
Objective. Itching-swelling in the wing of the nose (after a few hours). Sneezing and sensation of stopped coryza, although air passed through the nose. Bleeding of the nose. Blood spurts from the nose until one faints. (*From the odor alone*). Dryness and dry sensation in the nose (after five days). Subjective. Dryness of the nose. Dryness and heat in the nose. Feeling of warmth in the nose, as though it would bleed. Stupefying pressure, as with a dull point, on the root of the nose.


Pale face. Paleness of the face. (Paleness of the face). (*Merely a statement that the man was pale, but otherwise in good health*). Very decided paleness and sunkenness of the face for a long time. Slight palpitations in various portions of the face, especially in the left buccinator. Cheeks. Her left cheek is red and the right one pale, with some pain in a right tooth; the left cheek is not hot to the touch; in spite of the redness, she experiences no internal heat. Drawing-pressure in the left malar bone. The right upper jaw swelled on the gum with a painful bunch on it, as if from an ulcerated tooth. China Stupefying compressive pain in the left side of the chin, which affects the teeth of the same side. Fine pricking in the left ramus of the lower jaw; when this ceases it is always followed by drawing.


Teeth and Gums. A hollow tooth crumbled away, and the pieces are like hard leather. Teeth dull, as if after acid. Cramplike pain in the teeth of thee left lower jaw. Drawing pain in a hollow tooth, with swelling of the gums; worse evenings. Slight drawing in the hollow tooth, especially if something acid touches it. Toothache; drawing in a hollow tooth after some vexation; after trying to suck the air from it with his tongue it changes to violent sticking. Shooting in several teeth at the same time, with fine pricking in them. The gums around hollow broken tooth inflamed, swelled, and painful; even a slight drawing in the root. Tongue. Thickly coated tongue. General Mouth. A bitter sour liquid rises into the mouth, with eructations. Dryness of the mouth, throat, and lips. Dryness of the mouth; the saliva is sticky, with loss of thirst, especially in the evening, and hot hands. In the morning, burning dryness of the palate. Taste. Loss of taste. Speech. (Speech difficult). (*In subjects, S. 311, q.v.*). He was utterly unable to speak as usual; at one time he missed a word, at another he lost the voice (for four hours); towards evening these attacks were repeated; there was at one time a torrent of words, as of one were driving him; at another time he faltered in his speech, so that he sometimes spoke the same word ten times in succession in the same breath; at times his whole idea was anxiously repeated, and it angered him if he was unable to repeat it in the same words.


Tasteless water rises into the throat and gets into the trachea, so that he is obliged to swallow, without nausea or retching. Hawking of mucus; it is raised with difficulty, and irritates his throat. (Burning in the throat). (*As S. 132*). Pain in the throat, as if sore, with great sensation of dryness, worse mornings in bed; after rising a small lump of mucus is discharged from the throat, which afforded much relief (second day).


