
Chloroformum homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Formula, CHCl.

Preparation, for internal administration, solutions in alcohol.

Mind.– Emotional.

Wild excitement, followed by complete insensibility. On waking from its effects, she felt almost tipsy, frequently laughing, and not understanding what she said or did.

Laughed and talked; told how the medicine burnt her tongue and hurt her (after half an hour). Talked nonsense, but spoke grammatically. In two provers obscene language was used under its influence. In two cases they sung comic songs, and one addressed the surgeon in a most familiar manner. Afterwards she could scarcely be persuaded to leave the piano, of which she was very fond; she would have continued playing all night if permitted; she could scarcely be persuaded to go to bed. Intellectual. Seemed scarcely to understand anything said to him, and kept on muttering. The patient pronounced some incoherent words, and sought to get away from the chloroform. Insensible, still continuing to vomit (soon after). Could not be roused from insensibility (after ten minutes). Remained unconscious for ten hours, and felt no uneasiness on awaking. Entirely unconscious (after eight minutes). Lying in a state of perfect unconsciousness (apparently in a profound sleep), from which she could not be roused (after twenty minutes). Complete unconsciousness. Utter loss of consciousness.

Head.– Vertigo.

Sensation of vertigo rising from the spine into the occiput (fourth day). Vertigo. Dizziness. Whirling of the head; sensation as if he would fall forward (second day). Sensation as if the ground were waving, on closing the eyes (third day). General Head. Empty feeling in the head (fourth day). The head is light, with a peculiar sensation of clearness (first day).

Heaviness of the head (fourth and fifth days). Heaviness in the head and pain in the forehead (sixth day). Felt a rush of something to the head. Headache. Violent headache (after sixteen hours). Pressure in various places in the brain (fifth day). Pressure in various parts of the brain (sixth day). Temples. Pressing in the temples (fifth day). Pressure upon the temples (second day). Occiput. Heaviness of the occiput (fourth day). Heaviness in the occiput, with vertigo (fifty day).

Eye.– Lids.

Inclination to close the eyes (fourth day). Eyes closed involuntarily (fifty day). The eyes close in spite of one (fourth day). Lachrymal Apparatus. Moisture of the eyes (third day). Moisture, almost lachrymation of the eyes (third day). Conjunctiva. Conjunctivae injected. Conjunctiva quite insensible (after twenty minutes). Ball. The eyes were suddenly turned up. Eyes fixed towards upper and inner angle. Pupil. Pupils dilated (third day). Pupils dilated (just before death).

Pupils dilated and insensible. Pupils widely dilated and insensible. Pupils very much dilated. Pupils enormously dilated. Pupils very large (third day). Pupils contracted (second day). Pupils at first contracted (soon), (fifth day). Pupils very much contracted (after twenty minutes). Pupils greatly contracted. Pupils variable, now dilated, now contracted. Pupils during narcosis dilated; afterward, before death, contracted. Vision. Everything seemed more distinct than usual (immediately). Dimness before the eyes (sixth day). Darkness before the eyes (fourth day) All seemed to grow dark except one bright spot. The sight gradually went during inhalation till everything seemed quite dark; it returned gradually. Dark points and bright streaks before the eyes (fourth day). Small black points float before the eyes (third day). Dark spots before the eyes, with bright spots on closing them (fourth day).

Large black spots before the eyes (second day). A number of small gray spots and linear bodies appear to float a few inches before the eye; while looking at a distance they follow the motion of the eye; the same appearance before each eye separately (third day). Numerous bright points before the eyes, with great inclination to close the eyes, and much yawning (fourth day). Bright and dark points; while flames when the eyes are closed, or when looking at a dark background (fifth day). Bright and dark spots before the eyes (sixty day after fifteen minutes) Flickering before the eyes (fifth day).

Sparks before the eyes. Flashes of light before the eyes.


Ears seemed stopped with cotton (fifty day) Ringing in the ears (fifth day). Rearing in the ears (sixth day). Rearing in the ears like boiling water (fifth day).

Nose.– Objective.

Nostrils obstructed by swelling of the mucous membrane. Bleeding from the left nostril a teaspoonful of dark blood; it afterwards bleeds easily (fifth day). Smell. Sense of smell is weaker than usual (third day). Entire loss of smell (lasted two months).


Cadaverous countenance. Expression that of a person partially intoxicated (after half an hour). Some flushing of the face. Face flushed. Face livid (after two hours). Face became turgid. Trismus.

Mouth.– Teeth.

Teeth smooth, as after acids (fourth day). Tongue. Tongue pale.

