Carbo Animalis homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Preparation: Place a thick piece of ox-hide between red-hot coals, where it must remain as long as it burns with a flame, then quickly put the glowing piece between plates of stone, to put a stop to the combustion (if allowed to cool gradually in the air most of the carbon would be consumed). Triturate.


Emotional. Desire to be alone; she is sad and reflective; avoids all conversation (first four and after eight days). Involuntarily jolly whistling. Excessively jovial. Weeping mood. He cannot seem to weep enough. Great tendency to sadness. Extremely melancholy mood, with feeling as of being abandoned. Melancholy and anxious, in the morning on waking. Depressed, apprehensive, melancholy, especially in the afternoon. Discouraged and sad; everything seems so sad and lonely that she desires to weep (third day). In the morning, he felt abandoned and homesick. Homesick. Thoughts of death. Anxiety and orgasm of blood at night, so severe that she was obliged to sit up. Anxiety and uneasiness in the back, without pain, soon after eating. Very anxious and depressed, especially in the evening and at night; she was unable to sleep quietly on account of internal anxiety; she felt best in the morning. Hopelessness. Shy and fearful mood. Fearful and frightened the whole day. Such great apprehension and heaviness in the body, in the afternoon, that walking was very difficult. In the evening, he was frightened, even to shuddering and weeping. Obstinate; no one could do anything to suit him. Great inclination to get angry. Angry and wrathful. Ill-humor. Fretful, in the morning on waking (first days). Fretful; she was averse to talking (first day). Sullen mood and ill-humor about present and past events; this cannot be overcome; it even amounts to weeping. Unsettled mood day and night. At times lachrymose, at times foolishly jovial. Indifferent at first, afterward increased irritability for passionate impressions. Intellectual. Stupid and drowsy in the forenoon, much worse after dinner. He was unable to write a letter, and could not express his thoughts. Weakness of memory; he forgot the word that he was about to speak. Sudden stupefaction, several times; he did not hear, did not see, and had no thoughts. Sudden stupefaction, when moving the head and on walking. Great stupefaction, while sitting at a table, with great lightness in the head, and anxious dread that he would fall down unconscious at any moment.


