
Objective. Inflammation of the right eye. Swelling of the left eye. Subjective. Burning in the eyes. The eyes ache, in the evening, after lying down. Dull pain in the left eye. Pressure in the eyes, with confusion of the head (after six hours and a half). Pressure, as from sand in the right eye, with feeling of soreness in the canthi (after thirty-six hours). Pressure, as from a grain of sand, with sore pain, especially in the canthi, with biting in the eye. A tearing pressure on the left eye. A heavy weight seemed to lie upon the eyes, so that he must make a great exertion, when reading and writing, in order to distinguish letters. Severe stitches in both eyes. Pains in the eye, as if it would be torn out, with headache. Itching in the right eye (after thirty-six hours). Itching in the right eye, with great dryness of the lid (after fourteen days). Itching in the left eye, with biting in it after rubbing, especially in the inner canthus. Biting-itching, especially in the right external canthus. Orbit. The muscles of the eye pain when looking up. Itching about the eyes. Lids. Trembling of the upper lid. Twitching of the left lid (after nine days). She was unable to open the eyes at night, even when unable to sleep. The eyes are agglutinated, in the morning. The left lid seemed agglutinated, which was not the case. Drawing in the right lid (after thirteen days). Pressure in the upper lids and in the upper half of both eyeballs, on motion in the open air. Biting in the lids, with some redness of the margins (after twenty-four hours). Itching in the margins of the lids. A biting pressure in the external canthus of the right eye. Biting in the left canthus. Itching in the left inner canthus. Lachrymal Apparatus. Severe lachrymation, and biting of the right eye (after twenty-four hours). Ball. Sensitive pressure in the right eyeball from above downward (after half an hour). Vision. Very short-sighted; he could only recognize people within a few steps (after three days). He became short-sighted after exerting the eyes for some time. Flickering before the eyes in the morning, immediately on rising. Rings surrounding an internal brighter field before the eyes. Black floating spots before the eyes.


Objective. A thick brown substance comes out of the right ear. Discharge of a thick, flesh-colored, offensive moisture from the right ear. Subjective. Something heavy seems to lie in front of the ears, as if two sand-bags were there. Something heavy seems to lie along and in front of the ears; they seem stopped, though without any diminution of hearing (after half an hour). Heat and redness of the left ear, every evening. Tearing-burning pain in the lobule of the left ear. Fine pinching in the left ear. Stitches extending inward in the left meatus (after forty- eight hours). Tearing within the right ear. Tearing pain in the fossa behind the right ear. Twinges coming out of both ears (after seventeen days). Twinges in the right ear, in the evening. Twinges in the left ear. Pulsating in the ears. Tearing jerks, or some stitches, in the right inner meatus. Itching in the ears, with inclination to relieve it by swallowing. Severe crawling- itching within the right ear, after boring in with the finger, suddenly returning. Hearing. Loud speaking is unpleasant to the hearing. Severe humming before both ears. Crackling in the ears, as from straw, on every motion of the jaws (during breakfast). Chirping in the ears, as from crickets (after seven days). Ringing in the ears. Fine ringing in the left ear, in the afternoon (after forty hours). Ringing in the left ear, with whirling vertigo. Roaring in the ears. Illusions of hearing at night; he thought he heard some one walking who stepped up to his bed; he awoke immediately, with anxiety.


Objective. Trembling in the skin and muscles on the right side of the root of the nose. Incomplete attempts to sneeze, sometimes severe, sometimes slight. Ineffectual attempts to sneeze, with crawling in the left nostril, which became moist; after blowing the nose, the right nostril was stopped, with a catarrhal crawling and biting in the left side of the palate (after five hours). Repeated severe sneezing (after five hours). Very frequent sneezing, without coryza. Continual sneezing at night. Sneezing, followed by severe biting pain, when blowing the nose. Frequent sneezing, with constant and violent crawling in the nose, with catarrhal roughness in it, and in the upper part of the chest, at night. Sneezing, with lachrymation of the left eye, followed by biting in the inner canthus. Sneezing, with burning over a large portion of the right side of the abdomen. Sneezing, with stitches in the abdomen. Increased moisture in the nose, preceded by stoppage of it (after three hours). Discharge of mucus form the nose, with crawling in the left nostril, followed by severe sneezing, lachrymation of the right eye, and coryza. Discharge of green mucus from the nose. Catarrh; also, he could scarcely speak aloud (after eight days). Coryza; with catarrh (after seven days). Severe coryza, with hoarseness and rawness in the chest (after two days). Profuse fluent coryza. Fluent coryza every evening. Fluent coryza, with sneezing (almost immediately). Dry coryza. Dry coryza for several days. Dry coryza, with scraping in the throat. Severe nose-blade, which could scarcely be stopped (after forty-eight hours). Severe nose-bleed, in the morning in bed, immediately followed by pain in the chest. Nose- bleed every forenoon, ten to twelve drops. Nose-bleed at night, with orgasm of blood (after fifty-two hours). Severe nose-bleed several times daily for two weeks, with great paleness of the face before and afterwards, every time. Stoppage of the left nostril (after one hour and a half). Stoppage of the left nostril for an hour. Stoppage of the left nostril after sneezing. Subjective. Sensation of commencing coryza in the root of the nose. Catarrhal irritation for several days, night and morning, on waking; it disappeared during the day, with the exception of an occasional sneeze. Feeling of heaviness in the nose. Drawing in the root of the nose. Pressing in the root and bones of the nose, as in a severe coryza, though he could draw air through it. Continual crawling in the left side of the nose, in the evening. Formication in the nose for two days.


