Respiratory Organs

Larynx. Mucus in the larynx, which is loosened by hawking. Whistling in the larynx, in the evening, after lying down. The larynx is rough, especially in the morning. Rawness of the larynx, with pain on swallowing. Voice. Painless hoarseness, so that she was scarcely able to speak, in the morning (eleventh day). Cough and Expectoration. Hacking, hoarse cough, which, to the sound, was not caused by mucus. Constant short, hacking cough, in single hacks. Tickling cough, as from a feather in the throat. Cough caused by a sensation as if a plug stuck in the throat and moved up and down. Spasmodic cough, in the evening. Night cough (after six days). Night cough, during sleep, without waking. At night, severe cough on waking, for two minutes. Constant forcible, scraping cough at night, in bed, after the first waking (about 10 o’clock), (seventh day). Constant cough at night, with hoarseness (after thirty-nine days). Cough caused by eating. Cough provoked by inspiration. Cough always caused by playing on the piano. Cough mostly in sleep, together with stopped, then fluent coryza. Cough, with coryza. Hard, dry cough. Dry hacking cough, in the evening, especially in bed (after two days). Dry cough, especially at night. Dry cough at night after midnight, so that the heart and arteries throb. Very violent cough, at first dry, afterward with profuse salty expectoration, with pain as if something had been torn loose from the larynx. Cough and expectoration and whole day. Cough with expectoration during the day, but none during the night. Cough in the morning, with yellowish expectoration (after five days). In the morning, after he had choked himself, he was obliged to cough violently, which caused expectoration of blood several times, followed by stitches in the palate. Much cough, with mucous expectoration, in the evening after lying down, and at night; during the day only a little and dry cough. Cough, with much tough, tasteless, odorless expectoration, morning and evening in bed. Cough, with much expectoration of thick mucus, at night. During a violent cough, in the evening, he raises and expectorates something sweet. Expectoration of mucus, with a sweetish taste. Mucous expectoration, in the morning, with hacking. Expectoration of mucus, at night, with scraping in the throat. Expectoration of blood, when coughing and hawking, with a rough and sore sensation in the chest. Expectoration of blood caused by a short hacking cough, with vertigo and unsteadiness of the thighs, when walking rapidly. Respiration. Hot breath, with heat in the mouth, without thirst. Frequent need to breathe deeply. Was obliged to breathe deeply, which caused sticking, now in the right, now in the left side of the chest, or hypochondrium. Excessive urging to take a deep breath, with great distension and contraction of the abdomen, and pain in the abdomen and chest (after three days). Desire to hold the breath. Tightness of breath in the chest, with stitches in it. Shortness of breath on going up the slightest ascent. Short breath, worse when sitting than when moving. Short, almost sobbing breathing, when asleep after previous weeping. Difficult respiration (after seven days). Difficult loud breathing, through the nose, when walking. Loss of breath on lying down, followed by whistling respiration. Loss of breath when walking in the wind; the oppression of the chest also continues in the room, and increases as soon as she walks a few steps.


Mucus in the chest, without cough (after some hours). Weakness in the chest, after some loud speaking. Anxiety in the chest. Tightened sensation of fulness in the chest, in the morning on rising, as if he could not sufficiently expand the lungs by breathing; disappearing after some expectoration. Tightness of the chest; breathing fails her. Tightness of the chest, as if she were filled too full, and with blood. Tightness of the chest immediately after rising in the morning; he was unable to walk two steps without being obliged to sit down (after twenty-four days). Tightness of the chest in the forenoon, on walking in the open air (after forty-eight hours). Oppression of the chest, after a stool. Oppression and tension of the chest. Pressure in the chest, especially below the right nipple. Cutting in the chest, on inspiration, after a few hours. Sticking pain in the chest (first evening). Fine sticking pain around the whole chest, in the region of the fourth and fifth ribs. Stitches in the chest, extending to the throat, for several hours. Stitches in various parts of the chest, with oppression (seventh day). A stitch causes shuddering, extending from the hepatic region into the chest (after ten hours). Stitches through the chest, from the left to the right side, with a feeling of contraction; he breathed with difficulty, and on breathing the stitches were more violent (after four days). Jerking stitches in the chest, mostly on the left side. Sore pain in the chest, especially on inspiration. Sore pain in the right mamma on the slightest touch. The whole chest is painfully sensitive to the touch and on inspiration. Raw pain in the chest after much speaking and walking, as also on coughing. During the cough pain in the chest as if raw, evenings and nights. The mammary glands pain as if they were suppurating, especially on touch. Discharge of milk from the breast of an infant (after forty- eight hours). Oppression on the forepart of the chest, even when not breathing. Pain in the sternum, as if pressed. Stitches through the chest, across the sternum, from before backwards. Sides. Swelling and external heat of the right breast. Glandular swelling of the right breast, with pain on touch. Swelling and inflammation of the left mamma, with fine stitches in it (fourth day). Pain in the ribs of the right side. Tension in the ribs of both sides, extending across to the pit of the stomach (second day). Cramp in the left intercostal muscles; she was obliged to bend suddenly towards that side in order to relieve it. Gnawing pain in the left side of the chest, as if externally on the ribs and sternum, only slightly aggravated by inspiration (after one hour). Oppression and sticking pain in the region of the fifth and sixth ribs of the right side (after three-quarters of an hour), (first day). Paroxysmal pressure in the right side of the chest after motion, lasting one hour. Stitches in the region of the fifth to seventh ribs, in the left side (first day). Stitches in the region of the seventh and eighth ribs of the left side (second day). Stitches and drawing in the left side of the chest, extending to the left submaxillary gland. Stitches in the left side of the chest, especially in the evening (after eleven days). Stitches deep in the right side of the chest, in the evening, especially on breathing. Stitches in the left side of the chest, on almost every respiration, usually disappearing by rubbing (after a few hours). Stitches in the left side of the chest, on breathing and on raising the body. Tearing under the ribs of the left side.

