
Swelling and redness of the whole body, as in general erysipelas. Skin bloated and tense, or loose and flabby. The whole surface becomes pale and swollen, as in dropsy. The patient becomes yellow. The skin takes on a deep yellow tinge. Skin of a yellow tinge, as in jaundice. Skin greenish, and always looking dirty or oily. Skin moist, or dry and stiff as parchment, and affected by every change of temperature. Every slight injury, even the prick of a pin, suppurates, with corrosive pain. Very unhealthy skin, excoriating and chapping easily. The skin of the face tans quickly, and is easily excoriated and torn. Scabs and cracks in the face. Chaps and fissures on the hands. Excoriation between the buttocks and the thighs. Eruptions, Dry. Acne rosacea. Miliary eruptions and urticaria. Very smarting miliary eruption on the penis, pubis, and scrotum. Burning eruption like nettle- rash on the hands. A large quantity of scales on the face, which are constantly renewed, with intolerable itching. Furfuraceous herpes, with great itching of the legs and thighs. Eruption of little pimples on the skin, after contact with the saliva or urine of the toad. Pimples like small furuncles. Small, white pimples, lasting only for a day. Red and very painful pimples on the forehead. An erysipelatous attack, in a woman subject to the complaint for many years, was on the point of breaking out, when it was cut short immediately by a few doses of the remedy; subsequently, two pimples appeared on the right temple, on the side most frequently attacked by erysipelas; these pimples, the size of a small lentil, ended in a rounded head; the whole temporal region in the middle of which they were situated was red and swollen. This redness disappears on pressure with the finger, but returns again immediately; at the same time it is always painfully sensitive to cold, and the sensation it causes is identical with that which marks the onset of erysipelas; this eruption lasts seven days; it is accompanied at its first appearance, for two nights successively, but difficult and broken sleep; afterwards return of the pimples on the temples, with sensation when they first break out, as if the skin were pinched(650). Subcutaneous pimples on the cheeks. After a coryza, small herpetic pimples on the upper lip. Pimples like smallpox on the glans. Warts, mostly on the backs of the hands. Eruptions, Moist and Pustular. Erysipelatous eruption on different parts. Phlegmonous erysipelas of the face. Phlegmonous erysipelas, which leaves the face disfigured. Erysipelas of the legs. Herpes, furfuraceous, moist, crusty, and yellowish. Acute herpes of the face. Herpetic eruptions, burning, and sanious oozing of the vulva. A small, vesicle, surrounded by an erythematous blush, appears near the left wrist; this small vesicle excites a burning itching. It discharges a little serum, and is then succeeded by a small abscess like a boil, with fever and lancinating pain of the forearm, and of the corresponding, upper arm, extending to the axilla. A corrosive vesicle on the inner surface of the first phalanx of the right index finger, very painful (after seven days); it lasts ten days, when the skin in this place scales off. A small vesicle caused corrosive pain in the middle of the right tibia, with a red areola, and after a few days a whitish- gray, thick, fatty scurf formed, which from new exudations enlarged until it reached the size of a quarter of a dollar, and was surrounded with a broad red areola; at times on touch, and even without cause, corrosive pains attacked this tetter; the crust dried in about fourteen days and desquamated, leaving a reddish brown spot, with shiny scaling skin (twenty-sixth day). Large blisters in palms of hands and soles of feet, three inches in circumference, yellow; the fluid was yellow and excoriating; this was repeated in several places. Very painful blisters and corns on the feet. Phlyctenae and pemphigus. Phlyctenoid eruption; thick and sanious scabs on the scalp. Phlyctenae on the lips. The whole body is covered with pustules like those of a bad case of scabies. Eruptions like the itch, lichen, and prurigo. Boils and abscesses. Eruption like small boils on the cheeks and neck. The skin-symptoms are aggravated in the evening and at night. Sensations. Sensation of tension and of shuddering in the skin. The skin feels as if stretched to bursting. Formication and torpor on different parts of the body. Tickling on the skin, as from insects, or drawing a feather over it. Great sensitiveness of the skin and bones of the face. Intolerable itching, which ends in smarting, all over the body, and is aggravated on going into the open air. The itching is relieved by the friction of the body-linen; it is followed by smarting, especially when it has been thus allayed. Violent itching in the afternoon, towards 4 or 5 o’clock, in the whole outer surface of the thighs and legs, for eight successive days, always at the same hour. Great itching of the cheeks. Intolerable itching at the nape of the neck. Corrosive itching on the left leg and knee-cap, which compels rubbing, lasting several days (after second day).

Sleep and Dreams

Fits of drowsiness coming on after eating, and in the open air. Drowsiness, with agitation and sleeplessness; he is constantly turning in bed. Great sleepiness, especially in the morning, after breakfast, or after being in the open air. Invincible drowsiness after a meal. Very heavy sleep, with congestion to the head. Sleep tardy, or too prolonged in the morning, with dreams, nightmare and great fatigue on waking. Insufficient sleep; he awakes too early. Wakes too early, 3 or 4 o’clock A.M. Wakes up every few moments. Wakes up sad, or very joyful. Sleep with talking, cries and groans; he awakes sobbing. Restless sleep, with starting awake, fright, palpitation etc. Sleeplessness in the evening and at night. Sense of fatigue during sleep, and of numbness in every limb, obliging him to change his position frequently. Many dreams, fantastic, and generally frightful. Dreams of travel, of projects, and of greatness.


