
Objective. Inner and outer ear swollen; red, sore, itching. Excoriating discharge from ears. Subjective. Burning pain in a small spot over the right ear, highly sensitive to the slightest touch. A severe violent, burning pain in a small spot above the right ear (when scratching the head on account of itching); it is exceedingly sensitive to the slightest touch; after a time it suddenly disappears (crude). Aching, pressive, tearing, rending, in and around the ears, most behind or below. All the bones behind and around the ears ache and hurt, shooting outwards. Pressive pain in the cartilage of the left ear, as if it were being squeezed together with the fingers (eleventh day). Cold feeling in the ears, coldness followed by the throbbing, by heat, with hard hearing; outer ears cold; cold and aching, or hot and aching. Heat of inner and outer ear. Earaches, tearing, shutting, jerking pain, in alternations, or with other rheumatic complaints. Soreness in ears and around. Hearing. Difficult hearing, with all other ear symptoms. Singing and other noises, most in right ear.


Objective. Point of nose icy cold. A small, very painful ulcer forms on the right side of the septum of the nose; he cannot well blow his nose, on account of a sore pain in it; opens the second day, but does not heal till the fifth day (twenty-third day). Dry yellow mucus in the nose, which must be removed with the fingers (fourth day). Frequent sneezing (seventh day). Very frequent sneezing during the whole time (eleventh day). Frequent violent sneezing, with running from the nose, with nasal mucus and flow of saliva (from the 2d). Sudden sneezing, and soreness on the margins of wings of nose; fluent coryza during the afternoon. Interrupted sneezing, afterwards sneezing with coryza (fifth day). In the evening, three or four times, sudden sneezing, followed by sensation of soreness in the nostrils, with relief of the headache (crude). Coryza, fluent, in a cold room; stopped in warm air and out of doors. Fluent coryza, in a cool room; after driving out, stopped catarrh in the hot air, outside (fifth day). Very profuse, fluent coryza; three handkerchiefs a day; discharge thick, yellow, sometimes watery, with sore nostrils (twenty-first day). In the open air, on warm days, nose stopped; coming in a cool room, the nose runs. Chronic catarrh in scrofulous children. Streaks of blood; nose bleeding, afternoon. Thin bring-red streaks of blood on the mucus from the nose, while sneezing (from the 2d). Subjective. Sometimes a sensation as if something had got into the nose (like a crumb, while eating), which could not be got out (from the 2d). Biting-stinging in anterior angle of left nostril; later, right nostril, sneezing and lachrymation (Jones). Tickling in the nose and sneezing. Itching and a kind of soreness within the right angle of the nose near the tip (crude).


Face pale, sallow, yellowish, earthen. Pain in face, particularly in upper jawbone, from right to left; extends from other parts to face, or from face to other parts. Pain in the processus zygomaticus. Swollen upper lip; painful, hard, burning.


Teeth. (Slow, backwards in teething, also in closing of fontanelle). (Slow dentition, with cold tremors and emaciation), (G). Teeth cannot bear chewing. (Carious teeth, cannot bear the fresh air). Pains in eye-teeth and stomach-teeth. Toothache, with other complaints. In an upper hollow root on the right side, sensation as if something had got into it that she strives to remove. The loose root is sensitively painful when touched, yet he has a desire to touch it; every minute renews the pain (twenty- first day). Raging toothache in an upper root, left, extending into the upper jaw (fifth day). Sensitiveness in an upper hollow root, right, with desire to suck it with the tongue, which increases the pain. Sensation as if something were sticking into the lower incisors; it feels like a small painful swelling of the gum (crude). Dull drawing stitches in a hollow upper back tooth, left side, afternoon (third day). Shooting in molar teeth; all the hollow teeth cannot bear the air. Jerking toothache in a hollow back tooth, right, after a bit of pear had got into it (fourth day). Tongue. Tongue white, furred on the root; most in the morning. Mornings, a whitish coated tongue, with furrows on it, as if split; insipid sweetish taste after the ice cream of the day before (seventh day). When swallowing, pain in tongue, fauces, pharynx, chest, and pit of stomach. Tip of the tongue feels as if sore or burnt (fourth day). Tip of tongue sore, burning, little blisters. General Mouth. Dryness of mouth and tongue, into choanae, with salivation, with or without thirst. Contraction in the right half of the mouth, as if from something hard; teeth also feel contracted, and as if a draught of wind came from their roots (eighteenth day). A sore spot inside of right cheek, in two provers, distant in time and space, and from different preparations (Jones and B). Saliva. Saliva copious and acid (crude). Saliva running with fluent coryza. Taste. Flabby, sweetish taste. Bitter taste; particularly wheat bread tastes bitter (Cate). Bitter taste in the morning, with headache. Bitter taste at the setting in of the catamenia. Foul taste and smell. All day, especially mornings, offensive taste and coated tongue (ninth day). Disgusting taste when getting awake; worse when hawking. Insipid, disgusting taste when waking; tongue thickly coated white (fifth day).