Tongue covered with frothy saliva (third day). Tongue dry and parchment-like. General Mouth. Mouth half open. Mucous membrane of month and throat flaccid and swollen. Foamed at the mouth. Complained of the burning sensation the dose produced (immediately). Complained of the pungency of the medicine. Saliva. Much saliva (second day). Thin saliva (fourth day). Taste. Soapy taste in the mouth (third day).

Altered taste of all food and drink, especially coffee (lasted two months). Sense of taste abolished. Speech. Could hardly articulate.


Jugular veins distended. Scraping and dryness in the throat (second day). Prickling sticking in the throat, especially on swallowing (soon), (second day). Fauces. Fauces very red, with scraping in them (fourth day). Violent burning in the fauces and heat in the stomach (immediately after 20 drops), (sixth day). Scraping in the fauces (third day). Violent scraping and coldness in the fauces, on inspiration (fifth day) (soon after taking). Swallowing. Deglutition interrupted, slow and difficult.

Stomach.– Thirst.

Thirst (second day). Great thirst at first. Eructation and Hiccough. Eructations tasting ethereal. Frequent eructations smelling strongly of chloroform, and causing prickling in the nose (fourth day). Constant hiccough. Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea (sixth day), (second day). Nausea, with much saliva (fifth day). Urging to vomit (fifth day). Vomiting. Vomiting (soon after), Violent vomiting. Stomach. Pain in the epigastrium (during convalescence). Severe pain about region of stomach and spleen. Burning in stomach. Burning in the stomach alternating with chilliness (fifth day). Pressure in the stomach (third day). Pressure in the stomach, increased by external pressure (third day). Pressure in the stomach, with nausea (fifth day). Dull pressure in the stomach (third day).

Abdomen.– Objective.

Abdomen tense (before death. Rumbling, with passage of flatus (fifth day). Rumbling in the abdomen (fourth day). Rumbling in the abdomen, with passage of flatus (third day). Much rumbling in the abdomen, with warmth (third day). Passage of much flatus (third day). Abdomen painful (second day). Cuttings deep from the stomach to the navel (second day).

Rectum and Anus.

Although the rectum and intestines were as torpid as the genital organs, yet the sphincter ani preserved its contractility.

Stool.– Diarrhoea.

Bloody diarrhoea (during convalescence On two occasions, I have noticed involuntary discharge of faeces. Much blood in the stools (second day). Constipation. Constipation sometimes lasted eight days, but without giving rise to uneasiness. The torpidity of the large intestine was such that he was obliged to resort continually to cathartics.

Urinary Organs.– Urethra.

Emission of urine painless, but accompanied with a curious sensation along the urethra. Stitches in the urethra (fifth day). Voluptuous tickling at the orifice of the urethra, with erections and desire to urinate (fourth day). Much desire to urinate (fourth day). Micturition. Urine increased in quantity (third and fourth day). Bladder distended, and bedclothes stained by urine that had escaped. When the bladder was distended, the urine was only expelled after much effort. Urine suppressed. Urine. Urine dark yellow (fourth day). Specific gravity of urine rather lower than normal; it contained a large proportion of triple phosphates, and traces of uric acid crystals.

Sexual Organs.

Genitals as if much shriveled (third day). On one occasion erection of the penis occurred. No erections for two months. Sexual desire, with a peculiar feeling in the testicles, which made him believe that the spermatic secretion still continued, and that the impotence was owing to paralysis of the perineal muscles. Sexual appetite wanting, and the generative functions in a languid state, for several weeks.

Respiratory Organs.

Tracheal rale. He spoke in an altered drawling voice. Loss of power of speech; could not utter any sound whatever; remained in that state for five weeks, after which she began to speak in a low tone. Respiration stertorous (after ten minutes). Breath smelt of chloroform. Short, quick, irregular and superficial breathing. Breathing slow and stertorous. Respiration became very slow and stertorous. Respiration very slow and deep (sixth day). Respiration became very slow, full and deep. Respiration very slow and difficult. Respiration very slow, with plainly perceptible beating of the heart internally (fourth day). Respiration 15 (usually 22), (soon), (sixth day). Respiration fell to two in a minute. Deep slow respiration (after one hour); respiration very slow, fifteen to the minute, superficial, with at times deep inspiration (after one hour and a quarter), (fifty day). Frequent deep breathing (fifth day). Respiration during narcosis feeble and slow, afterward before death it became rapid, deep, and rattling. Irregular respirations. Respirations sometimes irregular and short, at others deeper and separated by longer intervals. Some oppression of breathing. Respiration appears embarrassed. Respiration arrested every now and then. Eight or ten inspirations were distinctly remarked after the complete and entire cessation of the cardiac movements.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.