Crotalus Horridus

Paralysis of one side, lasting during life.

Faintness. Attacks of faintness, with paleness of the face.

Frequent attacks of faintness with imperceptible pulse, and inclination to vomit. Death by syncope. Turns about very much in bed.

Subjective. Weariness and rapid loss of strength, with fever.

The bitten part pains her severely (after twenty-six hours).

Intense burning in the wound, extending over the body, even to the top of the head. Bruised sensation in the morning, after waking; is scarcely able to rise. Bruised pain in all the bones, in the morning, on waking, disappearing after rising. All the pains alternate rapidly with each other, and frequently recur.

All the pains, except the headache, appeared and disappeared suddenly, lasting from half an hour to three hours (first day).

Improvement after ammonia, Camphor, Opium, coffee, and brandy.


Objective.Yellow color of the whole body. The body is covered with yellow spots. Yellow spots break out at times. Yellow spot at the place of the bite, with swelling and pains from time to time (chronic result). Blue and yellow spots with fever occurred yearly. Blue and yellow spots became again visible the next year after the bite, with swelling and death. Old scars break out again.

Oozing of blood in the form of sweat in large quantities.

Her left leg, as high as the hip, was enormously distended and threatened mortification, the skin having a shining appearance, with discoloration, being black on the outside and mottled on the inside with black and yellow spots, so that one might have fancied it resembled the skin of the snake (after twenty-six hours).

Eruptions, Dry. Eruption of numerous isolated red pimples, very small, with a few large ones upon and between the scapulae. The skin became constantly affected with pimples, and an ulcer formed on the right thigh, after a few doses.

Eruptions, Moist. Blisters and livid spots on the body, with frequent attacks of faintness, and imperceptible pulse. Blisters on the swollen arm. Blisters surrounded by red areolae, as large as a six-franc piece, on the inner side of the arm, beneath the shoulder, and near the elbow (second day); these increased in circumference on the third day; they healed on the seventh day.

Blisters formed about the wound, passing into ulcers. About the wound were several large vesicles filled with very dark bloody serum. Three months later there appeared upon the integument covering the metacarpal bone of the right thumb, an eruption of three or four small vesicles, accompanied by a “beating” pain at the site of the eruption, together with contraction of the flexors and inability to extend the hand. In the course of a few days the vesicles dried up and the other symptoms disappeared.

Since that time and up to the date of my visit she has had a return of the eruption, with contraction of some of the flexors, every three months.

Eruptions, Pustular. A large pustule near the left wing of the nose, with tensive pains extending into the cheek, followed by long-continued redness and hardness in this place.

Ulcers. Formation of obstinate ulcers about an old bite.

Gangrene of the bitten portion, extending over the body.

Subjective. Itching on the middle joints of all the fingers of both hands. Some itching about the bend of the arm. Sticking itching alternately in all parts of the body, but worst on the scapulae.

Sleep and Dreams.

Sleepiness.Yawning. Great sleepiness early in the evening.

Uncommon sleepiness at bright midday (first day); almost irresistible at noon (second day). Sleepy, at 11.30 A.M. (next day). Sleep, with cold skin. Drowsy and heavy in the evening.

Nearly comatose. Coma.


Anxious dreams. Many dreams at night of strife and anger; he dreamed that he had fallen out with his father, who would no more recognize him as his son because he had embraced homoeopathy.


Chilliness. Surface cold (after twenty-six hours). Coldness of the skin, with inclination to vomit. Skin cold, with hot swelling of the arm. Coldness of the body, pulse 100, nausea. Shivering and diarrhoea. Extremities cold next morning. Cold hands and feet. Hands cold. Cold feet (eighteenth day). Shivering in the head.Shiverings creep over the scalp, so that the hair stands up.

Heat. Heat, with burning pain and swelling.

The skin becomes hot, swollen, very tense and painful, the whole arm and hand cold; on the second day it is still cold, the skin tense, painful to pressure; on the fifth day the swelling has greatly diminished, but the skin is still very tense; on the tenth it becomes more swollen and inflamed, and on the thirteenth the abscess forms, which on the seventeenth becomes gangrenous, followed by death. Fever, with thirst, hiccough, vomiting of bile, with palpitation, anxiety, weak rapid pulse, exhaustion and rapid loss of strength. Dry exhausting fever, with dry tongue and thirst, lasting till death. Heat in the feet.

Sweat. No sweat with the febrile heat.

Conditions.– Aggravation.

