Inferior Extremities

The legs are relaxed, so that he cannot raise them, from noon till evening. Weariness and paralytic sensation in both lower limbs (after forty hours). The joints seem unable to sustain the body (after five days). On rising, after sitting a long time, the limbs feel heavy and stiff, which disappears after walking a little. Both legs pain, especially the lower legs, when sitting or lying, so that he did not know where to rest them. Drawing sensation in the legs, especially in the lower legs. Tearing in the upper and lower leg. Tearing in the right leg, from thigh down through the lower leg. Tearings in the legs, which seem to be aggravated by a great accumulation of flatulence. Rheumatic pain extending from the left ribs into the hip. Violent burning, externally, on the right hip. Tension in the joints of the hips and knees, while walking. Drawing pain in the hip-joints, extending down the thighs, worse when walking. Tearing, in the hips, by paroxysms (after three days). Tearings in the right hip. Tearing-pressive pain near and beneath the left hip, extending to the back and sacrum, frequently repeated. Thigh. Muscular twitches on the posterior portion of the left thigh, in the morning, in bed. Numbness of the thigh, when walking. Uneasy sensation in the right thigh and lower leg, which constantly obliged him to change his seat. Burning in the thigh, at night, in bed. Burning sensation in the upper part of the outer side of the thigh. Tension in the thigh, and a drawing, as if it were paralyzed or sprained (first four days). Tension in the thighs, above the knees, in the morning, on rising. Contractive pain in the thigh, extending to the knee, so that she has to bend the knee inward, when walking. Cramplike pain in the outer side of the left thigh, in the lower part, when walking, and especially when raising the thigh and ascending steps, with painfulness of the part to touch (after thirty-five hours). Rheumatic drawing in the left thigh, in the evening, in bed, relieved by lying upon it. Stitches shoot down through the thigh, when walking (twelfth day) Dull stitches in the upper part of the thigh. Tearing pain in the middle of the thigh, frequently repeated. Knee. Weariness and sensation of unsteadiness in the knees, when walking or standing. Stiffness and weariness of the knee. Paralyzed sensation in the knee-joint, after walking. Pain in the knees, when going upstairs. Paralytic pain in the knees, when sitting or rising from sitting, and when lying, if she turns over or stretches out the knee. Burning pain in the inner side of the left knee. Severe burning in the right knee. Tension in the knees and ankles (after five days). Tension in the hollow of the knee, as from weariness, without previous motion. Drawing pain in the knees, when standing. Pressive-tearing in both knees an lower legs. Stitches in the knee-cap, after rising from sitting, with a sensation as if the knee were swollen. In the knee, a moderate blow makes the bone very sore. Leg. Tickling restlessness in the lower leg, in the evening. The legs go to sleep (after three days). Numbness and loss of sensation in the legs. Heaviness of the legs (after five days). Sensation of stiffness in the legs, after an evening nap, so that he was unsteady while walking until he had walked a little. Paralyzed sensation in the left lower leg. Flatulence causes a sensation of paralysis in the left leg by paroxysms (after five days). Severe cramp in the whole lower leg, at night, in bed, especially in the soles of the feet. Severe cramp in the lower leg, especially in the soles of the feet, when walking in the open air. Drawing in the left lower leg, with uneasiness in it. Drawing sensation from the knee down the lower leg. Severe paralytic drawing pain extending from the abdomen down into the left leg. Rheumatic drawing in both lower legs, extending to the metatarsal bones (after forty-five hours). Drawing and jerking in both lower legs; he was unable to lie still, and must at one time stretch them out, at another time draw them up (for half an hour). Tearings in the right lower leg. Tearings in the lower leg, extending from the calf downward into the inner malleolus. Swollen places on the calf, painful to touch. Stitches in the calf (in a node). Ankle. A stitch sometimes in the left ankle, as if burnt. Tearings in the bone, below the left malleolus. Foot. Profuse sweat of the feet (after nine days). Great heaviness of the feet, after every dinner (for eight days). Uneasiness of the left foot; he was obliged to move it back and forth. Pain in the metatarsal bones, as if they would be torn, on stepping upon them. Burning in the soles of the feet, after standing. Burning in the soles of the feet, when sitting and walking. Cramp in the soles of the feet, in the evening, after lying down; it makes the toes crooked. Drawings in the feet, mostly when sitting. Toes. Swelling of the toes. Pain in the joint of the great toe. A stitch shoots through the right great toe. Tearing pain in the toes of the right foot, increased when walking. Tearing in the middle toes of the right foot. Severe tearing under the toenails, from evening till into the night, extending into the soles (first four days). Pain under the nail of the right great toe. Pressive pain in a corn, at night, in bed. Sticking in a corn on the left little toe.


