Feel rather weak and tremulous, as though recovering from a fit of sickness, and as yet incapable of vigorous mental or physical exertion (third day).

Feeling very weak, and trembling a good deal.

Very weak and faint.

Sensation of weakness in the entire system, especially in the lower limbs, with weak knees and vertigo.

Prostration (third day).

Feeling of great prostration, with flashes of heat from small of back in all directions.

Prostration and increased perspiration upon the least exertion. Felt stronger on walking in open air (third day).

Very faint and weak; legs tremble and ache.

Paralysis of whole left side; left arm and hand entirely numb and powerless.

General feeling of having slept too long and too hard, with a bloated feeling of the eyes (third day).

Feel as though had taken cold; throat sore, and sneezed several times.

Indescribable sick feeling all over.

Rheumatic pains and soreness all over the body.

Stiffness of all the joints, as though strained.

Feel stiff and sore all over; dread to move.

Each time after walking from the nightmare, the parts on which he lay soon became intolerably painful, especially the sacral region and hips.

After lying for not more than ten minutes upon the back, the sacral region became intolerably painful, as though he had lain on the barn floor all night, and inducing the conviction that a short continuance of the position would produce bedsores.

When turning on the other side the same sensation was produced on the hips, obliging him at last to turn on his face to relieve these parts.

Intolerance of pressure on all parts on which pressure was made; could not rest back against chair without pain from the pressure; obliged to change sitting posture every few minutes from same cause; even the feet became equally painful from resting on th e floor.

Slight erratic pains in various parts (fourth day).


Livid spots appear all over the body and limbs; size of pea to three-cent piece; thickest on body; without sensation; not elevated and irregular in shape (after six weeks).

Sleep and Dreams

Drowsiness; disposition to have eyes half close (third day).

Feel drowsy, and must sleep (after three hours).

Drowsy, stupid, tired feeling.

Unusual sound sleep.

Deep sleep till 3 a. m., Slept profoundly all night, and was not even waked in the morning by the breakfast bell, a very unusual occurrence (second day).

Slept well until midnight then could not sleep any more.

Slept very well until 2 a. m., then very restless till morning.

Slept until 2 a. m., then could not sleep any more.

Slept until 3 a. m.; could not sleep any more but had to toss about constantly (30 grains crude bark, second day).

Slept well until 1 a. m.; awoke with severe cutting pains in hypogastric region, with loud rumbling of the bowels; very restless after (second day).

Slept two or three hours, and waked from a troublesome dream, with difficult breathing, a sort of nightmare; felt on waking as if the room was insufferably hot and close, hindering respiration.

After sleeping about two hours, had nightmare, from which he seemed to be a long time in rousing himself by violent efforts to move and to make a noise.

The anxiety continued some time after waking.

(Has never had nightmare for many years, except when sleeping on back, or very rarely, on left side.

In all the instances recorded, was sleeping in usual position, on right side).

Lay down and slept an hour, waking from a sort of nightmare with moderate tightness of the chest and correspondingly difficult breathing, which was soon over (after one and a half hours).

Slept well the remainder of the night, after having, for a short time, slight febrile chilly horripilations over the lower limbs and back.

Had a very restless night (second day).

At night sleepless, disturbed.

Restless night, with frightful dreams.

Dreams at night; in dreams triumphed over all opposition.

Dreams about fighting and disputations, but always comes off best.

Frightful dreams.

Dreamed of being bound down with a chain across the mouth.

At night, slept two or three hours, and dreamed of laboring hard in deep snow.


Surface of body chilly.

Slight chill about 11 o’clock a. m.

Forenoon, chill over back while sitting by a hot fire.

In evening, great chilliness on going into open air.

Slight chilliness in the lower limbs and back (very soon after taking).

In evening, chills over back.

Most uncomfortable burning heat of the whole surface, especially the face; it compelled him to move to a cool part of the bed, and finally to rise and open a window and wash his face and hands; with these symptoms there was a peculiar feeling of the head, which is never felt except during the presence of fever.

On waking at 3 a. m., flashes of heat and feeling as if perspiration would break out.

General heat after going to bed.

Burning sensation over the whole body, followed by perspiration, vomiting, and diarrhoea.

Heat of the face (after a few minutes).

Flashes of heat over face.

At night, heat and burning in lower extremities so intense as to prevent sleep much of the night.

Chill all day, with fever at night.

Whole surface of body feels hot and dry, with occasional chill, principally up and down the back, as if ague were coming on.

Extremities feel hot, except the feet, which are cold.


(Morning), After rising, dull feeling of head, etc.; frontal headache; increased saliva; swelling of epiglottis; on waking 3 a. m., flashes of heat, etc.

(Forenoon), Distress in stomach, etc.; chill over back; about 11 a. m., slight chill.

(Afternoon), Pain in anterior lobes of brain, etc.; fulness of throat; disposition to cough; difficulty of breathing; 6 p. m., oppressed breathing etc., tightness of chest; sensation of weight, etc., in precordial regions.

(Evening), Frontal headache, etc.; on moving eyes, soreness in front of head; increased saliva; cramp in stomach; uneasy, etc.; chilliness; chills over back.

(Night), Pain in epigastric region; difficulty of breathing; on going to bed, pain in lumbar region; heat etc., in lower extremities.

(Going into open air), Lachrymation.

(Walking in open air), Lachrymation.

(After going to bed), General heat.

(Beer), All symptoms.

(After breakfast), Dull feeling.

(Full inspiration), Pains in umbilical region; sharp pains in chest.

(Lying down), Difficulty of breathing.

(Motion), Headache; pain in stomach, etc.; prickling of hands, etc.; numb pain of hand etc.

(Moving head), Pain in neck; lameness of muscles of back, etc.

(On moving legs), Cramp in calves.

(Noise), Headache.

(After sitting), Soreness of thighs.

(Stooping), Soreness of brain.

(Turning over), Pain in epigastric region.

(On waking), Tongue dry.

(Walking), Pain in right side; pain in epigastric, etc., regions; pain in gall-bladder; pain in glands of groin; backache; pain in lumbar region; weakness in lower limbs, etc.

(After walking), Weariness of back, etc.,.


(Walking in open air), Felt stronger.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.