Heart and Pulse

The heart-beats are sometimes quick, sometimes slow, intermittent, or irregular. Palpitation of the heart, at intervals. Palpitation of the heart, sounding in the ears like drum- beats. Palpitation of the heart after a meal, with interval during which the person feels as if going to be ill. Four days after getting chilled, pain at the heart every two hours of the day; straining to vomit; cough with expectoration, tinged with clear red blood; about 8 o’clock the next morning, the cough, the red expectoration, and the pain at the heart return; towards the fifth day, and sensation of having two swellings ceases, but the cough and hoarseness remain. Feeling as if the heart was very large, and plunged in a vessel of water. Lancinating and pulling in the region of the heart, as if it were being distended. Pains as if pins were thrust into the apex of the heart. Sensation of scraping and weight in the heart. Trembling feeling at the heart. Shocks and digging at the cardiac region, with great oppression, especially in the evening, after meals, and from movement. He has to press upon the cardiac region, to allay the pains. Hard, frequent, irregular pulse, much quicker and more agitated evenings than mornings.

Neck and Back

On waking, stiff neck, arthritic pains, and aggravation of all the pains. The pains in the head affect the nape of the neck, which feels as if compressed. Boring pains, with painful weariness in the loins; he has to lie on the back for relief. Pains in the loins so violent that they prevent breathing; they very nearly cause fainting; a red-hot iron seems to pierce the loins; the violence of the pains renders the least movement impossible; this symptom appears in the morning, two days running; the first time it lasts five or six minutes, and two or three minutes the second day; the following day, dull pains in the loins, as from a strain in the back, preventing him from straightening himself, or stooping down; during the pains in the loins, the urine is scanty, of the color of yellow-ochre, thick, with a yellowish sediment; the pains in the loins last five or six days. Pains in the loins, lasting six or seven days, followed by a very violent trembling of both legs at once, in the morning, and giving way of the legs, from weakness, for two days together. Distensive pains, with sensation of swelling and discomfort in the loins.

Extremities in General

Trembling of the limbs. In the case of a child the legs and drawn up so as to touch the buttocks. Limbs easy to move. Numbness and deadness of the limbs on waking in the morning. Pinching-digging pains, drawing about as if in the periosteum, not continuing long, and always affecting the middle of the long bones (after five days), lasting twelve days. Contractions and very painful cramps, from the extremities of the limbs to the trunk. Contractions in right arm and leg. Cramps and starting in the limbs. Lancinating, digging, and tensive pains with great weariness in the limbs.

Upper Extremities

Inflammatory tumors on the arms. The upper extremities go to sleep when lightly lying upon them; after a few days also the lower extremities, lasting fourteen days. Heaviness of the arms, with great difficulty in moving them. Painful weariness of the arms, with violent pain in trying to move them. Paralytic weakness of the arms and hands. Burning, lancinating pains in the bones of the arms. After the poison has touched the right hand sharp burning and swelling of the arm, which is colored yellow on a black ground. Bruised pains in the arms, legs, and loins, especially during movement. Bruised and crushing pains in the arms, especially the joints. Digging, pinching, pressive pain in the right arm, which is seated in the deltoid muscle, on the slightest attempt to raise the arm, though by no other motion of the arm, and not when taking hold of it or during rest, lasting fourteen days (after fifth day). Digging, throbbing, periodic pain on the inner surface of the right ulna, lasting five days (after second day). Drawing pains in the arms, especially in the evening, at night, and on waking in the morning. The lightest covering on the arm annoys and feels uncomfortable. Pulsative and lancinating pains, with erysipelatous swelling of the arms and hands. Digging pains in the elbow-joint. Swelling of the wrist and of the finger-joints, with burning pains and strong pulsation in these parts. Hands and fingers often numb and stiff, with disposition to become crooked. Panaritium, attacking even the bones of the fingers. An insignificant bruise of the right little finger, which he got fourteen days after taking the medicine, became on the third day very painful and suppurated; a few days afterwards the finger became again inflamed, caused tearing- drawing pain along the whole arm and redness of the finger along the lymphatics extending to the axilla, in which small granular swellings appeared and were painful, especially to motion and touch; in thirty-six hours the inflamed lymphatics become swollen as if they had been injected; the lymphatic glands in the axilla become hard and painful and swollen as large as beans; the arm was heavy and painful, and had to be carried in a sling; a few olfactions of Hepar sulph. 1st, relieved the lymphatic swelling in one night, and the corrosive pain in the ulcer in the little finger and the ulcer under the nail of the thumb within twenty- four hours. Superficial, slightly developed, hot, bluish-red swelling, painful to touch, on the lower border of the left thumb-nail; afterwards it suppurates, with throbbing-digging pain; the suppuration involves half of the nail; the pain afterwards become gnawing; the skin scales off several times; the throbbing-digging pain of this ulcer extends into the joint of the index finger and metacarpal bones of the left hand (after second day), lasting several weeks.

