Sleep and Dreams

Sleepiness. Yawning. Much yawning and stretching. Frequent yawning and stretching, which seem to do good (after five days). Inclined to sleep very early in the evening. Inclination to sleep after dinner, without being able to sleep. Sleepiness increased by motion in the forenoon while sitting and reading. Sleepiness after supper, with red heat of the face. Sleepiness, with frequent yawning. Great sleepiness during the day; he was obliged to sleep before and after noon; at night his sleep was full of fancies (after eight days). Overpowering sleepiness after dinner, with burning of the lids on closing the eyes (seventh day). Overpowered with sleep in the evening. Overpowered with sleep after eating. Intoxicated with sleep after eating. Sleep after eating, uninterrupted for an hour, but uneasy on account of anxious dreams. Sleeplessness. She was unable to sleep at night, but could not open the eyes. Is unable to sleep at night, although the eyes seem full of sleep. She was unable to sleep at night on account of heat in the blood. Loss of sleep on account of uneasiness in the body. Falls asleep late, not until 1 o’clock. Uneasy sleep an frequent waking at night. Uneasy, unrefreshing sleep; prostration in the morning. On falling asleep he started up as in fright. Much coherent talking in he sleep awakens him, when he remembers the dreams. Uneasy sleep with frequent waking, and in the morning in bed headache, with burning here and there in the body. Awakes early in the morning, about four. Frequent waking at night, with coldness of the limbs an knees. He was frequently awakened at night, with heat an thirst. Dreams. Very many dreams (first night). Night full of dreams (after ten hours). Vivid dreams. Vivid dreams, which are not remembered. Very vivid dreams, causing restlessness (second night). Very vivid, lascivious dreams (second night). Anxious dreams, with uneasy sleep. Anxious, frightful dreams. Extremely anxious dreams. Tormenting dreams disturb the sleep.


Chilliness. Chilliness in the evening. Frequent chilliness; especially at night, chilliness and coldness. With the irritation to cough, in the evening. chilliness and drawing in the cheeks. Shivering, frequently lasting an hour. Shivering in the evening, with weariness and flushes of heat, before going to sleep (after ten hours). Febrile chill in the morning, with thirst, chattering, and blue finger-nails, lasting till afternoon; then in the evening heat and sweat, without thirst. Chill with thirst. Internal chill, with great thirst. Feverish coldness in the evening; he does not feel the warmth from the stove. Coldness of the left arm and left leg. Very cold hands and feet in the evening. She could not get the feet warm, in the evening, in bed, before 1 o’clock. Chilliness and heat towards evening (after twelve days). Chill at 11 A.M. for several days; heat in the evening at 6. Heat. Heat at night in bed. Sensation of heat, with great anxiety, in the evening, although she was cold to touch all over. General burning heat in the evening, with great weariness and fantasies at night. A little wine heats him very much. Warmth in the spine rising up to the throat. Great orgasm of blood. Orgasm of blood, with congestion to the chest, with hoarseness and hawking. Much heat the whole day, though with constantly cold feet. Sweat. Much inclined to sweat. Increased sweat in the morning on waking (after three days). Profuse sweat of the body, and even of the head, before midnight. General sweat after a moderate breakfast. Warm sweat in the morning (after twenty-nine hours). Sour-smelling sweat (after eight days). Sweat of an offensive odor at night. He sweat easily on the upper part of the body in a warm room, and again became just as easily chilled. Sweat on the forehead while eating. Frequent profuse sweat on the face (in a boy two years old). Heat on the balls of the hands. Sweat of the feet when walking.

