Cannabis Sativa homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


C. sativa, Linn. Nat. order (Cannabineae), Urticaceae. Preparation: Tincture of the twigs and young leaves of the fresh European (or American) plant, collected when in flower.


Emotional. (At times raging delirium, so that he spits into people’s faces). (*After an application to the head, convulsions, subsultus tendinum, death. The post-mortem showed tubercles and pus in the lungs, inflammation of the pleura and diaphragm, firm polypi in the cavities of the heart*). (In part joyous, in part earnest delirium). (*Subject of S. 304*). State of mind cheerful, serenely self-contented. (Curative reaction from the opposite condition). Gayety, as from intoxication (after one hour). Sadness. Depressed, out of humor. For several days, especially at dinner, he has a desire for wine to enliven his depressed mood. After taking wine and water he grew more excited, cheerful, but only while the effect of the wine lasted; after that the former nausea and discomfort returned. Anxious mood. He became anxious and apprehensive in the pit of the stomach, with oppression of the breath and palpitation; rising of something warm into the throat, with arrest of breathing; soon something became lodged in the trachea, with flushes of heat. (Extreme fear of the bed, in which, however, he afterwards lay down). Frightened at the slightest noise (after one and a quarter hours). Fretful, especially in the afternoon. He is very much angered and frenzied by trifles. Unsteadiness and oscillation of mood. Despondent in the forenoon, lively in the afternoon. Mind calm. Nothing pleases him; he is indifferent to everything. Intellectual. Afternoon and evening, his thoughts are confused, so that he can no longer distinguish truth from imagination, with a kind of forgetfulness. Thus, he does not know all the evening what remedy he has taken, and is not certain the following day that it was Cannabis. He writes something in an entirely wrong place, and in not conscious of it till the next day. At the same time heat and congestion to the head, but he is cold as soon as he goes into the open air. Wavering and uncertainty of the mind; the ideas became overwhelmingly vivid. He is very absentminded, cannot comprehend anything properly, often does not know exactly what to write, and says one thing for another when speaking. The ideas seem to stand still; he stares in front of him; he is absorbed in higher thoughts, but is unconscious of them, with slight sensation of pressive headache in the parietal bone. He makes frequent mistakes in writing. He was able to recollect different things; the ideas remained fixed, stationary, after fixing his mind a long time upon the subject he was preparing. Loss of mind, senseless, without fantasies.


Confusion and Vertigo. Confusion of head. Confusion, obscuration of the head. Confused head; it feels heavy, and she feels a painful pressure in the forehead and on the eyelids, so that they threaten to close. Vertigo. Attacks of vertigo. Vertigo when standing, with dizziness. Vertigo when walking, with tendency to fall sideways (after one hour). Dizziness and confusion of the head. She is always dizzy, as if everything would turn around with her. Head always as if dizzy, and it seems to her as if it moved from one side to the other. General Head. Congestion to the head when writing (first hour). Rush of blood to the head, which causes a pleasant warmth in it, though with a pressive headache in the temples. Great rush of blood to the head. Blood often rushes to the head, causing heat and flushes. Pleasant warmth in the brain. Dulness and whirling in the head (immediately). A painful sensation in the head and neck on moving the head. Headache. Violent headache. A very piercing headache. (*See S. 284*). Violent throbbing, with heat of the head and fever, with which he was obliged to lie down. Uninterrupted headache the whole day. Throbbing and pressure in the head (after ten minutes). Jerking, as if in the blood of the head, chest, and stomach. Forehead. Slight headache in the forehead (after five minutes). Painful constriction in the forehead. The forehead feels compressed from the margin of the orbits as far as the temples; not relieved by stooping. Drawing pain through the forehead (seven minutes after 50 drops). Pressure beneath the frontal eminence, extending deep through the brain to the occiput. Throbbing from within outward beneath the left frontal eminence; soon afterwards a stupefying pressure in this place. Temples. In the morning, palpable and visible throbbing of the right temporal artery. A kind of tickling and cramp in the temples (after three-quarters of an hour). Pressure in the temples. Throbbing headache, extending forward into the right temple, together with warmth about the head, red and hot cheeks; the nausea was increased in the warmth. Vertex. Continual headache in the top of the head, as though a stone were lying upon it. Parietals. A cold sensation in a small spot on the parietal bone (afterwards also in other places on the head), as if a drop of cold water had been dropped upon it. When leaning the head against a wall, a pressure internally in the other side of the head. Violent tearing and boring in the right cranial bones (a symptom which formerly I have often noticed when not proving). Occiput. Heaviness and heat in the occiput, lasting till evening. Tension, first in the occiput, then also in the forehead, lastly in temples (after half an hour). Drawing pain in the occiput, extending to the ears. Pressive pain in the right side of the occiput. External Head. On the hairy scalp, in the nape of the neck, and behind the ears, painful pimples that heal after several days, without making scabs, and are painfully sensitive to the touch. Crawling in scalp.


Sensation of weakness in the eyes, with weakness of vision; both far and near objects are indistinct (after one and a half hours). Sensation in the right eye as if a grain of sand were in it;he must rub it. Burning in the eyes, evenings. Sensation of spasmodic drawing in the eyes (after three- quarters of an hour). Pressure from behind the eyes forward (after three-quarters of an hour). Orbit. Sensation as if the eyebrows were pressed down. Lids. Pressure in the eyelids that made it difficult to open them, and sticking in the orbits. Tearing pressure in the upper lid. Ball. The cornea becomes obscured; (film over the eye). (Gray cataract). (* “The original is suffusions oculorum, and occurs in a list of observed effects of hemp. Though assuredly this phrase may mean cataract (Celsus VII, 7, 14), yet it seems very unlikely that the author means to hazard in this manner so starting an assertion as that hemp can cause it.” Hughes*). Pressing and itching in the eyeballs; scratching and burning in the throat for several days, he is compelled to hawk, and cough hackingly dry; later much mucus is loosened in the morning, and he ejects a good deal without exertion (curative effect). Pupils. Alternating dilatation and contraction of the pupils in the same light (after one hour). Vision. A circle of white flaming rays on the right side near the field of vision, so that only a portion of objects is indistinctly seen. Mornings on waking, nothing but vertical, shining, white points that move in the lines from one eye to the other; they did not cease until some time after he was up; later, occasionally flickering before the eyes; light and dark dots float in different directions before the vision.


Pain behind the right ear, as if one pushed forcible with a blunt point. Coarse sharp stitches in the mastoid process. Smarting pain in the external cartilage of the ear, which may have been pressed upon while lying at night in bed. Sensation as though a membrane were stretched before the ears. A throbbing dragging in the ear, which extends almost to the cheeks, disappearing immediately on stooping, and again returning on becoming erect (after three hours). Momentary pain, as if the external ear were drawn out of the head. Sticking in the ears and pain in the throat, three hours after, at ten in the morning; then cold and heat alternating with dull headache, increased by motion or stooping, and as if everything in the head were shaken; she was obliged to hold herself perfectly straight when walking or to sit still and lean back; supporting herself on the right side was easier; besides she often had stitches in the head, on the left side, near the skull and opposite to it; behind the right ear the stitches were so violent that she involuntarily started; this lasted even at night during sleep, so that she constantly moaned and groaned and complained, and was frequently awakened. Stitches in the external meatus while chewing. Fine stitches in the left ear from within outward. Throbbing in the ears. A sensitive jerking pain in the right tympanum, extending thence to the shoulder. Hearing. Ringing in ears. Tinnitus aurium. Roaring in the ears. A sound in the left ear, as if the string of an instrument were struck, and reverberates a long time (after four days).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.