Objective. Great paleness of the face. Color of the face grayish- yellow. Subjective. Drawing pain in the upper and lower jaw on both sides, with drawing in the head and confusion of it (after two hours). Tearing in the face. Twitching pain in several portions of the face. Soreness of the facial bones of the upper and lower jaws. Cheeks. Swelling of the cheeks. Glowing heat of the cheeks, after sitting a short time. Pain in the left cheek, as from a boring-burning in it, at intervals (after six days). Drawing pain in the cheeks, for two days. Twitching-drawing pain in the cheeks and jaw (after one day). Fine tearing stitches in the right cheek (after three hours). Tearing pain in the face, in the left cheek. Jerklike tearing in the left zygoma, in front of the ear, in the evening, in bed. Jerklike tearing pain in the upper jaw, on the right side. Lips. Swelling of the lips. Swelling of the upper lip and cheek, with jerking pain. The right corner of the mouth is ulcerated. Twitching of the upper lip. Tearing pain in the left corner of the mouth, extending thence to the cheeks. China Swelling of the face about the chin, for two hours. Drawing, extending from the right corner of the mouth to the chin. Cramplike pain in the lower jaw (after thirteen days). Tearing-jerking of the left lower jaw (after four days).


Teeth. Bleeding of the teeth when cleaning them. Bleeding of the teeth and gum for several days. Bleeding of the teeth and gum when sucking them with tongue. Toothache in the anterior sound incisors. Toothache; the teeth seem to protrude, with a pain as if the teeth were touched by the tongue, as from an ulcer; the pain was renewed by eating. Toothache, as from acids, especially in the gum, as often as she ate anything salt. Toothache, with dry lips. Pinching pain in the right lower back teeth. Aching of the roots of the teeth, upper and lower. Drawing pain in the upper incisors. A biting-drawing pain in the upper and lower incisors, more in the gum. Slight drawing in the right back teeth, with violent jerking. Drawing pain in the hollow tooth. Frequent drawing in a hollow back tooth (after three days). Frequently returning drawing pain in the otherwise sound teeth. Gnawing and drawing pain in a hollow tooth, with swelling of the gum. Pressive toothache on the left side, in the upper back teeth. Sticking pain every moment, in perfectly sound teeth, which soon disappears and gives place to a short sticking pain in the abdomen (third day). A tickling-sticking and drawing in the first upper left back tooth. Drawing-tearing toothache in all the back teeth. Sore pain, with drawing in the first back teeth of the left side of the upper jaw. Sudden throbbing in the teeth, while eating. Violent drawing-jerking in a hollow back tooth. Gums. Swelling of the gum about a hollow tooth. Some pustules on the gum. Retraction of the gum from the upper and lower incisors (in a young girl; removed by mercury). Retraction of the gum from the incisors, the roots are laid bare (removed by mercury), (after six days). The gum retracts form the lower incisors. The gum becomes loosened from the teeth, and sensitive. Very profuse bleeding of the gum. Bleeding of the gum after sucking it (after two days). Heat in the gum. Drawing pain in the gum. Sore pain in the gum during in the gum. The gum was painfully sensitive when chewing. Tongue. The tongue was coated white. Yellowish-brown mucus coats the tongue. The tongue is difficult to move, with difficult speech. Heaviness of the tongue and stiffness, so that speech became very difficult. Heat and dryness of the tip of the tongue. Cramplike pain on the left side of the root of the tongue. Stitches in the tongue. Fine tearing pain in the right side of the tongue. Sensitiveness of the tongue, with rawness in it. Soreness of the right side of the tongue, with sticking pain. General Mouth. Quite cold breath; also coldness in the throat, mouth, and teeth. Offensive breath. A blister in the upper part of the palate. When sucking the gum, pure blood flows into the mouth, in the forenoon, returning several days at the same time (after five days). Dryness of the mouth, without thirst. Dryness of the mouth in the morning. Great dryness of the mouth, in the morning on waking. Sensation in the mouth and on the tongue, as after drinking wine freely in the evening (after ten hours). Heat in the mouth, especially in the upper lip. Heat in the mouth, with rawness, and dryness of the tip of the tongue (after one and two days). Pressive pain on the posterior part of the palate. Saliva. Increased collection of saliva in the mouth (after a quarter of an hour). Bitter mucus in the mouth in the morning. The mouth is filled with mucus by eructations, always only a few hours after dinner. Taste. Flat, watery, offensive taste in the mouth (after two days). Salty taste in the mouth, the whole day. Sour taste after eating. Bitter taste before and after eating. Bitterness on the palate, with dryness of the tongue. Bitter taste, with eructations. When sucking the gum with the tongue, a taste of blood in the mouth, and the saliva becomes bloody (after fifty-one and eighty-five hours).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.