Lower Extremities

Feeling as if a peg were driven into the joints of the hips, knees, and feet, and prevented them from moving. Staggering gait, more like jumping than walking. Great weakness of the legs, so that on rising up they give way under the weight of the body. Lancinating pains, with painful weariness in the hips and legs, especially when walking or changing position. Aching weariness of the thighs when walking. Cord-like swelling, as in phlegmasia alba dolens, from the groins to the popliteal region. Tophus on the knees and feet. Swelling of the knees, with pulsative and distensive pains. Burning and dryness in the knee-pain. Pains of dislocation in the knees and feet. Lancinations in the knees, especially when walking. Bruised pain in the knees; he has to squat down. Inflammation, swelling, and great brittleness of the leg- bones. Gouty swelling of the legs. Swelling of the legs, especially in the evening and after walking. Deep-red swelling, like bruises, on the legs. Varicose swelling in the legs. Trembling of the legs. Uneasiness and irritation in the legs; he has to move them constantly; he knows not what to do with them, nor what position to take for relief. Heaviness of the legs, with sensation of pulling in the joints. The legs easily get numb. Feeling of stiffness in the right leg that begins above the right knee, where it is most marked (ten minutes). Weakness of the legs, even to falling, for more than eight hours. Violent cramps in the legs, which draw up with a start, towards 4 or 5 A.M. Cramps in the legs and toes, especially on stretching them out in bed at night. Aching in the middle of the right tibia as from a blow, when standing, lasting all day (after one hour). The weakness is accompanied with a crampy pain in the calf, which is worse when moving and ceases when at rest. Arthritic swelling of the feet. The feet are apt to turn in walking, and the ankles to be sprained. The feet, which were constantly cold, become burning hot. Burning, lancinating, and pulsative pains in the feet, with constant sensation as if the shoes were too tight. Digging pain in the ungual phalanges of the three last toes and on the inner malleolus, with corrosive itching on the inner border of the right foot (after second day).


Inflammations and sanguineous congestions, especially of the chest, throat, and head. Swelling of the whole body. Obesity. Progressive emaciation, even to consumption and death. Constant emaciation, with good appetite. Emaciated body, with bloated abdomen. Swelling and induration of the glands. Swelling, ulceration, and curvature of the bones. Malignant tumors of an erysipelatous character. Arthritic nodes. Nervous attacks, with laughing and weeping together. Pandiculations. Jactitation of tendons. Convulsions. Epileptic convulsions in the evening, at night, and sometimes in the morning, as well as at the period of the new moon. Attacks of tetanus. Great sensitiveness to cold air and to wind. He has every moment to change his position. Fits of muscular exaltation, in which he has to move the arms about forcibly. Restlessness all over, with great physical and moral agitation. He cannot keep still, is constantly restless, although movement aggravates the pains. Desire to move about and take gymnastic exercise in the evening. Uneasiness and weakness, especially mornings, with inability to move about. Languor, laziness, no desire for any occupation; if he does anything it is only mechanically. On waking great lassitude and drowsiness, as if he had not slept. With the headache general feeling of fatigue, nausea, and cold feet. Great fatigue and profuse sweat after the least exertion. General weakness, often accompanied by palpitation and vertigo. Great weakness, with sensation as if the bones would give way under their own weight. In the midst of a meal, sense of general debility, kind of total prostration, with inability to speak or move, dimness of sight, and distress at the region of the heart; this attack lasts five minutes, and passes off without leaving any traces. Gradual failure of strength. Sinks back in an arm-chair motionless, but without loss of consciousness. Faint feeling every now and then; the head feels the reaction from it; it passes off like an effect of intoxication. Faint feeling, as from hunger, in the morning and during the day, before a meal. Syncope. Fainting fits, especially after meals, and in the evening. Faintness after breakfast. Pains sometimes on the right side, sometimes on the left, but rarely on both sides at once. Frequent cramps, doubly painful in the cold air, in the evening, and in the morning. On going to bed he is attacked with cramps, formication in all the limbs, and with neuralgic pains, especially of the head, which cause anguish and prevent sleep. Frequent dislocated pains. Pains of dislocation, especially in the wrists. Sensation as if bitten in various parts of the body. Pulsative pains in the joints. Disposition to lie on the left side; feels better so than when on the right side.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.