Rectum and Anus

A pressing in the rectum and sacral region as if the intestines were sinking down and would be pressed out while sitting. Sticking in the rectum, with a kind of contraction of the sphincter; often during the day, especially when walking (first day). Constrictive pain in the anus, together with a sensation as if the thighs were drawn together, so that she was obliged to close them. Sensation in the anus as if something trickled out on to the skin which was cold. Urgency to stool after dinner; later, itching in the rectum with slight stitches in it. Woke up at 6 with desire to stool; went twice but only passed very much noisy flatus; urgency to stool continued. After taking a cup of coffee and smoking a pipe the sensation of disagreeable urgency ceased, and a somewhat hard stool succeeded; but nausea and inclination to vomit set in, that was only allayed by keeping quiet. Urgency to stool; tenesmus and urinating continued, so that he could hardly walk. After coffee and a pipe of tobacco some evacuation of crumbling stool, and decrease of the symptoms, but he was soon obliged to vomit up the coffee, which was strongly mixed with mucus.


The usually regular stool appears irregularly, sometimes mornings, sometimes afternoons, sometimes evenings, usually with a kind of tenesmus; only a little is evacuated by straining, and a sensation of tenesmus remains after it. Sometimes he is suddenly urged to stool, and forcibly evacuates a pappy or rather liquid substance with relief. Stool sometimes like diarrhoea, sometimes hard. Stool quite thin and yellowish; she thought it was flatus, but passed this stool. Stool scanty, crumbling, with passage of flatus. The usual stool for the first five days; for the next two days it was completely suppressed.

Urinary Organs

Kidneys. Drawing pain in the region of the kidneys extending into the inguinal glands, with anxious nauseous sensation in the pit of the stomach. Pain in the region of the kidneys as if ulcerated, when touched and when not. Urethra. Orifice of the urethra somewhat inflamed, painful, and somewhat hard to the touch. Painless mucous discharge from the urethra (a beginning of gonorrhoea?). Painless discharge of clear, transparent mucus from the urethra, without erections. Watery mucous discharge from the urethra. The orifice of the urethra was agglutinated by moisture, which could be seen by pressing it out. Pain extending from the orifice of the urethra backward, burning-biting, posteriorly more sticking, while urinating. The urethra feels inflamed and sore to touch along its whole length; during erections, tensive pain. Burning while urinating, but especially just after urinating. Burning while urinating, but especially afterward; worse in the evening. Burning along the whole urethra, though only at the commencement and end of urinating. While urinating, at first burning from the glans backward, after urinating, a biting pain. Simple, but violent burning in the forepart of the urethra, while passing urine. When not urinating, some burning pain in the forepart of the urethra, which compels him to urinate almost constantly, even when there is no more urine to pass. Burning in the orifice of the urethra, while urinating. Pressure as if to urinate, especially in the forepart of the urethra, when not urinating. Cutting pain in the forepart of the urethra, when urinating. Stitches along the urethra, when not urinating. Stitching in the end of the urethra, which is repeated several times, but not on urinating. Burning stitches in the posterior portion of the urethra, while urinating (after ten hours). Jerking stitches in the posterior portion of the urethra, when standing. Itching-tickling stitches in the forepart of the urethra. Tearing as if in the fibres of the urethra in the form of a zigzag. Sticking-biting pain on urinating; biting when not urinating. Very fine sticking-pricking in the forepart of the orifice of the urethra, when not urinating. Itching in the urethra. Urging to urinate with pressive pain. Frequent desire to urinate with pressure and urgency, occasionally some burning; with the urine, especially mornings, quite whey-like and turbid. Micturition. The stream of urine was forked. Less passage of urine than usual. Enuresis; he is obliged to urinate frequently at short intervals, and passes a large quantity of watery urine (immediately). (Difficulty in urinating; paralysis of the bladder (the urethra had at first to be evacuated by the catheter, but afterwards this could not be done, because it became clogged by mucus and pus)). (*In subject S. 180, eight days before death, after paraplegia had lasted some time*). Urine. White turbid urine. Urine red and turbid. Urine full of fibres, as of mucus, with pus.