Confusion and Vertigo. Confusion in the morning, and feeling as in a confused dream. In the morning, his head was very much confused; did not know whether he had been asleep or awake. Confusion in the head in the morning, and she was vexed with everything that she looked at. She feels very uncomfortable from 10 A.M. till 4 P.M., as if confused in the head and uncertain on her feet, with paleness of the face, nausea, and blue rings around the eyes. Vertigo to the right side. Vertigo, as from moving the head back and forth. Vertigo, with blackness before the eyes. Vertigo, with nausea, on rising up after stooping. Vertigo, when sitting, as if she would fall backward from her chair, with chilliness. Vertigo, and a feeling as though he had not slept enough, in the morning. Vertigo, about 7 P.M.; if she raised the head everything seemed to turn around; she was obliged to sit bent constantly, and on rising up she struggled hither and thither, together with confusion in the head and a feeling as if all objects moved; on lying down, she felt nothing the whole night; only in the morning on rising, this returned. Heaviness in the head. Heaviness in the head in the morning, with dim vision and watery eyes. Heaviness in the head at night, with weariness in the feet, which she could scarcely lift (second day). Heaviness of the head, especially in the occiput, and of the left temple, with confusion. General Head. Rush of blood to the head, with confusion in it. A feeling of painful looseness of the brain, on motion. Pain in the head and neck at night, as if they were asleep, and had been sprained. Headache, in the morning on waking, as after intoxication. Heat in the head, with anxiety, in the evening, in bed; she was obliged to rise, when it became better. Tension in the head, almost daily. Drawing-boring pain in the head, together with tearings; when the head became cool it was worse, especially towards the ears (after seven days). Headache, which presses down the eyebrows. Everything which was on the head pressed upon it, even the neck cloth was uncomfortable (after eighteen days). Pressure and confusion in the whole head after dinner, lasting till evening. Sticking in the head, especially in the temples. Tearing and throbbing in the whole head, in the orbits, in the ears, left side of the face, cheekbones, and in the lower jaw, coming on immediately after dinner, relieved by pressure with the hands, and suddenly ceasing, when the cheek was somewhat swollen (after twenty-eight hours). Forehead. Stupefying headache in the forehead while spinning, disappearing after dinner. Heaviness in the forehead on stooping, with sensation as if the brain would fall forward; vertigo on rising, so that she soon fell down. Heat and feeling of heaviness in the forehead, which, however, felt cold externally, in the forenoon. Sensation in the forehead as if something lay above the eyes, on account of which she could not look up. Sensation in the head, as of something heavy in the forehead, or as if a board pressed upon it; sensation like going from very cold air into a warm room, in front of a hot stove. Drawing in the forehead above the eyebrows. Pricking headache on the left side of the forehead, in the morning after rising, better in the open air. Temples. Pinching pain in the lower portion of the temples. Boring pain in the temporal bone, extending into the zygoma. Pressive headache in both temples. Stitches in the temples, with a contractive pain or twinges. Vertex. Pain in the top of the head, where there is a sensitive spot externally on stooping; it changes to the forehead. Sharp stitches in the vertex, in the evening (second day). Pain in the vertex, as if the skull had been split or torn asunder, so that she was obliged to hold the head with the hands from fear lest it should fall asunder, also at night, and especially in wet weather. Unendurable throbbing pain and sticking in the vertex, as if the head would crack, when walking. Parietals. Tearing in the right side of the head. Frequent tearing in the right side of the head during the day. Painful heavy sensation in the whole occiput. Dull pressure in both parietal bones, near the vertex, in a small spot daily, incessant for several hours, mostly in the forenoon, especially caused by dust from dusty clothes, and much relieved in the open air. Occiput. Pressive headache in the occiput. Pressive pain in a small spot on the occiput. Pressure in the left side of the occiput, during rest and motion, frequently intermitting. Pressive headache in the neck, when writing. Stitches and throbbing in the occiput. Twitching tearings shoot back and forth in the left side of the occiput, in the evening. Painful tearing and sticking on the right side of the occiput, during rest and motion, in the evening. Splashing in the left half of the brain, when walking rapidly. Falling off the hair (after eighteen days). Involuntary anxious tension and drawing up in the skin of the vertex. Severe tearing on the external parts of the head. The left side of the head externally is painful, as if suppurating. Severe itching in the scalp, so that she was obliged to scratch it till it bled, which, however, did not relieve it.


Twitching of the right eye, with a feeling as if something were moving in it which blinded her, with drawing downward in the upper lid; after rubbing, it disappeared, but soon returned, leaving a sensitiveness to touch in the margin of the upper lid. The eyes seem quite loose in their sockets, and he does not have the power, with any exertion, to see distinctly, which makes him anxious. Weakness of the eyes. Great weakness of the eyes, in the evening; she was unable to do anything which employed vision. Unpleasant sensation in the left eye, as if something was in it which prevented vision; he was constantly obliged to wipe it; together with extreme dilatation of the pupil and great farsightedness, so that he was unable to see near objects distinctly. Sticking-burning and watering of the eyes, after itching and rubbing them. Pressive pain in the eyes, in the evening, by a light. Pressure and sensation of heaviness in the eyes, whence it extends to the forehead, to the vertex, and down into the left ear (during menstruation). Stitching in the eyes. Itching and pressure in the eyes, during the day. Biting-itching in the eyes, with burning after rubbing. Lids. Twitching of the upper lid. Agglutination of the left eye, the whole forenoon. Smarting-burning in the external canthus. Pressure in the external canthus (after seventy-two hours). Pressive-sticking pain, extending from above downward, over the left eye into the lid and upper half of the eyeball. Sticking and biting in the left inner canthus, in the morning, after rising, relieved by rubbing. Lachrymation, in the morning, on rising. Vision. Dimness before the eyes, as if she saw through a mist. The sight continued obscure the whole day. Photophobia, in the evening. Objects upon the street seem altered, for example, farther apart and brighter than usual, as if the city were empty and deserted. Many small black and yellow points are seen by candlelight, in regular rows, before the eyes. A net seems to swim before the eyes. He saw frightful images, in the evening, before going to sleep.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.