Appetite. For several days he has a great deal of appetite, evenings; eats more than he ought to, and feels uncomfortable in consequence. Loss of appetite. Complete loss of appetite. On taking food which he relished he soon became satisfied, with transient nausea rising into the throat. His breakfast-cocoa relishes tolerably, but he can take very little, and feels neither hungry nor satisfied; growling and rumbling in the abdomen, in the stomach like a slight cramp; when he thinks of what he could eat he has no desire for anything, and yet he feels as if his stomach were empty. Eructations and Hiccough. Eructations. Eructations of air. Eructations of a bitter acrid fluid. Eructation, with taste of bread, after breakfast; later empty eructation. Violent hiccough in the morning. Heartburn. Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea, causing a desire to vomit. Nausea and inclination to hawk mucus, and vomiting, lessened after drinking coffee. Nausea, discomfort, and prostration all day; frequent empty eructations, with fulness in the abdomen, no appetite with it, but tolerable relish when he eats. Waked December 12th with nausea and inclination to vomit, as the day before, although he and eaten little the evening before and only drank water; uncomfortable all the morning; yawns sleepily, indolent, not inclined to anything. When waking later he still feels nausea, which is increased by thinking of food he has eaten. December 11th, in the morning he awakes with great nausea and inclination to vomit, especially when lying on the right side; lying on the left relieved it; finally the excessive inclination to vomit ceased, and allowed him to sleep again. Gagging, with inclination to vomit. A retching sensation suddenly rises up into the throat, as from acidity of the stomach. A retching in the pit of the stomach rises thence into the throat. Excessive inclination to vomit, and vomiting, with great exertion, of mucus, bitterish at first, then flat, which left the teeth dull, directly after taking; immediately afterwards hunger; he eat something with relish. Vomiting of slimy, bitter water; with scrap in the throat, followed by dulness and confusion of the head in the occiput. Vomiting, directly after coffee, of touch acid mucus (after twelve days). (Green bilious vomiting). (*Local effect, see S.314*). Stomach. It seems in the stomach as if he had taken cold, especially in the forenoon, with movings in the abdomen and gripings, though without diarrhoea. Several attacks of most violent pain in the stomach at various times, with paleness of the face and sweat on the face; almost pulseless, with rattling breathing, as if dying. (*Subject of S. 332, 333, 310, 336; heart found much enlarged, post-mortem*). Cutting across the upper part of the stomach, after stooping. Cramp in the stomach. Cramplike pressure in the stomach during several mornings. The stomach is extremely painful to touch, as if ulcerating; this disappears on eating. Pinching in the pit of the stomach. Pressure in the pit of the stomach. Cutting in the pit of the stomach. Uninterrupted dull stitches in front near the pit of the stomach, just below the ribs, which varied in intensity; they were momentarily relieved by bending the trunk forward or backward, but soon returned.


Hypochondria. Painful hard swelling of the right hypochondrium. (*Liver found diseased, post-mortem*). Dull sticking in the left side, just below the ribs, when breathing and when not. Beating as with a hammer in the left side below the lowest ribs, extending towards the back. Umbilical. Several mornings, from eight to ten, sensation below the navel as if he had taken cold, with movings in the abdomen, though without diarrhoea. Pain on the left side near the navel, and also posteriorly near the spine, as if the parts were pinched and compressed by pincers. Griping just above the navel (after eating). Pain in the right side near the navel like a beating from within outward. General Abdomen. (Sac-like swelling of the abdomen without swelling of the legs or feet). (*Subject of S. 322, found on post-mortem to be due to spinal incurvation; this occured eight days before death*). Complete loss of tone of the intestines; even the strongest cathartics in the largest doses did not suffice to overcome it. Shaking of the intestines in the abdomen, on violent motion of the arms, as if the intestines were quite loose. Movings in the abdomen, followed by dull stitches in the left side extending to the ear. Incarcerated flatus in the upper and lower abdomen, lasting until evening, with colic pains. Noisy passage of flatus in the morning. Pain in the abdomen, cutting; did not stop after rubbing, and only diminished after drinking cold water. Slight pain always before stool, as if before menses. Fulness of the abdomen, which compelled deep breathing. Pinching in the abdomen as if to stool (after half an hour). Griping in the whole abdomen. Colic-like pains in the upper abdomen, followed by diarrhoea-like stool and smarting pain in the anus. A stitch from within outward in the sides of the abdomen. Dull stitches in both sides of the abdomen in the evening, in bed, they then extend up the back and stitch in like manner between the shoulder-blades, and again extend downward along the sides of the abdomen. Transient pinching stitches in the abdomen. All the intestines pain as if bruised. (The abdomen and chest are painful externally). (*As S. 132*). Anxious throbbing in the upper abdomen like a strong pulsation. Shivering in the abdomen as from the moving of cold water in it (after eight minutes). Sharp shocks in the sides of the abdomen just below the ribs. Painful jerks in the abdomen, moving from one place to another, as if something living were in it, accompanied by drawing from the left hip-bone across to the right and thence into the knee; still however the pain remained in the hip, where it seemed like a tearing, pushing pain. Hypogastrium and Iliac Regions. Griping in the lower abdomen and cutting in the loins. Tickling sensation in the parietes of the lower abdomen (after half an hour). Sensitive shocks above the left groin. Pain and pressing outward in the abdominal ring as if the parts would suppurate.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.