
Disagreeable tickling in the genitals.

During her morning sleep she had a pollution, and was out of humor after it.

Menses appear two weeks later than usual.

Respiratory Apparatus.

Trembling sensation, internally, resembling hiccough, during an inspiration; the inspiration is made in two jerks, from within outwards (after eight hours).

Frequent irritation to cough, caused by a tickling arising from under the sternum and extending into the back.

Irritation to dry, hacking cough.

Scratching (Kratzen) in larynx, with short cough (after nine and a half hours).

Tickling in the larynx, inducing a dry, short, and hacking cough, continuing a long time (after two and three-quarters hours).

Stitch in the epiglottis (immediately).

Tenacious phlegm in the trachea, difficult to hawk up (after ten and eleven hours).

The voice is louder and firmer (curative), (after five and a half hours).

Hoarseness, occasioned by much phlegm in the throat (after ten hours).

Cough, as if something weighed on his lungs.

Frequent dry cough (after rising in morning).

Frequent short cough, followed by one hiccough.

Some hacking cough. Violent cough, deep from the trachea, early in the morning, accompanied by expectoration of yellow mucus (after twenty-four hours).

A short and hacking cough the whole day, owing to a tickling in the larynx, only when walking in the open air, with a rattling in the chest and expectoration of much yellow mucus.

Expectoration of sourish, salty water.


During a walk, peculiar sensation of lightness and well- feeling in the chest (after two hours).

Pain in the muscles of the chest when moving in bed, early in the morning, and, during the day, when the arms are brought together, they pain as if bruised; on touching the parts, they feel no pain, not even when breathing.

Quickly passing tightness of the chest (immediately).

Tightness of the chest and pressure in the left side, when walking fast (after twelve hours).

Cramp in the chest, as if one had suddenly taken a violent cold.

Pressure on the chest, toward the axilla and on the tendon of the pectoralis major (after three days).

Cutting pressure through the thorax, from within outwards, with a sense of anguish (after half an hour).

Sharply pressing, almost pinching, pain at a small place in the upper portion of the chest (after fifteen hours).

Oppression of the chest.

Great oppression of, and pressure upon, the chest, with pressure on the sides of the frontal bone, and violent palpitation of the heart, towards evening, when going upstairs (after two hours).

Drawing pains in the muscles of the thorax (soon after taking).

Painful sensitiveness of the chest, even when pressed only feebly (after twenty-four hours).

Cutting pressure in both sides of the chest, first only during expectoration; afterwards changed to cutting thrusts, which continue even on holding the breath (after one hour).

Lying on the side is painful.

Cutting stitches in the last rib during an inspiration, and, moreover, before going to sleep and after lying down.

Feeling as if the lung were turned over.

Contractive pressure in the ribs, above the hypochondria, but more in the right side.

Painful contractive sensation on right side of chest, when touching it, as if it were bruised; worse when raising her arm.

Pressure across the whole right side of the chest and abdomen, as if these parts were being compressed in front and behind, accompanied by sharp cutting, downward, in the sternum and in the spine, increased by inspiration and every movement of the trunk (after five hours).

Dull stitches between the top of the left shoulder and the neck.

Stitches in the right side of the thorax, with feeling of lassitude in the knees (after one hour).

Very sharp itching stitches in front, in the last true rib of the right side, which, in the beginning, do not pass off by scratching, but afterwards disappear of themselves (after twenty- four hours).

Stitches in the left side of the thorax; in the shin-bones when walking (after two hours).

Sticking in right lung, extending under right shoulder.

Oppression in the sternum.

Several times, severe pressure on the right side of the sternum, as from a blunt body (immediately).

When taking as deep an inspiration as possible, it seems to be arrested under the upper portion of the sternum; he there feels a pain like a dull, still stitch or pressure (after seventy-two hours).

Pressure several times on the left side of the sternum (after one hour).

Cutting thrusts in the sternum and spine, from without inwards (after thirty-six hours).

Single stitches in the sternum, when sitting (after thirty- eight hours).