Conditions Aggravation

(Morning), On waking, anxiety; immediately after rising, confusion of the head; in the head; in bed, headache over vertex; on waking, headache; eyes agglutinated; immediately after rising, flickering before eyes; in bed, nose-bleed; on waking, catarrhal irritation; dryness of mouth; on waking, dryness of mouth; bitter mucus in mouth; scraping in throat; an hour after waking, nausea, etc.; pain near pit of stomach; on waking, passage of flatus; in bed, itching in anus; contraction of urethra; tearing, etc., in urethra; very early, desire to urinate; on rising, leucorrhoea; almost voiceless; on rising from bed, cough; after waking, cough; on waking, rash of blood to chest; after rising, tightness in chest; after rising from bed, sensation in chest; in bed, sticking beneath ribs; on rising, stiffness in back; tearing from chest to back, etc.; in bed after rising, sensation in joints; on waking, tearing in shoulder, etc.; in bed, pain in elbow-joints; especially in the wind, drawing in wrist-joint, etc.; on washing, sensation in hands; in bed, twitches in left thigh; on rising, tension in thighs; indolent, etc.; in bed, weariness, etc.;on rising from sleep, weary, etc.; prostration; in bed, headache, etc.; febrile chill, etc.; on waking, sweat; warm sweat. (Forenoon), Violent, etc., attack of vertigo, etc.; nose-bleed; when sucking gum, blood flows into mouth; sensation in pharynx; about 10 or 11 o’clock, nausea; weakness; 11 o’clock, chilliness. (Toward noon), Diminished appetite; general prostration, etc. (Noon), Little appetite, etc. (Afternoon), 4 to 6 o’clock, anxiety; throbbing headache; headache in forehead; pressure in top of head; ringing in ear; eructations; accumulation of flatulence; pain near pit of stomach; abdomen distended; flatulence, etc.; great quantity of flatus; tension in abdomen; griping in abdomen; noon till evening, legs relaxed; body trembled, etc. (Toward evening), In open air, sour eructations; difficult breathing, etc.; chilliness, etc. (Evening), Excited, etc.; anxiety; after lying down, anxiety, etc.; after walking, confusion of head; after sleeping while sitting, dizzy, etc.; dizziness; in bed, headache; in bed, throbbing headache; after lying down, eyes ache; heat, etc., of left ear; twinges in right ear; fluent coryza; crawling in the side of nose; in bed, tearing in left zygoma; sensation in mouth, etc.; scraping in throat; pain in pit of stomach, etc.; after 7 o’clock, pressure in pit of stomach; griping in abdomen; cutting in bowels; stitches in anus; soreness in pudenda; obliged to clear throat, etc.; after lying down, crawling, etc., in larynx; hoarseness; when walking in open air, hoarseness; cough; in bed, short cough; spasmodic cough; on going to sleep, cough; when lying, difficult breathing; on going to sleep, palpitation, etc.; drawing pain in back; in bed, twitching of the arms, etc.; in bed, heaviness of the limbs; in bed, drawing sensation in limbs; pains in fingers; in bed, drawing in thigh; restlessness in lower leg; after lying down, cramp in soles; indolence, etc.; weariness; weakness of body; uneasiness; in bed, stitches on the side; red spots on neck; in bed, sticking-itching in region of coccyx; chilliness; with the irritation to cough, chilliness, etc.; shivering, etc.; feverish coldness; cold hands, etc.; in bed, before 1 o’clock, could not get feet warm; at 6 o’clock, heat; burning heat. (Night), Headache; pain in occiput, etc.; unable to open eyes; illusions of hearing; sneezing; frequent sneezing, etc.; nose-bleed; catarrhal irritation; nausea; pressure beneath stomach, etc.; diarrhoea; moisture from anus; paroxysms of cough; heaviness of back, etc.; sticking between shoulder-blades; arms go to sleep; in bed, burning in thigh; in bed, sensation in left leg; in bed, cramp in leg; tearing under toenails; in bed, pain in corn; uneasiness, etc.; tearing in various parts; in bed, burning in skin; itching on the palms; chilliness, etc.; in bed, heat; offensive sweat. (After midnight), Profuse sweat. (When walking in open air), Most pains appear; pain in liver; numbness of thigh; cramp in lower leg. (Ascending steps), Pain in left thigh; pain in knees. (On bending back arms), Tearing in shoulder- blade. (After breakfast), Pressure beneath short ribs; weakness; general sweat. (Breathing), Pain in abdomen, etc. (During deep breathing), Stitches in right side. (On going from a warm room into a cold one), Cough. (When coughing), Stitches through the head; pain in larynx, etc.; pain in chest. (Before dinner), Nausea. (After dinner), Confusion of heat; pressure in lids, etc.; mouth filled with mucus; abdomen distended; for eight days, heaviness of feet; weariness; inclination to sleep; sleepiness, etc. (After drinking), Empty eructations. (While eating), Anxiety; toothache; throbbing in teeth; sore pain in throat; griping in abdomen; sweat on forehead. (After eating), Anxiety; out of humor; headache; headache in forehead, etc.; sour taste; nausea, etc.; distension of the abdomen, etc.; griping in abdomen; palpitation; overpowered with sleep. (After eating and drinking), Eructations. (After every expectoration), Dry cough. (On gargling), Vertigo. (Inspiration), Pressure in trachea; pain in right chest, etc. (When lying), Legs pain; if she turns over, or stretches out the knees, pain in knees. (Lying on side), Pain in bowels. (When lying on back), Acidity in stomach. (Before every meal), Nausea. (With every meal), Nausea. (Before menstruation), Itching of a tetter. (During menstruation), Headache; pains in lower abdomen; burning in hands, etc. (After taking milk), Flatulence; sour eructations. (On motion), Vertigo; pain in head; in open air, hiccough; pain in right shoulder- joint; tearing in upper arm; drawing, etc., in forearm. (On sudden motion of head), Vertigo. (Raising thigh), Pain in thigh. (From reading), Shocks in head; stitches in upper part of head. (During respiration), Throbbing of the head. (On rising after sitting), Limbs heavy; pain in knees. (Salt food), Toothache. (When shaking head), Pain in right side of head. (When sitting), Vertigo; crackling in occiput; difficult breathing; palpitation; pain in back; drawing in back, etc.; legs pain; pain in knees. (While sitting bent), pinching in abdomen; griping in abdomen. (After sitting), Heat of cheeks. (After soup), Empty eructations. (Standing), Painfulness of stomach; weariness, etc., in knees; pain in knees; burning in soles of feet. (Before stool), Drawing across abdomen. (After stool), Anxiety, etc.; emptiness of abdomen; colic; burning in anus; tremulous weakness; exhaustion. (On stooping), Vertigo; headache; drawing in back. (After supper), Headache; pressure in occiput; sleepiness, etc. (Touch), Pressure in stomach. (On turning in bed), Vertigo. (When urinating), Sticking in pudenda; itching in pudenda. (After waking from sleep), Vertigo; dulness of head; throbbing in temples, etc.; itching in anus; chest feels weary; chest oppressed, etc.; stiffness in legs. (Walking), Vertigo; dizziness in head; acidity in stomach; painfulness of stomach; emptiness of abdomen; tension in hip-joint, etc., pain in hip-joints; pain in thigh; stitches through thigh; weariness, etc., in knees; sensation in knee- joint; pain in right toes; sweat of the feet. (On becoming warm in bed), Stitches all over body. (Writing), Sensation in left shoulder-blade; sensation in hands; weariness in arms.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.