, lasting two or three minutes (fourth day).

Rectum and Anus

The hemorrhoids began again to swell and become tense (on renewing the proving), (seventeenth day). The hemorrhoids are smaller, but painful in every position and on every motion (tenth day); next day, they are still troublesome, with sticking and burning, but are decidedly smaller and less painful, after a slight stool and towards evening (eleventh day); still somewhat troublesome (twelfth day). Burning and itching in the anus, in the afternoon, with the appearance of two hemorrhoids as large as beans (ninth day). Burning in a hemorrhoids, from afternoon till evening (perhaps the result of a small quantity of wine and water), relieved by a cold sitz bath (seventh day). Violent burning in the hemorrhoids, lasting the whole afternoon, gradually disappearing (fifth day). Pressure in the anus while sitting. Painful crawling in the anus in the evening (fourth day). Itching and burning of the hemorrhoids at 6 P.M. (fourth day). The itching of the hemorrhoids becomes more boring- sticking, and only disappears after an hour and a half, after going to bed, together with return of the shortness hour and a half, after going to bed, together with return of the shortness of breath and the sobbing on assuming a horizontal posture (fifth day). Violent itching in the hemorrhoids, which had not yet disappeared (nineteenth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.