Sensation under the sternum as if a sore place were being scratched, the size of a finger; worse every second day.

Heart and Pulse.

Violent palpitation of the heart, in the evening, when lying on the left side, in bed; better when sitting up.

Violent palpitation of the heart when sitting or stooping, with a painful sensation as if the heart were constricted.

Painful thrust in the region of the heart.

Neck and Back.

Violent trembling in the muscles of the neck on the left side (after two hours).

Burning in the nape of the neck.

Excessive wrenching in the nape of the neck that bent the head to the right.

Tension in forepart of right side of neck, with sharp stitches, even when at rest (after two hours).

Drawing stitch in the nape of the neck.

Neck as if swollen, after the headache.

Drawing in the neck (immediately).

Slight pain in the cervical vertebrae; worse on raising the arms.

Stiff pain, like drawing, between the scapulae and in the nape of the neck, early in the morning, when in bed; when rising, she was unable to move her arms on account of the pain, nor was she able to turn her neck the whole forenoon; several mornings in succession, lasting until noon, with weakness of the whole body(290).

Pressing pain in the muscles of the neck and back (in three- quarters of an hour).

Bruised pain in the muscles of the neck, on the left side, towards the shoulder; the parts feel as if strained too much; only during motion, and abating in the open air.

Swelling of the right side of the neck, so that she could not turn her head.

Tension in the muscles of the back, near the axilla; he finds it difficult to lift his arm (immediately).

Pain in the spinal vertebrae, as after a blow.

Contraction under the shoulder-blades.

Cutting stitches in the scapula.

At night, in bed, he frequently feels a stitch on the right side near the spine, between the scapulae; the stitch is felt during motion, and appears to penetrate deep into the chest.

Chilliness in the back; cold hands for half an hour (after one and half hours).

Chilliness in the back (after one and half hours).

Chilliness in the back (after one hour).

Wandering pains in the back (soon after taking).

Early in the morning, when in bed, pain in the small of the back, as if everything were broken; after rising, she was unable pick up anything from the floor for several hours; this was followed by hunger; afterwards, cutting pains in the abdomen and loose stools, which, finally became slimy.

Stitches below and by the side of the small of the back, when sitting.

Pain in the small of the back, rather on one side, as if bruised; drawing and pressive, when sitting (after thirty-five hours).

Pressure in the small of the back, as if bruised; the pain often roused her from sleep; it was worse at 4 o’clock in the morning, but had disappeared when she rose.

Dull gurgling in the sacrum (after one hour).

Extremities in General.

Drawings in the legs, shoulders, muscles of the arms (immediately).

Drawing in the joints of the feet, in the head, in the fingers (immediately).

Drawing in the toes, pressure in the feet, joints of the feet and legs, in shoulders (soon after taking).

Pressure in shoulders and knees (immediately).

Pressure in the shoulders; in the toes and feet (after one hour).

Pressure on the back of the feet, in the toes, in the joints of the hands (third day).

Severe pressure in the muscles of the arms, in the knees, legs and joints of the feet (after eight hours).

Severe pressing pains in the muscles of the arms, in the elbows, knees, fingers (after the hours).

When sitting, a bruised sensation in the knees; after awhile, the same in the arms (immediately).

Bruised sensation in arms and legs (after two hours).

Upper Extremities.

Painful twitchings in the top of the shoulder.

Pain in the right shoulder, sometimes more, sometimes less.

Contractive pressure in the right shoulder.

Drawing behind the right shoulder, extending to the head.

Pressure pain in the humerus, as from a bruise (after one and three-quarters hours).

Stitches in the right shoulder.

Pricking on the right shoulder.

Stitching and drawing in left shoulder (soon after taking).

Pressive cutting in the axilla (after half an hour).

Transient warmth spreading through right arm.

Upon extending the arm for a along time, it feels as if a heavy weight were held in the hand a long time; a sort of paralysis.

Heaviness in the arm relieved in the evening.

Fine tearing in the arms, apparently more in the bones, and worse when at rest than in motion (after two hour).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.