
Bitterness in the mouth, in the morning, after waking, which disappears after some time (2nd day).


Yellow mucus collects in the throat, which causes hawking (1st day). Severe burning in the throat, like a glow, from 6 to 8.30 P.M. (4th day). Burning in the throat, like heartburn, during and between swallowing (17th day). Pain in the throat when swallowing, as if sore, in the forenoon (19th day). Rawness in the throat, which compels her to cough, mostly in the forenoon, during menstruation. Scraping in the throat, causing hawking.


Appetite and Thirst.

In the evening she felt no appetite for warm food, and only relished bread (3rd day). Thirst, in the afternoon, for several days, during menstruation. Thirst is no violent that she could not drink enough water, after dinner (4th day). Great thirst, in the afternoon from 6 to 7. Great thirst and frequent urinating, day and night (4th and 5th days). Eructations and Hiccough. It seems as though she would eructate, soon after taking. Eructations of a bitter-sour fluid after dinner, when stooping and rising up again (5th day). Frequent eructations, tasting of the drug, and during them, sharp stitches in the left breast (11th day). Frequent empty eructations, also tasting of the drug. Frequent eructations tasting of the food, every time after eating. Frequent eructations of a very bitter taste, like wormwood, in the evening, and also once in the night (1st day). Hiccough. Nausea. Nausea in the stomach, and sensation of sudden rising up of water (20th day). Food relished well, but nausea followed and lasted an a hour (3rd day). Transient nausea, with profuse spitting of water (18th day). Continual nausea in the stomach, relieved after eructations. Nausea and qualmishness in the stomach, though not to vomiting. Nausea and qualmishness in the stomach, after supper, lasting an hour. Nausea and qualmishness on returning into the room, after urinating, lasting one minute (1st day). Inclination to vomit, at 5 P.M., followed by vomiting of whitish mucus with a bitter bilious taste, smelling like rhubarb, then aversion to all food for two hours, chilliness (12th day). Stomach. Sensation in the stomach as though it would go to sleep. Uncomfortable sensation in the stomach, as if empty, in the morning, after waking, relieved after taking soup, during menstruation. Pain in the stomach, nausea, as if she would vomit, towards evening relieved by eating soup. Cold sensation in the stomach, soon after taking it. Such great fullness in the stomach and chest that breathing was rendered difficult, from 6 till 9 P.M.; this became worse after lying down, especially if she lay upon the right side, and still worse if she lay upon the back; it was relieved by lying upon the left side; accompanied by sensation of constriction in the throat (15th day). Tension and heaviness in the stomach. Griping in the stomach. Cutting pain about the stomach and both hypochondria, in the morning in bed, which disappears after continued motion (3rd day). Twinging or biting here and there in the stomach, at 5 and 8 P.M. (7th day). Twinging in the stomach, with contractive pain beneath the sternum. Pain, as from an ulcer, and a sensation of contraction in the pit of the stomach, while sitting and walking (6th day).


Pressure in the hepatic region, from within outward. Sharp stitches in the right hypochondriac region, without affecting the breathing, in the morning, while sitting (4th day). Umbilical and Flank. Cuttings in the navel (3rd day).

Twinging and moving about, first about the navel, then in the groin, then in the small of the back, at noon, especially while eating; it was very painful, so that she cried; frequently somewhat relieved, but not entirely disappearing (2nd day).

Pressure in the left flank, when walking. General Abdomen.

Distension of the abdomen, with inclination to stool, followed by passage of flatus, with tearing headache (2nd day). Great distension of the abdomen, without passage of flatus, in the afternoon (5th day). Painful distension of the abdomen, relieved by applications of warm cloths (17th day). At first, movings about in the abdomen, without pain, then crawling in the stomach, as from a worm, in the forenoon (2nd day). Almost constant rollings about in the abdomen, with frequent passage of flatus, day and night (1st day). Violent rolling about the whole abdomen, as if she would have an evacuation, at night, followed by evacuation of semi-fluid faeces of an intolerable odor, with much offensive flatulence (1st day). Frequent passage of flatus with constant accumulation of it, in the afternoon (6th day). Flatulence also is passed after the stool. Pain in the abdomen relieved by warmth, pressing upon and bending the body. Pain in the left side of the abdomen.

