Sexual Organs

Male. Penis swollen hard, evenings, and the urethra much distended when urinating (fifteenth day). Erection, while riding in a carriage, without desire. Erection, painful, with burning in urethra, and a tension in the penis, in the evening. Excessive erections, when driving for any length of time, but without desire (thirteenth day). The genito-urinary organs seem generally affected after the passage of a stool and urine (crude). Cutting- drawing pains in the glans, extending towards the tip, only while sitting; not very severe, but an exceedingly unpleasant sensation (from the 2d). Shooting in the root of penis and bladder (Brugger). Towards morning, special desire for coitus; together with very unusual orgasm; after rising, general well feeling, and appetite, which he did not usually have in the morning, and though there was some headache left over from the previous day, still there was more desire for work (crude). Sexual desire first increased; with others, decreased (male). At 1 o’clock, in the night, excessive emission, with a voluptuous dream (eighth day). Female. Weakness and distress in the region of the uterus, and the uterine displacement; aggravated by the passage of stool and urine. Aching in uterus, in the morning (female). A pressing in uterus; more sexual desire; ache in neck of bladder; prostration. Cutting pain in the uterus through to the sacrum (female). Swelling of external parts and vagina, when awaking. Clitoris erect after urination, with desire. Whites, cream-like, pass from her in the afternoon, unconsciously. Whites two weeks after catamenia, or from one term to another. Voluptuous feeling, as if all the female parts were filling up with blood; she feels the pulse in all the parts, with increased sexual desire. Over mons veneris a pressure upwards, a throbbing or other sensations (female). Pressive-drawing and sore feeling, as if catamenia should appear; aching pressure in uterus and vagina, in the loins; flushes of heat; fatigued from going upstairs; pain from right groin into the left hip. Pains from navel and other parts drawing to the vagina. Pain in vagina, with flushes and faintness. Burning in vagina, with pain on both sides of bladder and uterus; burning like fire up into the chest. After nose- bleeding, aching in vagina. Labia sore, aching; warm feeling between externals; stitching pain in inner labia. Before catamenia, great sexual desire, followed by a copious flow; headache three to seven days before; griping and rumbling in bowels; stitching pains in left side of head; whites, and sleepiness during the day. Nymphomania; all organs in erection, with insatiable desire, particularly before catamenia. Catamenia too early (five to eight days), with girls, and bright blood; two weeks too late, with a widow, blood too dark; seventeen weeks too late, first bright red, then dark, last lochia-like and fetid. Blood dark, especially with rheumatic patients. Menses every two weeks, black and clotted; menorrhagia. Less catamenia, more whites, like white of eggs, day and night; worse in the morning, after rising; of a sweetish odor, increased whites, and with a stool of a bad odor.

Respiratory Organs

Larynx. He has to hawk to hem if he wants to talk clear. Burning in larynx, after the same feeling on back part of tongue. Voice. Hoarseness and cough, day and night. Evenings, husky and hoarse, with inclination to vomit; is obliged to hawk in the order to speak distinctly (twelfth day). Husky voice; mucus in the throat prevents him from speaking distinctly; is obliged to hawk whenever he wants to speak, in the evening (eleventh day). Cough. Cough in the sunny half of the day, 6 A.M. to 6 P.M. Tickling cough and lachrymation of the left eye (fifth day). Dry cough, with hoarseness and soreness, and dryness in the throat. Respiration. Involuntary sighing. Involuntary sighing at times (Cate, C. Hg., Biggen). (He was frequently obliged to take a deep sighing breath), (crude). Desire to take a deep breath, to sigh; with it a pain in the chest; shooting in liver. Breathing more frequent, short and difficult. Short breath and cough. Lifting child up from cradle, suffocative fits (down, Borax). Suffocating attacks of a male child of six months, after nursing; more often after crying, and after being taken out of the cradle; breathing ceases; head turns backwards; face blue; fighting with hands and feet; after attacks, greatly relaxed; some days none, some days several attacks.


Pain on a small spot, from coughing; with short breath. Burning sensation in chest, from below up into the throat; sometimes downwards. Constriction of breast; difficult breathing in the evening, better when lying in bed, worse again when rising in the morning, with great pain in the chest when breathing. Contraction of the chest and difficult breathing, evening till 10 P.M.; better on lying down, worse when getting up. Dull aching in chest, and sore to the touch. Pressing ache in the chest; most below and upwards. Over the clavicle sore, cutting; pain in throat, soreness, glands hurt. Front. Creaking on the left side of the sternum, like a cracking in the joints (from the 2d). Sharp pain, like an instrument passed through end of breast-bone, during the day. Tearing, pressing, and shooting in breast-bone, Sore pain on the sternum. Sides. Pains where the cartilages and ribs meet. Hardness, soreness, pressure in right side. Pressure and soreness in left side. Stitch in left side, while breathing. Shooting pain in the left chest, going through the shoulder. With inhalation, shooting in left breast and right temple; with breathing, inhaling, and exhaling, a shooting in chest; most with a deep breath. Beating on a small spot on left side of chest. Collar-bone sore; first left and then right. Sharp pain in region of sixth rib; first on right side, later on left fourth and fifth rib, coming and going; takes the breath away; most with a deep breath, during the day. A tumor like a walnut in left mamma. In left mamma, a hardness, like a walnut, sore to pressure; with a man of eighteen years. Milk watery, thin, neutral. Milk acid, not alkaline; acts on blue litmus. Milk changeable, from the alkali to the neutral, or to the acid. External feeling of warmth in mammae, towards the left arm. Child refuses the breast; the milk has a saltish taste; trying it, the taste remains long in the mouth, 3 Jenichen. Next day, milk sweet (Pehrson, Guernsey). Pressing, tearing, rending, drawing contraction; pinching, shooting, burning in mammae. Mammae sore to the touch. Nipples aching, sore.

