
Objective. The color of the face is pale, with blue rings around the eyes (first day). Pale, lean face, with deepseated eyes surrounded by dark rings (fourteenth day). Yellowness of the face. Frequent excessive redness and heat of the face. Continued puffy redness and heat of the face. Swelling of the face, without heat, with needle-stitches here and there. Right side of the much swollen, and covered with pimples. Twitching of the muscles of the face. Subjective. Pain in the face, followed by swelling of the cheeks, whereupon the pain disappears (after ten days). Burning in the whole of the face. The face feels swollen, especially under the eyes and around the nose, without visible swelling. Tearing in the bones of the face and head. Prickling in the face and neck. Cheeks. Painless swelling of the cheeks, in the morning, on rising (second day). Wish pinching, contractive pain, the right cheek is drawn spasmodically sideways (after thirty days). Stitches in the right cheek, very violent, the whole day (after five days). Tearing in the left cheek-bones. Tearing in the left cheek-bones (first day). Lips. Swelling of the upper lip, in the morning. The lips and mouth were spasmodically drawn together, so that she could not open them. Cracked lips, with a cracked, smarting tongue (after forty- eight hours). The upper lip was cracked. Eruption in the lower portion of the red lip (after thirty- two days). At first, slight drawing in the lower lip; afterward it became as if dead, white and numb, without feeling, as though it were thick and would hang down (for five minutes). Stitching-itching about the upper and lower lip. Lower jaw. Swelling of the glands under the lower jaw. On the left side of the jaw, great swelling with drawing pains (after twelve days). Tearing in the lower jaw (first and second days).


Teeth. Protrusion of a swollen tooth; only when she bites upon it pains very much. Looseness of an old stump with swollen gum, with sore, sticking pain when touched. Offensive smell from the teeth. Inclination to gnash the teeth as in a chill. The teeth feel too long. Toothache at night, more like a pressure, or rush of blood to the teeth, beginning immediately after lying down (first three nights). Pain in the teeth from heat or cold, but mostly caused by a current of air, day and night, with running of much saliva from the mouth, and sticking extending to the ear and eyes, which prevented her sleeping at night (after eight days). During menstruation, an attack of toothache. Boring toothache, with stitches extending to the nasal bones, day and night, with swelling of the gum and cheek. During menstruation, a boring in hollow teeth, which becomes a pulsation on stooping (after sixteen days). Dull toothache, in the evening on lying down (as soon as she lays the head down), lasting one hour, followed by sleep. Drawing in the teeth. Drawing in the first upper left teeth. Drawing pain in the front teeth, lasting several minutes, and returning by paroxysms (after seventeen days). Immediately after menstruation, toothache, drawing and sticking day and night, worse if she inclined to head to the right, or to the left, or backward; it prevented sleep or awoke her out of sleep (after fifty days). Boring-drawing pains in most of the back teeth, at night. Gnawing toothache, worse in the evening. Biting pain in the teeth. Drawing-cutting in all the teeth (after eleven days). Boring-sticking toothache, extending to the eye and ear, excessively increased on riding in a wagon (twenty-second day). At first, stitches in the last back teeth, two hours after eating, followed by boring, relieved by eating. Severe stitches in a tooth, extending to the right eye and right temple; only during the day; with inclination to touch the tooth with the tongue, which causes every time a severe stitchlike jerk in the tooth, so that she starts, and it shakes her (first five days). Toothache in all teeth (as from fine needle stitches), much aggravated by the entrance of cold air; it awoke him from sleep at night. A thrust in the teeth, as from a fist. Tearing in the teeth. Tearing in the teeth, as if the roots would be torn out (after twenty hours). Tearing in the teeth, extending to the head, to the temples, mostly at night. Tearing in the first left upper back tooth. Single tearing in hollow teeth, at half hour intervals, most severe on taking anything warm; also at night, tearing through the whole cheek. The teeth pain, as if sensitive on slight touch. Jerking toothache (twenty-fourth day). Jerking in the left teeth, and in the left side of the head. Throbbing toothache in an incisor, only when eating. Much tickling toothache in a hollow tooth. The teeth cannot endure the air or any coldness. Toothache if cold air or cold drinks enter the mouth. The toothache as aggravated by noise. Swelling of the gum of a hollow tooth. Swelling of the gum (and of the jaw); especially near a broken tooth a pimple swells, from which pain extends into the ear. Painful swelling of the gum without toothache, also with swelling of the cheek, which is painful to touch (after three days). Pustules on the gum above one of the back teeth, like a dental fistula (after taking cold?), (after twenty-four days). An ulcer on the gum, (after fourteen day). Bleeding from the gum, even at night (second and third day) At night, tearing pain in the gum, and on biting a feeling as if the teeth were loose. Soreness of the gum, with painfulness in the roots of the teeth. Throbbing in the swollen gum. Severe pulsation in the gum. The gum