Hawking and inclination to vomit after breakfast (eighth day). Hawking up phlegm in the evening, at night, and in the morning, with gagging. When they talk, they constantly hem and hawk. Much mucus; is often compelled to hawk in his sleep, to raise the mucus (evenings, twentieth day). Much mucus, with excessive hawking and sore pain in the throat, late in the evening (twenty- third day). Dryness in the throat, at night. Throat dry, sore, scrapy (twentieth day). A sensation in the throat as after much weeping or after running, a kind of contraction (from the 2d). Pains and burning from other parts towards the throat. Burning in pit of throat. Pain on the sides of throat; aching on pressure up to the ear, or from ear to shoulder, worse when turning the neck, also when swallowing. Sore aching in throat; worse when swallowing. Drawing in the inner throat, in the left eye, and in the left row of teeth (nineteenth day). Sore throat and running of the nose. Sore throat in the morning, on waking, worse in the right side, low down in the fauces, more towards the back; worse when swallowing; it disappears after rising and at breakfast; warm drink causes no pain (from the 2d). In the evening, sore throat, with tickling cough, increasing after going to bed. Throat pains as if sore; rough when swallowing, as if sore and painful; worse evenings (nineteenth day). Sensation of soreness in the throat, and swelling of the left tonsil, with sensitiveness to the touch; relieved in the evening by moistening it with fruit (eighteenth day). Throat rough and scrapy, as if he would have a sore throat; sensation of dryness in a warm room (fifth day). Roughness in the throat (twenty-first day). Tickling-crawling in the throat that excites a dry cough (sixth day). Tonsils. Pain in the right tonsil (after mustard), (from the 2d). Sore pain in the left tonsil, when yawning. Fauces. Fauces and uvula red and swollen; warm drink does not hurt. Sensation of weakness or emptiness in fauces and throat. Swallowing. Difficult empty swallowing, with scratching in the throat; food is easy to swallow (seventh day). Saliva hurts to swallow, not food. Throat Externally. Aching, sore pain in the region of parotid gland.


Appetite and Thirst. Appetite better than for a long time previously (crude). Unusual hunger at 4 P.M. Infants want to be put to the breast all the time. Has much desire and appetite for coffee and wine (fourteenth and fifteenth days). Great desire for tobacco-smoking; headache relieved (crude). Diminished appetite at noon, with headache in the afternoon; more appetite in the evening, when the headache became better (from the crude). No appetite from noon to noon, but if thinking about it, she wants to eat. Complete want of appetite, before or with catamenia. Feels no real desire for his accustomed smoking, nor does he relish it properly during the first two weeks (fourteenth day). Much thirst, with a dry mouth and tongue, after part of the day. Eructations. After breakfast, belching, hawking, gagging, nausea. Belching, all forenoon, with qualmishness. Sour belching and gulping up. After belching, a burning in epigastrium. Heartburn, one or two hours after dinner (Cate). Heartburn up into the throat; sore in right groin, and a kicking-quivering over the os pubis. Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea after drinking coffee, and an incipient heartburn and exceedingly unpleasant sensation, together with confusion of the head, headache, and great ill- humor (from the 2d). Nausea, rising from the pit of the stomach, when moving; better at rest;followed by headache and lassitude. Nausea lasting two hours, with vertigo and headache, worse when stooping; dull confusion of the head, with confusion of the thoughts. Nausea from smoking or after drinking coffee. Nausea when smoking as usual, inclination to vomit; tobacco itself does not taste right for several days (fifth day). He gags several times as if to vomit, mornings, with hawking of mucus (seventh day). Vomiturition from hawking phlegm. Children vomit often and easy. Vomiting of food after eating, as if sharp, corroding, and sore in the throat, with a sensation as if the teeth were dull and too long, after ice-cream (evenings, eighth day). Vomiting, with trembling of hands. Stomach. Flabbiness of stomach. An empty, sinking sensation at the epigastrium, 7 P.M. Indescribable uneasiness in region of stomach. Burning in epigastrium; in region of navel; in whole abdomen, rising up into the chest, into the throat. Burning at the stomach and rising of water into the mouth (waterbrash). Stomach feels expanded. Violent cramp in the stomach, a kind of pressure as if he had eaten something hard to excess that pressure his stomach, with a sensation of qualmishness and nausea before dinner (twelfth day). One hour after dinner, dull pain in stomach, with soreness when pressing upon it; one or two hours after dinner, heartburn and other gastric symptoms. Pressure in stomach; lessening when she rests. Sharp cutting or cramp like pain in stomach, with headache.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.