Objective. Trembling from uneasiness an anxiety; was unable to remain in any place. The whole body trembled from uneasiness and anxiety every afternoon; )it seems as though he had committed a great crime; this terminated by violent weeping, even in the street in the presence of strangers. Trembling of the body, with prostration. At night he started up on account of noises, with shivering of the back. A wound from a stab began to bleed again at various times. Disinclination for physical exertion. Debility and Faintness. Indolence, disinclined to think (after ten hours). Indolent, weary, and trembling in all the limbs, and sweating easily, in the morning (second day). Indolence, sleepiness, and indisposition, in the evening. Weariness, especially in the limbs. Weariness in the morning, in bed. Sensation of great weariness in the morning, in bed, especially in the joints, disappearing after rising. Great weariness and stretching of the limbs in the morning. Sensation of weariness in the morning, with trembling of the limbs and feeling about the stomach as after drinking too much wine (after twenty-four hours). Weariness in the evening. Weariness after dinner (after four days). Great weariness after the pains. After the pains had lasted two days, they were followed by excessive weariness of the affected parts. The weariness in especially noticed when walking; less when sitting, mostly in the arms when writing. Weariness after a short slow walk in the open air. Sudden weariness while walking in the open air, which, however, soon passed away (after three days). Weary and unrefreshed in the morning on rising from sleep, but after a few hours she became stronger. Weakness in the forenoon, as from stupefaction. Weakness after breakfast. Tremulous weakness after stool. Sensitive weakness of the body, in the evening, as after great loss of blood. Attacks of faintlike weakness. Loss of energy of muscular action (after one hour). General prostration towards noon, inclination to lean the head against something and to rest; the head feels empty, with sensation of hunger (after twelve hours). Exhaustion after a stool. Very frequent momentary attacks of faintness, even to sinking down, also with vertigo, followed by colic and griping in the bowels, as in diarrhoea, though he had an ordinary stool (after twenty-four hours). Restlessness. Uneasiness the whole day. Uneasiness in the evening. Uneasiness at night, with drawing pain in the limbs. She is unable to rest in any other position than with the limbs drawn up against the abdomen. Subjective. Sick and weary, as if he had just risen from a serious illness. Every member of the body hurts, as also the back, with much headache and great weakness. Drawing pain in almost all parts of the body, especially below the breast, in the neck and arms. Rheumatic drawings in the whole body, with coldness of the hands and feet. Fine slight stitches over the whole body, when she became warm in bed. Itching stitches on the side on which he was lying, in the evening, in bed. Tearing in various parts of the body at night, in bed. Tearing and drawing pain in various parts of the body. If she in the presence of others all parts throbbed, the usually pale face became puffy and bluish red.


Eruptions, Dry. Nettle-rash for several weeks (after four days). The tip of the nose scurfy. Some scattered, red, uneven spots on the neck, with sensitive itching, in the evening (after forty- eight hours). Eruption in the angle of the wings of the nose. Eruption in the left corner of the mouth, like an itching tetter. Eruption on the chin; ulcers beneath the jaw and in front of the ear. Painful eruption on the upper lip; the red portion is full of pimples. Itching eruption on the neck and shoulders just before menstruation. Fine itching eruption on the hands. Painless, papulous eruption on the forehead (after five days). Red, smooth, painless, papulous eruption, here and there in the forehead. Papulous eruption on the temples. Much papulous eruption in the face and on the forehead. Papulous eruption on the neck. Itching nettle-rash on the calves. Small white pimples on the skin of the forehead, like glands (after three days). Red pimples on the forehead, near the hairs, that pain only on touch. Some white pimples on both temples (after four days). White itching pimples about the nose. White pimples on the lower part of the cheek. A large red pimple close to the anus, with a blackish tip, itching somewhat. Moist. Itching eruption on the nose, with increased moisture (after seven hours). Itching on the thigh near the scrotum; the place is moist (after twenty-four hours). Itching vesicular eruption on the knee. A place which had been rubbed sore, and which was nearly covered with skin again, began to be denuded anew, and became moist. Pustular. Pustules, with burning sensation, below the red portion of the upper lip. A large boil on the upper arm, surrounded by many itching pimples (after seven days). An ulcer on the fontanelle exuded a corrosive moisture. An ulcer that had already healed broke out afresh, and discharged, instead of pus, lymph mingled with blood; the place was hard and painful to touch. The pus from an ulcer was offensive, like asafoetida. Sensations. Burning in various places in the skin, at night, in bed. Slight burning pain in various places on the skin. Crawling in the whole body. Itching over the whole body, day and night. Itching and sticking in several parts of the body. Severe itching of a tetter before menstruation. Sticking-itching, as from fleas, in several parts of the body. Burning on the skin as from a mustard-plaster, here and there, on the back, sides, on the right side of the abdomen, etc. (after twelve hours). Tension and pressure about an ulcer (on the lower leg). Itching behind the ear. Itching in the upper part of the outer ear, which afterward became hot. Itching about the nostrils. Itching and burning in various places in the skin on the back, chest, on the navel, on the thighs, etc. Stitching- itching in the region of the coccyx in the evening, in bed. Itching, moisture, and soreness in the axillae. Severe itching in the right axilla. Severe itching on the arms, hands, and between the fingers, so that he was unable to sleep at night, though without eruption. Biting-itching, constantly repeated, on the lower portion of the inner side of left upper arm, only transiently relieved by scratching (after fifty-four hours). Burning-itching in the forearm near the elbow. Severe itching in the palms at night. Severe itching on the outer side of the left thumb.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.