Homeopathy Remedy Codeinum

Codeinum homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Codeinum …

      Pure Codeia (one of the alkaloids of Opium) is prepared for use by trituration.

General Action

      This alkaloid, similar in a general way to Morphia, seems to possess convulsant properties in a higher degree than the other alkaloids of Opium.


      Trembling of whole body. Convulsive motions; of different parts; of muscles of chest, neck, arms and legs, then (in one case) soreness of the parts and weakness. Inflammation if placed in contact with the cellular tissues. Circulation and respiration rapid, then depressed. Prickling in various parts, with numbness. Restlessness. Constant inclination to sit and close eyes. Weakness. Nervous sensibility increased, then depressed. Heaviness. Sensation and power of motion impaired. Paralysis, (<) lower limbs; state of mixed P. and spasm, both tonic and clonic.


      Delirious at night. Bewildered. Excited as after spirituous drinks. Gay. Exhilarated. Depressed spirits and headache; D., with sleepiness, frightful dreams, and on waking in morning dull headache. Tranquil. Listless. Increased capacity. Stupor; in afternoon and evening, with disinclination for exertion. Sluggish association of ideas. Inability to concentrate mind; or to remain quiet in the house.


      Aching in morning after rising, (<) l. side; in morning (>) noon; with dry lips. Confusion; and heat. Strong pulsations, and in carotids. Vertigo; in afternoon; on blowing nose; on blowing nose, with sparks before eyes wherever he looks; as if the room went round with him; objects appear to turn around on closing eyes. Pressure in temporal and frontal regions. Pulsating pain in r. temple in afternoon. Neuralgic pain in occiput extending to nape. Itching of head extending over whole body.

Eyes and Ears

      Eyes injected; sclerotic injected. Eyes glassy and immovable. Burning in eyes, (<) l. Pupils dilated; contracted. Vision weak; did not see the letters distinctly on beginning to write; failed suddenly. V. of floating sparks on stooping. Stoppage of ears. Ringing in ears.

Clinical Twitching of eyelids (Agaricus, Croc.).

Nose and Face

      Nasal discharge, with irritation of Schneiderian membrane. Loss of smell. Face animated, rosy and gay, or dull and stupid. Terrified look. Pallor. Lips dry.

Mouth and Throat

      Dryness of anterior part of tongue and hard palate; of mouth with thirst for beer. Inability to speak. Salivation. Tickling in throat in afternoon and evening.


      Loss of appetite. Thirst; with desire for bitter substances. Eructations. Nausea. Violent retching on attempting to move. Vomiting. Pain; paroxysms of neuralgic, and in abdomen; acute, and in chest, extending through to back, between shoulders, (<) r. side of spine. tenderness, with violent pulsations of heart and arteries.

Abdomen and Stool

      A. distended with flatus. Peristaltic action diminished. Pain in transverse colon, (>) gentle Pressure; P. in A., with pulsations and rapid circulation and respiration. Tenderness of A. in morning extending to epigastrium and lungs; of hypogastrium in morning. Uncommon sense of tonicity in A. Purging. Constipation, tenderness of bowels, (<) transverse and descending colon, and flatulence.

Urinary and Sexual Organs

      Diminished power of retention of urine and semi-paralysis of neck of bladder. Urine increased and light-colored, then scanty. Lascivious thoughts, causing frequent erections, day and night; excitement at night, with pollutions. Sexual power increased, then diminished.

Clinical Diabetes.

Respiratory Organs and Chest

      Tickling in larynx causing cough. Voice reduced to a whisper. Cough in morning, with soreness and sticking; short and irritating C., (<) night; C., with copious mucous and sometimes purulent expectoration. Sticking in l. lung on breathing. Sharp pain in r. lung on inspiration. Pain in chest and shoulder on motion. Sore feeling in sternal region. Fulness and oppression of chest. Drooping sensation below l. clavicle.

Clinical Dry, teasing cough, with phthisis

Heart and Pulse

      Drawing pain around H., with loud and full beats of it, causing uneasiness. Uneasiness about H. Painful pulsations of H. on attempting to study or write. Fluttering of H. and oppression in its region, with great desire to walk in the open air. Pulse rapid; and full and strong; slow; small; small and weak; scarcely perceptible at wrist.

Neck and Back

      Convulsions of muscles of neck; of nape. Painful twitchings of muscles of neck. Painful pulsations in l. side of neck. Sharp pain below l. scapula on inspiration. Drawing pain below scapula on inspiration. Acute pain in kidney region. Heaviness and fatigue of lumbar muscles.


      Paralytic weakness of arms and legs. Numbness of hands and feet; of hands and arms. Twitching of arms. Pain in deltoids; r.; l. in morning on dressing, (>) rest. Pulsating pain in l. upper arm. Feeling in upper arm as after a blow. Jerking pain in arm on attempting to remove the handkerchief from breast pocket. Twitching of lower. Weakness of lower. Paralytic sensations of lower. Knees give way when walking. Sudden pain in l. knee preventing walking and ceasing suddenly. Sprained pain in morning; S. feeling compelling him to stop abruptly when walking. Painful pulsations in soles, (<) resting them against a hard object.


      Eczema. Soreness after neuralgia. Sensitiveness to touch. Sensation as if a fly were crawling on chest, not (>) rubbing or scratching. itching; over whole body; on face and head, gradually extending over body, with heat.


      Sleepiness; with heaviness and gaping; with inability to sleep. Sleeplessness. Frequent waking, with the covers thrown off. Sleep unrefreshing. Dreams; unpleasant, of dead persons, etc.; pleasant; ridiculous.


      Cold skin; and moist; and clammy. Cold limbs. Agreeable warmth. General warmth, with itching, (<) between shoulders. Heat in head. Sweat in large beads on forehead.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.