Rectum and Anus

Prolapsus recti, even between stools. Erysipelatous swelling of the anus. Blind hemorrhoids, with great pain. Hemorrhoids, with discharge of blood, and sometimes of purulent matter. Frequent protrusion of very painful hemorrhoidal knobs. Reappearance of hemorrhoids, with loss of clear red blood and a feeling of comfort, in the case of a female disposed to piles. In consequence of straining at stool there escapes from the hemorrhoidal tumor a jet of blood, the quantity of which may perhaps be estimated at 150 grammes; after this trifling hemorrhage sense of fatigue. Itching and burning at the anus.


Stool every two days. Frequent urging to stool for three or four days, but resulting in only one very scanty evacuation daily. To this state succeeds, for three or four days, daily stools, accompanied with colic and flatulence. Five stools in one day. Several daily stools. Two stools in the day, which are yellowish, soft, but consistent. Stools at night, towards two or three o’clock, A.M. Diarrhoea, often accompanied with inclination to vomit. Watery diarrhoea, with copious urination and canine hunger. Dysentery. Diarrhoeic stools, with tenesmus and heaviness. Diarrhoeic stools, sometimes involuntary, with burning in the abdomen, and especially in the rectum. Whitish stools, as in icterus. Yellowish, liquid stools. Yellow diarrhoeic stools mixed with dark substances. Brown stools, of a very bad smell. Bloody diarrhoeic stools, sometimes followed by very liquid whitish stools. Hard, difficult stools. Stool sometimes hard, sometimes soft, sometimes both together. Thin stools. Semi-liquid stools after a meal, for three days; one or two daily, morning and evening, without colic; followed three or four days after by an obstinate hemorrhoidal tumor, the size of a filbert, and situated outside the margin of the anus; the appearance of this tumor is preceded by smarting, three or four days before. Lumbrici in the child’s stools. Ascarides and lumbrici. Constipation; frequent ineffectual urging to stool. Suppression of stools; the whole body is cold, while the head is burning hot.

Urinary Organs

Sensation as if the neck of the bladder were obstructed by polypi. The bladder feels swollen, with constant desire to urinate. Soft concretions in the kidneys and bladder. Nephritic colic. After every urination, painful stitches in the kidneys and bladder; weakness and depression. Pulsative and lancinating pains in the kidneys, often with haematuria. Ulcers in the urethra. Profuse discharge of yellow and gray mucus from the urethra, with painful weariness and weakness in all the lower portion of the body. Cutting pains, as from a knife, all along the urethra, with inclination to apply the hand there. Great smarting in the urethra, especially after urinating. Too frequent urination. Urine frequent and copious, of a normal color. Clear urine with liquid stools. Whitish urine, with chalky sediment. Red urine. Urine brown, smelling strong, like fish-brine. Urine full of glairy mucus. Scanty urine, of a yellow-ochre color, with yellowish sediment, coincident with some pains in the loins; after the pains in the loins, the urine is clearer and very abundant; micturition four times in a night. Urine scanty, thick, yellowish, depositing a sediment, and diffusing a strong ammoniacal smell, during constipation. Turbid and grayish urine. Suppression of urine.

Sexual Organs

Male. He applies the hands to the genital parts. The least motion aggravates the pains in the genitals. Penis swollen, red, and burning. Hardly any erection. Obstinate impotence. Impotence all night, in the case of a man thirty-two years old. Burning pains in the prepuce. Pimples of a tuberculous appearance at the scrotum. Inflammation of the testicles, with sensation as if a tumor were forming there. Atrophy or hypertrophy of the testicles. Pains in the testicles, as if they were pulled and twisted, and sometimes as if they would return into the abdomen. Increased venereal appetite. He seeks solitude that he may abandon himself to onanism. Complete absence of venereal desire. Aversion to coition. Speedy ejaculation without pleasure, sometimes with spasms and painful weakness of the extremities. The ejaculation is tardy, or altogether wanting. Frequent nocturnal emissions followed by debility. Involuntary discharge of semen. Female. Hard tumor and polypi of the uterus. Ulcers and fissures at the os uteri. Inflammatory swelling of the womb. Metrorrhagia. Liability to abortion. Difficult, painful and tedious parturition. Sensation as if something rose from the uterus to the stomach, with nervous agitation and spasms. Distensive and burning, or crampy, digging, or gnawing pains in the womb. Griping and contraction of the uterus, like labor- pains. Severe stitches, like stabs, in the uterus. The uterine pains are aggravated in the morning, by walking, and by too long sitting. Hydatids of the ovaries. Swelling and great sensitiveness of the ovarian region. Sensation of burning heat, and of stitches, in the ovaries. Violent cramps in the ovarian region, extending into the groins. Itching of the vulva, causing frequent pollutions. Leucorrhoea, without smell, with no itching, and clear as water. Purulent and very offensive leucorrhoea. Leucorrhoea, especially in the evening, with colic, burning in the hypogastrium, torticollis, and general cramps. Before and after the menses, yellow, thick, or whitish leucorrhoea; leucorrhoea like cream, or the washings of m eat. Discharge of blood between the menses. Before menstruation, headache, nausea, colic, itching, and burning in the uterus and vagina. Menses too early and too profuse. The menses are only three days too early, in the case of a woman who generally has them eight, ten, and even twelve days too early. The menses are six days too early. The menses, which usually anticipate the regular period by four days, are now eight days too soon. Menses accompanied with headache, during two days, but the pain shifts about a good deal. During menstruation, contractions in the hypochondria, pains in the liver, palpitation, chilliness all over, especially in the legs, strong venereal desire, stitches in the splenic region, painful weariness, weakness and general malaise. After the menses, heaviness and bad temper. Menses of clotted, or very fluid and pale blood.