He desires warmth; is always cold, especially in the limbs. Obstinate coldness in bed at night. Shivering all over after stool, aggravated in the evening. Coldness, shiverings, trembling, and vertigo, especially on going into the fresh air. Coldness and shivering, with moisture of the skin, nervous excitability, and trembling. Chilly sensation in the calves, which precedes a cramplike pain in that part. Chilliness and numbness of the feet. Alternations of heat and cold rising like waves from the lower part of the body. Heat and burning all over, accompanied by passing shiverings. General sensation of heat and turgescence, followed by contraction and icy coldness of the whole system. Fever with shivering, increase of muscular strength, and delirium, especially in the evening. Feverish heat all over, excepting the feet, which remain constantly cold, day and night, during four days. Calor mordax, with embarrassed head, burning of the neck, throat, and chest; agitated pulse, great thirst. The heat of the fire is distressing to him. Fever is developed, the extremities become burning hot. Quotidian evening fever, with great depression. Tertian fever, with general painful weariness, great hunger, and urgent thirst. Quartan fever, with intense heat and violent delirium. Heat which rise into the face. Great heat, contraction, and digging in the loins. Burning heat of the hands for three weeks. Sensation as if the legs and feet were held over a pan of burning charcoal. Burning hot feet. The skin is burning, red, and crumpled in different places. Aggravation of the fever in the evening, at night, and sometimes in the morning. The body is almost always moist with perspiration. Cold sweats. Sweat in the morning, in bed. In bed, on waking up in the morning, general moisture. Excessive perspiration during sleep, especially towards morning. Debilitating, sour-smelling perspiration, especially in the morning, in bed. Night-sweat, especially on the head, chest, and back. Copious sweat after the slightest exertion. Copious sweat, with weakness, and often with morbid hunger. Frequent perspiration of the hands. Sweat mostly on the hams.

Conditions Aggravations

(Morning), On waking, ill-humor; dizziness, etc.; after a meal, dizziness; on waking, at 3 A.M., headache; coryza; bad-smelling breath; insipid taste of food; nauseous, etc., taste; dryness of the throat; after breakfast, feels hungry; vomiting; emission of flatulence; pain in abdomen; pains in uterus; towards 1, 3, or 4 A.M., cough; on waking, cough; on waking, stiff neck, etc.; pains in loins; on waking, numbness, etc., of limbs; after breakfast, sleepiness; in bed, sweat; in bed, on waking, general moisture; in bed, perspiration. (Afternoon), After breakfast, headache; rising of phlegm; after a meal, vomiting; oppression; towards 4 or 5 o’clock, itching. (Evening), Toward 5 o’clock, headache; towards 4 or 5 o’clock, soreness in forehead, etc.; semilateral headache, etc.; sweats on the head; on going to bed, sneezing; mucus from nose; toothache, hunger; leucorrhoea; cough; shocks, etc., at cardiac region; pulse quicker; swelling of the legs; fainting fits; skin symptoms; after stool, shivering; fever, etc. (Night), When going to sleep, ill-humor; headache; toothache; digging, etc., in liver, etc.; pains in arms; skin symptoms. (Towards morning), During sleep, perspiration. (Open air), Mucus from nose; itching; fits of drowsiness; sleepiness. (When ascending stairs), Oppression, etc. (On going to bed), Cramps in legs, etc. (After breakfast), Faintness. (Cold air), The pains; pains in teeth; coldness, etc. (Cold liquids), Mouth symptoms. (Dampness), Most symptoms. (After eating), As if intoxicated; almost immediately, vomiting; turning in the stomach; fits of drowsiness. (After exertion), Sweat. (Hearty food), Most symptoms. (Great heat), Most symptoms. (Strong liquors), Most symptoms. (Lying on back), All the pains. (Before a meal), Cough. (After a meal), Regurgitation, etc.; nausea; flatulence, etc.; semi-liquid stools; cough; palpitation, etc.; fainting fits; drowsiness. (Meat), Most symptoms. (Before menstruation), Headache, etc. (During menstruation), Contraction in hypochondria, etc. (After menstruation), Heaviness, etc. (Drinking milk), Pain in abdomen. (Movement), Head symptoms; headache, toothache; cramps in stomach; pains of liver; cough more frequent; pain in calf. (Odors), Most symptoms; (On changing position), Pains in hips, etc. (On slightest attempt to raise arm), Pain in deltoid muscle. (In room), Cough. (Sitting), During work, headache; pains in uterus. (Smoking tobacco), Nausea, etc.; pains in abdomen. (Drinking spirits), Headache. (When standing), Aching in right tibia. (Change of temperature), Toothache. (Walking), Pain in temple; pains in uterus; pain in chest; pains in hips, etc.; rawness of thighs; lancinations in knees; swelling of cheeks; the pains. (Walking fast), Oppression, etc. (Contact of water), Ear symptoms. (Windy weather), Head. (Wine), Stomachache. (Working in water), Most symptoms.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.