


Drawing pain below the scapula on inspiration. Sharp pain below the left scapula on inspiration. Sharp pains extending from the stomach and chest through to the back, between the shoulders, worse on the right side of the vertebral column.


Heavy and fatigued feeling in the lumbar muscles. Acute pains in the region of the kidneys.

Extremities in General.

Paralytic weakness of the arms and legs.

Numbness of the hands and feet; prickling and numb sensations in various parts of the body.

Superior Extremities.


Convulsions in the muscles of the arms. Spasmodic twitchings in the arms. Involuntary twitching in the muscles of the arm.


Severe jerking pain in the arm, on attempting to remove a handkerchief from the breast pocket.


Feeling as if he had received a blow upon the upper arm.

Pulsating pain in the left upper arm. Pain in the right deltoid muscle, lasting only a few minutes. Continued pain in the deltoid muscles. On attempting to dress himself in the morning, the prover experienced a severe pain in the left deltoid muscle, which prevented him from making his toilet; this pain was not felt when the arm was perfectly at rest.


Numbness of the hands and arms.

Inferior Extremities.


Involuntary twitchings of the lower limbs. Great weakness of the lower extremities.


Paralytic sensations in the lower extremities.


Knees give way frequently when walking. Frequent pains in the knees as if sprained, often compelling him to stop abruptly when walking. In the morning recurrence of the pain in the knee joint, as if sprained. Sudden pain in the left knee joint, rendering walking impossible for a few minutes, and then ceasing suddenly.


Numbness of the feet. Painful pulsations in the soles of the feet, worse on resting them against a hard object.

General Symptoms.


General acceleration of the circulation and respiration. In doses of from 1/4 to 2 and 3 grains, it accelerates the circulation and respiration for several hours, followed in all instances by a depressing reaction. In doses of 1/50th of a grain, no effect has been observed upon the healthy; but in patients suffering from gastralgia, and neuralgic pains in various parts of the body, we have observed an augmentation of the circulation from much more minute doses than this. When placed in contact with the cellular tissue, it causes inflammation. It excites the muscular structures, giving rise as a primary effect to augmented muscular power, with a tendency to convulsive motions. Trembling of the whole body, appearing after four hours and lasting several hours, until they fell asleep. Convulsive movements of different parts of the body. We have witnessed convulsive motions in the muscles of the chest, neck, arms, and legs, from large and repeated doses. In one case these convulsions were followed by soreness of the parts and a diminution of muscular power which continued for several weeks. Contact easily excites spasmodic twitchings. If the drug be pushed to a great extent, reaction takes place, the muscles become enfeebled, and ultimately paralysis, especially of the inferior extremities supervenes. Great weakness and lassitude. Exhaustion (after some hours). State of mixed paralysis and spasm, both tonic and clonic (very large doses).

Great restlessness. Extreme restlessness (larger doses).


Morbid sensitiveness of the skin to the touch.

Sensation and power of motion impaired. In the first instance, Codeine in doses from 1/4 to 1 grain, augments nervous sensibility, but there is always a reaction in a few hours, and a corresponding depression is observed, which continues from two to three days. Instead of stupor, sensation of well being and comfort, the action of the brain not impeded, on waking, after doses. Constant inclination to sit down and close the eyes.



Eczema like eruptions.


Itching of the skin. Very great itching of the skin. Itching of the skin over the whole body. Itching and heat of the face and head which gradually extends over the whole body.

Itching sensation commencing at the head, and diffusing itself throughout the body. Soreness of the skin after neuralgia.

Sensation in the skin of the chest, as if a fly was creeping from one direction to another, not relieved by rubbing or scratching, and lasting about two minutes.

Sleep and Dreams.


Sleepiness. Drowsy feeling. Finally an ability to pass readily into a tranquil, refreshing, and agreeable sleep.

Sleep impeded by no heaviness of the head or stupefaction of mind.

Somnolency came on in a quarter of an hour; sleep for half an hour; and, after three hours, still continued drowsiness (2 grains).

Somnolency in a quarter of an hour; very drowsy, heavy, gapish, and sleepy (after two hours), 1.1/2 grains, subcutaneously).

Somnolency, after one hour; passed off, after two hours; followed by a little heaviness (from 1 grain, subcutaneously). In grain doses of the alkaloid, a calm and refreshing sleep is induced, accompanied by pleasant dreams, and not followed by headache, sleeplessness, disordered stomach, etc. Sleep very refreshing.


Much less sleep. Passed a wretched night; slept none. Doses of the 1st, 2D. and 3D triturations cause a sleep disturbed by unpleasant dreams of dead persons, etc. Secondary effects of small doses are, great drowsiness and listlessness, great drowsiness with inability to sleep, frequent waking from sleep with the covers thrown off, exciting dreams, dreams full of ridiculous fancies. Sleep unrefreshing.



Surface of body cold and clammy (after four hours).


General warmth, with itching of the skin, especially between the shoulders (after three hours). Sensation of agreeable warmth. It sometimes produces a sense of agreeable warmth and itching over the surface of the body. In one instance, this itching persisted for several days. When placed in contact with the skin, it causes a slight inflammation of the part to which it is applied. Genial glow all over (after half an hour). Accompanying the primary effects of large doses upon the circulation, we usually observe an increased heat or glow, and an itching of the head, face and body, and a happy exhilaration of spirits. The first influence is felt in the head, which is rapidly diffused from thence to other parts of the system.

Heat in the head.


Sweat in the large beads on forehead (after four hours).

Conditions.– Aggravation.

(Morning), On waking, dull headache; tenderness of abdomen; cough; pain in knee joint.

(Afternoon), Dizziness; pain in temple; tickling in throat.

(Blowing nose), Dizziness; sparks before eyes.

(When closing eyes), Objects appear to turn round.

(On inspiration), Pain in right lung; pain below scapula.

(Motion), Pain in chest, etc.

(Resting parts against a hard object), Pain in soles of feet.


Pain in transverse colon.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.