Crotalus Horridus

Boston Medorrhinum Intel., vol. 1, 1823, p.62, James Thacher, M.D.

A rattlesnake stuck its fangs into a man’s hand.

A swelling commenced in a few minutes, with severe pain; in half an hour his whole arm to his shoulder was swollen to twice its natural size.-The skin of his whole arm became of a deep-orange color, in half an hour. His body, on one side, soon became affected in a similar manner.- Nausea.

Buffalo Medorrhinum and Surg. Journ., vol.1, 1861, p.82, L.S. Hamamelis Mr.

Lodbell received a full blow on the right hand, in that triangular fleshy part which lies between the thumb and index finger. By drawing a line from the second joint of the thumb, and the third joint of the index finger, and a quarter of an inch above or back of that line, will give the exact locality of the wound. Both fangs entered full length and the snake had to be shaken off.

Hand much swollen, the swelling extending nearly to the elbow (after three hours and a half).- Hand and lower part of the forearm dark and mottled (after three hours and a half); extending very rapidly, nearly to the shoulder (after five hours), although remedies were applied. -Very arm, after walking five miles (after three hours and a half).- Pulse 116 (after three hours and a half).- Vomited several times (after three hours and a half).- Indistinctness of visions (after three hours and a half).

Buffalo Medorrhinum Journ., vol.8, 1852-53, p.72, Dr. S.W.Woodhouse.

Rattlesnake buried his fangs in the side of the index finger of my left hand, about the middle of the first phalanx.

The pain was noticed to momentarily produce, as it were, a severe shock, and accompanied by nausea.- Applied Ammonium and drank whisky.-Glands of the axilla sore and painful.- Took a quart of fourth proof brandy and half a pint of whisky (enough to have killed a man under ordinary circumstances) to produce intoxication, which lasted only four hours.- During intoxication vomiting freely.- (Took Ammonium and Mass Hydrarg. and Colocynth.

comp.; pulver. Doveri grs x; during night at least 4 grs Pulv Opium)- Restlessness night, without sleep, although during the night took at least Pulv. Opium gr.4.-Pain in the finger intense (second morning).-Several times to-day tried to walk across the room, but at times would be seized with nausea and commence vomiting (second day), continuing (fourth day).- Swelling down the left side as far as the hip (fourth day).- A well marked demarcation extended along the arm to the axilla(second morning).- The broad red line following the course of the lymphatic is now filled with a yellow serum (fourth day).- Nail became lose (fourth day); removed the nail (eighth day).- The point where the fang entered, for three eighths of an inch in diameter, is of a dark-brown color (fourth day).- Hand much swollen and filled with serum (fifth day).- The first and second joints of the finger do not present a healthy appearance, the palmar surface having the appearance of gangrene; the discharge is thin and watery, without smell. The granulations do not present a healthy appearance; they are rough, and many of them look as if they were sprinkled with yellow ochre(after seven days).- Large slough, which gradually came away and left the last phalanx exposed in two places. A sinus remained open in the end of the finger; upon introducing a probe into the latter, the bone could be felt quite rough. A discharge was kept up in this for nearly five months, when I removed the exfoliation of the end of the phalanx, showing evidently that the fang had entered the periosteum. Soon after this sinus closed, leaving the finger in a deformed state, anchylosis having taken place in the first joint.- Circulation is very imperfect, one of the arteries being destroyed, which renders the finger very susceptible to cold.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.