Violent pain in the bowels, arresting breathing, with yawning; it was immediately relieved by a dose of Camphor.

The abdomen feels full and distended. In the evening, after eating soup, the abdomen feels full, as if it would burst, disappearing in an hour (5th day). Cutting pain in the whole abdomen, with audible and painful rumblings, followed by two evacuations, and after them severe burning in the anus (4th day). Piercing pain in the abdomen, with rolling about, frequently intermitting, with chilliness, from 11 A.M. to 4 P.M.

(3rd day). Sticking pain in the abdomen, above the hips, extending up both sides into the spine; on several places above the hip, pain as if stuck with needles, on deep inspiration. Stitches, as with knives, towards each other in the abdomen, relieved by pressure and warmth, in the afternoon and at 10 P.M. (16th day). Twinging, now here, now there, in the abdomen, as if flatus would pass, which, however, does not, from 6 to 7 P.M. (6th day). Twinging in the whole abdomen, with accumulation of water in the mouth, after 5 A.M.

(14th day). Twinging in the abdomen, with desire for stool, but only flatulence passes, in the evening (9th day). When walking, Twinging and movings about the abdomen, followed by two evacuations, and afterwards frightful burning in the anus (3rd day). Sore pain internally in the whole abdomen, relieved by pressure, during menstruation (19th day). Hypogastrium and Iliac Region. Pressure in the lower abdomen, as if to stool, but non followed (8th day). Dragging in both groins, with aching in the abdomen and inclination to stool, which afterwards results, in the afternoon, during menstruation (14th day). Stitch in the left groin, which makes her start, in the evening (5th day).

Rectum and Anus.

Painful sticking in the anus, before the stool, the pain extending forward to the pudenda, with sensation as if it was caused by flatulence. She must hurry to stool; she had scarcely time to get ready, in the morning (2nd day). She was driven to stool with the greatest haste, and afterwards it seemed like a violent sticking from the anus forward to the pudenda, which was very painful (after half an hour).



Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea, in the evening, with chilliness and yawning (12th day). Two evacuations in the forenoon, the last time consisting of pieces of clotted blood, though without pain in the abdomen (5th day). Two stools in succession, in the evening, with dragging in the groin, preceded by griping in the abdomen (2nd day). One evacuation, with bloody mucus, though without pain (5th day). Passage of whitish water every time, with burning in the anus, without tenesmus, 5 times in succession; with the last passage, sensation as if the tendons in the bend of the knee were drawn, which disappeared after rising from sitting (17th day). Stool consisting of greenish mucus, which seemed to burn one. Passage of burning mucus, preceded by twinges in the abdomen (13th day). Solid stool, with burning and urging (8th day). Solid stool, followed by burning in the anus. Stool, first part solid, the rest soft (6th day). Constipation.

Stool seldom and hard (8th day).

Urinary Organs.

Burning during and after urinating, in the evening (8th day).

She urinates frequently, a little at a time (9th day). Urine diminished (6th day). Urine diminished; she passes it more seldom than usual (4th day). Urine diminished, with some burning (14th day).

Sexual Organs.

Profuse watery leucorrhoea (4th day). Thick leucorrhoea (6th & 7th days). Burning leucorrhoea (5th & 6th days). Menstruation one day too soon, in a maid whose menstruation was not easily disordered. Menstruation one day too soon, with pain in the abdomen and small of the back (12th day). Menstruation 6 days too early. Menstruation, which had ceased the previous day, returned after two doses, and continued for one day.

Respiratory Organs.

Hoarse, so that she was obliged to hawk frequently, without being able to loosen anything (7th day). Hoarseness, without cough, in the morning, passing away during the day (8th & 9th days). Cough at night, with burning in the throat during cough (15th day). Frequent slow, deep inspiration, with short expiration. Shortness of the breath when walking, especially up a hill. Shortness of the breath, and, on breathing deeply, stitches in the middle of the chest, when walking and sitting, from 12 at night till 9 A.M. (3rd day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.