itches. Tongue. Swelling of one side of the tongue, which makes swallowing difficult. Blisters on the tongue, which hinder him in eating. White-coated tongue (first days). Thick, white-coated tongue, with a feeling as if it were raw and sore. Tongue difficult to move. Dryness of the tongue, in the morning on waking (after thirteen days). The tongue pains along the side and on its lower surface, especially when chewing, swallowing, or spitting (seventh day). Pain beneath the tongue, when swallowing, on the left side behind the hyoid bone. Violent burning on the tongue, and in the whole of the mouth. Burning pain on the tip of the tongue, as from soreness; she could take nothing warm into the mouth on account of pain (after six hours). General Mouth. The mouth is slimy in the morning; it is not relieved by rinsing (after twenty-four hours). In the mouth, swelling of the right cheek, forming a thick nodule, with drawing-tearing pain in it, every evening. Blisters in the mouth, which open and from ulcers (after twelve days), (after anger?). Blisters in the mouth, and ulcers form from them on the inner surface of the cheek (after taking cold?). Small blisters on the inner side of the cheek, where the teeth touch it. Dryness in the mouth (after one and a half hours). Great dryness of the mouth and tongue, with a raw, sticking sensation. Swelling and inflammation of the palate; the uvula is dark- red and full of blisters. Sticking in the palate. Dry sensation in the palate, which obliges him to hawk up mucus. Saliva. In the forenoon, the saliva frequently collects in the mouth, with nausea (fourth day). Sour taste of the saliva, which she continually spits out (second day). Much mucus in the mouth, with a dry sensation. Accumulation of much mucus in the mouth, though it does not cause spitting. Taste. Sweet taste as of sugar in the mouth, day and night (twelfth day). Flat, watery taste in the mouth; the taste of food is unnaturally sensitive. Offensive taste in the mouth, in the morning, as of a foul stomach. Bitter mouth (second day). Bitter taste, in the morning two hours after rising. Bitterish taste in the back part of the throat (fifth day). Impure, bitter taste in the mouth. Sour taste in the mouth. Sour taste in the mouth, and much tough saliva. Sour taste of all food, without a sour taste in the mouth (after taking cold?). Metallic taste, taste of lead in the mouth, in the morning (sixth day). Taste of iron in the mouth. Inky taste, in the morning on waking. Everything tastes unsalted. Salty taste in the mouth, and much thirst (after some hours). Fecal taste in the mouth and fauces. Taste blunted. Speech. Speech is difficult. He moves the mouth as if he would speak or scream, but cannot utter a word.


Mucus in the throat, which tastes like iron. Hawking of mucus in the morning. Relaxed throat, with roughness and hoarseness. Sensation in the throat as if something rose up and stuck (first day). The throat is dry and bitter the whole day, especially in the morning. During menstruation, severe burning in the throat, with hoarseness. After every meal, almost unendurable burning in the throat lasts several hours, with or without eructations. Pain in the throat, as from internal swelling, extending to the ear (after fourteen days). A feeling as if a worm were gnawing in the throat; continues till she goes to bed (at 4 P.M., first day). Sticking and pressure in the throat, on swallowing. Stitches in the throat when swallowing; she is not able to swallow bread. Severe stitches in the throat, extending to the ear, when swallowing, and still more when speaking. Sore throat, with difficulty of swallowing. Sore throat, as from a lump in it, when swallowing. Sore throat, with swelling of the glands under it. A feeling as if the throat and uvula were raw and sore. Rawness and soreness of the whole throat; he could scarcely swallow anything (after twenty-nine days). Rawness and burning in the throat, with a sensation as if the oesophagus, as far as the opening of the stomach, were raw and sore. Tickling in the throat, as if a very small object were lying there, which excites cough (first day). Uvula. Swelling and dark redness of the uvula. Pain in the throat, as if the uvula prevented swallowing, even on empty swallowing; less pain when speaking, and none at all when lying in bed. Tonsils. Swelling of the tonsils, with elongation of the palate, and a feeling as if the throat were too narrow when swallowing, sometimes a feeling of soreness with stitches (after five days). Whitish-yellow ulcers on the right tonsil. Pharynx. A feeling as though a foreign body were in the pharynx, which constantly obliged him to swallow (after fifteen days). A feeling in the pharynx, in the afternoon, as if the food remained sticking in it and could not get into the stomach, with a kind of nausea. Spasmodic contraction of the pharynx. Pressure in the pharynx after swallowing. During menstruation, a sore throat; a sore pain in the pharynx, on swallowing, on the uvula and behind it. Swallowing. Inclination to choke in the oesophagus, without nausea, with accumulation of water in the mouth, like water- brash. Obstruction in the throat, on swallowing, as from a pressing substance. Swallowing is difficult, as if the tongue were swollen posteriorly. Pain in the throat on swallowing (third day). Throat Externally. Hard swelling of the submaxillary glands, as large as hen’s eggs, with painful tension when chewing, and sticking pain when touched (after forty-one days).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.