Heart and Pulse

Sharp pain in region of heart, with inhaling, interferes with breathing. Sharp cutting, shooting, in region of heart; interrupts breathing. Feels beating of pulse, not frequent but quick; while sitting, he feels it in the nape of neck and left chest.

Neck and Back

Neck. Muscles of neck hurt up to occiput; first right, then left. A slight draught of air is followed by rheumatic pain in neck, stiffness and dulness of head. Cramplike pain in the neck; first on one side, then the other (Cate, r to l?). Stiffness in the nape of the neck (ninth day). On exposure to a slight draught, violent rheumatic drawing pains in the nape of the neck, with a kind of stiffness and dulness of the whole head (thirteenth day). Back. Backache and uterine pains. Back and lower limbs ache less after motion. Drawing in back and limbs, with gaping, stretching, bending backwards; worse evening and morning, getting awake, on moving about. With inhalation, a sudden jerking pain in back. Dorsal. Pains and aches in and near, between and mostly below the shoulder-blades, throbbing, pulsating, jerking. Tensive pain below the right shoulder-blade, extending forward (from the 2d). Lumbar. The small of the back, knees, thumbs, are especially affected. Sore aching in left loin. Sacral. In sacrum numbness and lameness. Sharp sacral pains, lameness Severe pain above the sacrum, and in the hips, soon after taking it (from the 4th). In the union of sacrum and hip-bone, sacro-iliac union, a soreness, as if separated. Pain and aches, soreness, pressive, tearing, and shooting in os coccygis.

Extremities in General

Trembling of arms and hands, with other complaints, particularly uterine. Weariness in all the limbs during pregnancy. Pains flying about in all parts of rump and limbs, after getting wet in rain. Aching in all the limbs, with weariness. Mornings after waking, the extremities have gone to sleep, especially the hands and feet (after disagreeable news the day previous), (twentieth day).

Superior Extremities

Trembling in arms and hands (two girls). (also Cate and ). Paralysis of the whole left arm, lasting an hour (from the 4th). Dull pain in arms; first left, then right, from shoulder to fingers; from clavicle down to the wrist. Pain and numbness of the left arm, in the afternoon (after taking the drug in the morning), (from the 2d). All the bones of the arm ache, particularly in the thumb. Soreness, burning, itching under the arms. Shoulder. Pain and aches in shoulder and shoulder-blades. Rheumatic pains in shoulders, chest, and other parts, after getting wet in the rain (Jones). Sore aching, bruised pains in shoulder, or down the arm. Arm. A very sensitive pain from the left elbow-joint to the shoulder (from the 4th). Rheumatic pain in upper arm near shoulder-joint; cannot lift the arm. Sensation like a hot stitch in the right upper arm above the bend of the elbow (twenty-second day). Elbow. Burning in the right elbow, as if from the bite of ants (thirteenth day). Through elbows, shooting, usually first left, then right. In elbow, as if the joint had been struck. Forearm. Cramplike pain, in forearm; sore, bruised feeling; tearing. Pain, as if broken, in the right forearm bones (fourth day). Breaking pain in the right forearm, then in the left (fifth day). Wrist. Sudden pressive pain in both wrists, worse in the left, lasting a long time (after eleven hours), (from the 4th). Pain in right wrist, with lameness, as if beat; cramp like and other pains when moving or using it. Hand. Hands tremble; she is sick; heart beats; fear of bad news; after this, trembling and weak. Trembling of hands, with headache; pain in chest, bellyache. Hands asleep. The right hand feels as if pounded, and gone to sleep in bed (fifth day). Paralysis of the left hand and arm. Burning-sticking in the left metacarpal bones, towards evening (ninth day). Pressive pain in the left hand and in the left metacarpal bones (twenty-second day). Fingers. The thumbs moved spasmodically. Paralysis of all the finger-joints (from the 4th). Pain in single fingers. Pain in the fingers of the right hand when writing, in the evening (third day), (from the 4th). (Pain in the first joint of the little finger, which it had already had for a long time), (from the 2d). Breaking pain in the third phalanx of the right third finger (twenty-third day). In right thumb, all the joints as if luxated or sprained. Sticking pain, as if with a hot needle, in the tip of the left thumb (fourteenth day). Raging, twitching pain in the first joint of the left little finger (seventh day). Points of thumb and finger sore. The right little finger pains gout-like, as if bruised and swelled, worse when touched or moved; afternoons during the finest warm weather; it was only a little windy (fourth day). Ulcerative pain in the roots of the finger-nails of the right hand, especially in the middle finger (from the 4th). Pains as if ulcerated around the nails.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.