Sexual Organs

Male. Coldness in the genitals, with warmth in the rest of the body (on the same day, and lasting three days). The whole penis was swollen, without marked erections. Erections while coughing, followed by pain in the urethra. Frequent erections during the day, only when sitting, not when walking. Frequent erections, followed by stitches in the urethra. Mornings, in bed, excessive erections without desire, and a cutting-sticking in the orifice of the urethra. He had an embrace in the evening without desire, followed at night by excessive and painful erections that roused him from sleep. Pain on the right side near the penis, like piercing shocks, during rest and motion. Very indifferent to sexual intercourse during the day, but after an embrace in the evening excessive followed in the morning, and again frequently during the day, especially during the forenoon. No proper erection during an embrace in the morning, especially towards the last; scarcely perceives the ejaculation. The whole penis is painful, as if sore or burnt, when walking (he was obliged to have it suspended). Swelling of the prostate gland. Moisture about the corona glandis. The skin of the glans is covered with bright red spots of the size of a pea, brighter than the glans itself. The glans itself is dark-red, as dark as the prepuce. Swelling of the glans and penis; a kind of insensible erection. Swelling of the fraenum and the prepuce, especially where it unites with the fraenum. The whole prepuce is dark-red, hot, and inflamed. Swelling of the right side and lower portion of the prepuce. Constant burning of the whole prepuce and glans for four days; applications of cold water caused smarting. Corrosive burning and sticking in the outer parts of the prepuce and the urethra, in the region of the corona glandis. Smarting on the border and inner side of the prepuce. The margin of the prepuce is sore. An itching beneath the prepuce and on the fraenum, with some redness and moisture behind the corona glandis. Agreeable itching on the border of the prepuce and in the orifice of the urethra. Disagreeable itching on the right side of the prepuce near the anterior margin, more internally, but becoming agreeable during and after scratching. A pressive sensation in the testicles when standing, a dragging in them. A worrying sensation in the left testicle; the epididymis and spermatic cord seem to swell and divide into various small lumps like soft beans, and to fill out the somewhat drooping scrotum. This worrying pain is felt only when walking (first day, afternoon). A tensive pain in the spermatic cord, and contraction of the scrotum, with a contractive sensation in it when standing. It excites sexual desire in men and animals. Aversion to coition. Female. Miscarriage at the eighth month, with frightful convulsions. (*From lying all day on fresh hemp, preceded by S. 45*). Needle- like stitches in the right side of the mons veneris. Leucorrhoea, as usual, before the menses. She experiences much pleasure during an embrace. An itching-sticking in the vagina, and a good deal of leucorrhoea after an embrace. Very profuse menstruation (from external applications). (The sexual desire was excited but sterility caused). (*See “Authorities”*). Some desire during the morning sleep, but no pleasure during an embrace. Sexual excitement without desire; afterwards very much out of sorts, with aversion to sexual intercourse.

Respiratory Organs

Trachea. In the morning, touch mucus in the lower portion of the trachea, which cannot be dislodged by coughing and hawking; he makes great exertions, but only loosens a little, and even this does not come into the mouth, but he is obliged to swallow it; after hawking and coughing a scraping sensation remains in the trachea, as if it were raw and sore; finally the mucus loosens itself, and he is obliged to hawk it up repeatedly. Towards the seventh day, the previously tenacious mucus is easily loosened in the morning, and the difficulty of breathing, which she had felt up to this time (as if a load were lying upon the chest), was immediately relieved. Voice. The voice is raised, with unusual anxiety and complaint of pain in the back. (Voice changed, more like a clangor than the human voice). (*Local effect*). Voice frequently inaudible. Cough. Cough. (Constant cough). (*Local effect*). Dry, very violent cough. A hacking cough arises at times from the pit of the throat, with which a cold salty fluid is felt deep down in the throat. (Expiration causes cough). (*See note to S.311*) Respiration. (Respiration very much impeded). (*Part of S. 311*). (Difficult inspiration, without expectoration). (*Subject of S. 312; being tired with carrying a burden, he had Ss. 321, 449, and came into the hospital with this dyspnoea; died of phrenitis; see Hahnemann’s note to S. 1*). (Dyspnoea). Oppression of breathing, and pressive pain over whole chest. Oppression of breathing, from tensive-pressive pains in the middle of the sternum, which was also sore to touch, together with sleepiness. Oppressed breathing; he feels anxiety in the chest, with stitches between the shoulder-blades; is obliged to sit down, which relieves it; increased after dinner (after ten days). Breathing was difficult; a weight seemed to lie upon her chest. (Difficult breathing on lying down). (*See note S. 163*). (Orthopnoea; he was only able to breathe with the neck stretched upward, with whistling in the trachea and with great distension of the abdomen). (*A man convalescing from an acute fever, after irregularities in food and drink and long handling of hemp, had this with Ss. 303, 132, 137, 196 and 302*).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.