(Morning), Soreness in chest, etc.; arms feel numb; after waking, bruised sensation; on waking, pain in all bones.(Forenoon), At 11.30 o’clock, pain in course of colon.

(Afternoon), Headache in vertex; rancid eructations; heartburn.

(Evening), Drawing from vertex into eye; heartburn; pulse small, etc.; while sitting, sensation in bones of fingers, etc.

(Night), Delirium; pain in hypogastric.

(Ascending steps), Shaking, etc., in upper head.

(After breakfast and dinner), Pains in stomach.

(Damp weather), Lachrymation, etc.; disappearance of vision.

(After food), Stomach sore, etc.

(Deep inspiration), Pain in left abdomen.

(Lying down again after rising), Pain in occiput.

(After a meal), Vomiting of food.

(Motion), Stitch across hip-bone.

(Pressure), Pain from shoulder to neck.

(While reading), Vanishing of sight.

(During rest), Trembling of the hands.

(While sitting), Oppression of chest.

(Standing), Nausea.

(Standing on foot), Drawing through knee, etc.

(Walking), Nausea; pain in malleoli.

(Walking rapidly), Shaking, etc. in upper part of head.


(Morning), After good night’s sleep, headache; after rising, pain in bones.(Walking in open air), Vertigo, etc.

(Sitting), nausea.



Medorrhinum Repository, N.Y., vol.2, 1799, p. 253 from Charleston, S.C.,City Gazette, J. Miller. A man was bitten on the side of the foot, about the middle of the hollow.

He struck me as the most frightful object I had ever beheld.-His head and face were prodigiously swollen, the latter black.- His tongue was prodigiously enlarged, and out of his mouth.- His eyes looked as if shooting from their sockets.- His senses gone.- Every appearance of suffocation; cured by olive oil.

Buffalo Medorrhinum Journ., vol.9, 1853-4, p. 464, Dr. E. Stanley.

Patrick Burne was bitten by a rattlesnake upon the index finger of the left hand, near the second joint.

Partial delirium (after ten hours).-Pulse very much excited, ranging from 115 to 130 (after ten hours).- Difficult and hurried respiration (after ten hours).- Skin hot and dry (after ten hours).-Eyes red fiery (after ten hours).- Hand, arm, and shoulder swollen to a great degree (after ten hours).- Pain in the limb almost insupportable (after ten hours).- Cupping, poultices, Ammonium and Ether internally (after ten hours).- Slight nausea (second day).- Arm, shoulder, and upper portion of the left side thickly covered with small blisters filled with a fluid of a yellow color (second day).

Buffalo Medorrhinum Journ., vol.4, 1848, p.203, Dr. Josiah Trowbridge. A boy of12 was bitten on the side of one foot, near the small toe.

Limb badly swollen to the body (after two or three hours).- Skin discolored and mottled, and if I recollected aright, of a green and yellow color (after two or three hours).- Pulse accelerated (after two or three hours).

Same, a man of 50, somewhat intoxicated, was bitten between the thumb and forefinger.

Hand and arm badly swollen to the elbow, and paining severely (after one hour and a half or two hours).

Buffalo Medorrhinum Journ., vol.4, 1848, p. 115. (From the Annalist) Dr.

Wainwright. A man of 40 was bitten in the cast phalanx of the middle finger of the left hand, near its articulation with the metacarpal bone; an attempt was made to excise it, a ligature about the wrist, 10 grains of Carb. amm. and 1 1/2 grain Sulph.

morph., given.

The wound was followed a jet of blood.- Hand much swollen; selling extending up the arms; after the ligature was removed, extended half way between the elbow and shoulder-joint; it was very considerable, hard, and terminated abruptly; the finger when passed along the arm dropping suddenly from the swollen part to that in its natural condition (after three hours); extending to the pectoral muscles (after five hours and a half).- The hand was of a greenish color; the lower part of the arm was mottled blue, and greenish -yellow (after three hours); the discoloration did not extended as far as the swelling, and seemed to follow the swelling at about half an hour’s interval.- Discoloration reached the axilla (after five hours and a half). – Face flushed (after three hours).-Pulse 80, of medium fulness and strength (after three hours); began to flag, becoming less full and forcible, but but increasing in frequency to 100 (after three hours and a half); it afterwards reached 120; this was the maximum in frequency, becoming constantly more and more feeble, extinct at the wrists, but could be felt at the groin(after four hours and a half).- He became stupid, taking no notice of what was passing around him (after three hours and a half or four hours); this lapsed into coma, and he died (after five hours and a half).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.