Respiratory Apparatus

Membranous productions in the larynx. Ulcers and tubercles in the larynx. A great quantity of mucus obstructs the larynx and bronchi. Burning sensation, and bleeding fissures in the larynx, with severe, jerking, and suffocative cough. Sensation of contraction in the windpipe, and of heaviness in the chest. Sense of compression of the larynx, with great difficulty in breathing. After having cold feet, prickings in the larynx exciting a cough all day, and especially in the evening; the cough continues all night. Throbbing, lancinating, and excoriative pains in the larynx. Obstinate hoarseness. Severe cough, excited by a constant ticking in the larynx. Cough caused by a pricking in the larynx, only at night, and for several nights running, towards 1, or 3, or 4 o’clock, A.M. Cough excited by a stinging in the larynx, following coryza. Thick cough, especially on waking, in the morning and in the evening, with cold sensation, followed by great heat, and congestion to the chest. Cough after meals or from any emotion. Motion increases the frequency of the cough, although it is equally troublesome during rest. Violent cough, provoking vomiting. Hoarse cough, with tearing sensation in the chest. Deep, hollow cough, with lancinating and bruised pains, especially in the left side of the chest. Dry, hacking cough, seemingly ameliorated by more frequent alvine evacuations. Dry cough, with burning in the larynx and chest. Cough, with expectoration of mucus and blood, or of blood only. The cough occurs in the daytime, before a meal and in the room; it ceases during the night. Clear, viscid expectoration, often without cough. Copious expectoration, frothy, whitish, yellow, grayish, or greenish, and purulent. Whistling respiration. Whistling, difficult, rattling respiration. The lungs seem always in want of air. Attacks of paralysis of the lungs, and of suffocation. Gradually increasing difficulty in breathing. Difficult and noisy breathing. Suffocation at night, towards 3 A.M., with restlessness in all the limbs, trembling of the hands, legs, and head; it seems as if everything, even in the head, were unsteady. The patient cannot catch breath, and pants like a dog after too much running. Dyspnoea, with inability to remain lying down; he is obliged to sit bent forward in order to breathe.


Inflammation and swelling of the breasts. Engorgement of the breasts. Small knotty indurations and tumors, like scirrhus, on the breasts. Large abscess forming sinuses in the breasts. Milk vitiated, and often mixed with blood. Sensation as if the breasts were drawn towards the abdomen. Boring, lancinating, digging, crampy, pinching, and gnawing pains, in the mammary and axillary glands. Granulations and tubercles in the lungs. Inflammation and swelling of the lungs, especially on the left side, with severe, tiresome cough. Weakness of the chest, with feeling as if it would collapse. Feeling of rumbling and of numbness, beginning at the cardiac region and extending through the chest. Oppression of the chest. Oppression in the afternoon, two days running; the chest and heart feel tightly compressed. Oppression and loss of breath when going upstairs. Oppression of the chest, with palpitation, especially when walking rather fast, or in going upstairs. Burning heat in the chest, as if there were a furnace in it. Pressive pain in the chest, in a small spot, now here, now there, when walking (after five hours). Cutting pains in the whole chest, accompanied by tickling and pricking. Painful stitches in the chest, which check respiration. Violent, sharp, short stitches, which impede respiration, as if piercing the deep pectoral muscles and the mammary gland, mostly on the right breast, several times a day at different times, lasting ten days (after twelve days). Violent itching, which seems to come from the lungs, and often shifting about in the chest. Feeling as if there were two swellings at the upper part of the sternum, appearing to grow larger when in bed, impeding the respiration, and causing pain in swallowing anything, even saliva. Smarting in the upper third of the sternum.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.