Heart and Pulse

Anxiety about the heart (second day). Spasmodic contraction in the region of the heart, impeding respiration, followed by severe shocks (after sixteen days). Painful pressure in the precordial region. Palpitation. Great palpitation. Palpitation and anxiety, in the evening, in bed, before going to sleep. Palpitation, with restless sleep, at night. Great palpitation of the heart after dinner. Palpitation of the heart after eating, felt without laying the hand upon the chest. Palpitation in the midday sleep while sitting, which wakes him. During a walk palpitation and pain in the chest (after nineteen days). Severe palpitation, with anxious dread that he might have organic disease of the heart. Severe palpitation, with excessive anguish and restless oppression of the chest and pain in the back; she makes a loud sound as if every breath would leave the body, with coldness of the body and cold sweat. Excessive palpitation, with irregular pulse. Stitches in the heart, which prevent breathing and leave a pressive pain there. Pulse rapid, without feverishness.

Neck and Back

Neck. Hard swelling of the cervical glands (after thirteen days). Painless swelling of the glands, of the size of a hazelnut, in the neck, on the margin of the hair (after five days). Swelling and painfulness of the lowest cervical vertebrae. The neck feels stiff. The neck feels stiff, on stooping. Effects of taking cold; stiffness in the neck, and cervical muscles; stitches in the neck and in the head, over the eyes, with cough (soon). Pain in the neck, with stiffness. The glands of the neck pain. Pain in the neck, on turning the head, as if a tumor would protrude there. Itching sticking burning, in the neck, and between the shoulder- blades, with heartburn (after five days). Sudden pain in the neck, as if burnt, on twisting and turning the head. Tension in the neck, so that she could not turn the head. Sticking pain in the neck. Tearing in the muscles of the neck. Stiffness in the nape of the neck and throat. Stitches in the nape of the neck, and shoulder-blades, with confusion of the head. Tearing in the nape of the neck. Tearings in the nape of the neck (first day). Tearing in the nape of the neck (second day). Swelling on the left side of the neck, with painfulness on touch, or turning the head, with internal soreness of the throat. Swelling in the glands on the left side of the neck, as large as a pigeon’s egg, with sticking pain in the throat on swallowing. Stiff sensation in the side of the neck. Tearing in the sides of the neck. Back. Pain in the back. Intolerable pain in the back. The spine pains on bending backward. Painful stiffness in the spine, with indolence and heaviness in the legs, in the morning on waking, and after rising (after seventeen days). Pressive pain in the middle of the back and beneath the shoulder-blades (after twenty- seven days). Pain as if wrenched in both sides of the back. Stitches in the back (first day). Bruised pain in the back and chest. Spasmodic, jerking pain, extending from the left side of the back to the anus. Painful jerks in the right side of the back, on breathing, with chilliness, and cold creepings (after seven days). Dorsal. Twitching in both shoulder-blades, and on the chest. Pressure beneath the right shoulder-blade extending upward. Stitches in the right shoulder-blade (at 9 A.M., second day). Stitches in the left shoulder-blade, in the precordial region (second day). Itching stitches in the right shoulder- blade. Pinching constriction between the shoulder-blades (after thirty days). Drawing pain between the shoulder-blades. Pressure between the shoulder-blades, which on motion impedes respiration Pressive pain in the spine, between the shoulder-blades, with short breath and aggravated by breathing, with painfulness in the bones of the spine on touch. Burning-sticking pain in the back, between the shoulders. Cutting pain between the shoulder-blades, during rest (after six days). Stitches between the shoulders. Tearings between the shoulder-blades (after three hours). Tearing between the shoulder-blades (first, second, and third days). Tearing between the shoulder-blades. Drawing pressive-tearing pain between the shoulder-blades. Single fine stitches in the upper part of the back, during inspiration. Lumbar. Pain in the small of the back. Pain in the small of the back. Pain in the small of the back (second day). Pain in the small of the back (third day). Pain in the small of the back (after six and eight days). Pain in the small of the back, so that he could scarcely rise from sitting. Pain in the small of the back, as from lifting. Pain in the small of the back, from lifting a heavy weight. Pain in the small of the back, in the morning, immediately after rising. Severe in the small of the back; she could neither sit nor lie. Drawing in the small of the back (after four hours). Drawing pain in the small of the back, when sitting. Dragging in the small of the back, towards the rectum. Tearing in the small of the back (first, second, and third days). Tearing in the small of the back. Pain in the lumbar region, and in the iliac bones, as if menstruation would come on (third day). The spine in the region of the kidneys is painful on stretching, as after lifting. Sticking pain in the left side of the sacrum, while walking (second day). Drawing in the coccyx (third day). Sticking pain in the coccyx (first day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.