
(After lying down, before going to sleep), Stitches in last rib.

(Lying on left side), Evening, in bed, palpitation of the heart.

(During a meal), Nausea.

(After a meal), Empty eructations.

(Motion), Stitches in left os innominatum; bruised pain in muscles of neck; stitch in right side; pain in the hip.

(Moving the parts), Tension in muscles of thigh; tearing on dorsum of left foot.

(Moving in bed), Early in morning, pain in muscles of chest.

(Moving the trunk), Cutting-tearing in pit of stomach; cutting under short ribs; pressure across right side of chest, etc.

(Opening jaws), Pain in temporal region.

(Raising arms), Pain in cervical vertebrae.

(Raising the arm), Contractive sensation on right side chest.

(When reading), Becomes dizzy; easily falls asleep; twitches between eyebrows.

(At rest), Pain near the articulation of the jaw; pinching in right lumbar region; tearing in the arms; tearing in thighs; cramplike pain in forepart of foot.

(Rising from a seat), Pressive pain in tendons of hip-joint.

(When walking in the room), Violent chills over the back.

(Sitting), All symptoms; vertigo over occiput; heaviness in head; pressure over pubis; stitches in sternum; palpitation of the heart; pains in small of back; bruised sensation in knees, etc.; stitches in left thigh; burning around right external malleolus; in evening stitches in the heel; cramp like pain in forepart of foot; tearing in the sole; feels stiff and contracted.

(After the usual smoke), Bitter taste in mouth.

(Standing upon the foot stretched out), Drawing, etc., in right knee-joint.

(Stepping upon the part), Pain of the foot.

(During hard stool), Protrusion of haemorrhoids.

(Stooping), Bruised feeling in forehead; palpitation of heart.

(Stretching the part), Pain in rectus muscles of thigh.

(After supper), Immediately, heat of the face.

(Swallowing), Roughness, etc., in back part of palate, etc.

(Bringing the arms together), They pain as if bruised.

(When urinating), Pimples on genitals burn.

(After urination), Tenesmus of the bladder; burning.

(Walking), Stitches in shin-bones; left arm feels heavy; pain in posterior surface of thigh; drawing-aching on exterior surface of thighs; drawing, etc., in right knee-joint; burning around right exterior malleolus; outer border of foot, etc., goes to sleep; tension of the muscles; right side of the abdomen, etc., threatens to fall together.

(During a walk), Peculiar sensation of lightness, etc., in chest; pains in the chest.

(When walking fast), Confusion, etc., tightness of chest, etc.

(Going upstairs), Towards evening, oppression upon chest, etc.

(After walking), In morning, in bed, pressure under right metatarsal bones.

(Walking by the side of a ditch full of water), Vertigo.

(Taking warm milk), Cutting, etc., in hypogastrium.


(Evening), Heaviness in the arm.

(Night), All symptoms.

(Open air), Bruised feeling in forehead; bruised pain in muscles of neck; shiverings.

(Bathing with cold water), Stitches in uterus.

(Touching tooth with cold tongue), Pains between the crowns of molar teeth.

(Laying forehead upon table), Pains in head.

(Opening or closing jaws), Pain near the articulation of the jaws.

(After scratching), Itching in genitals.

(Sitting up), Palpitation of the heart.

(Rubbing), Itching of arms; itching of thighs.

(Walking), All pains; nausea, etc.; drawing, etc., in pelvis.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.