
Pressing in the muscles of the arms, with contraction between the shoulders.

Fine itching of the arms, which passes off by rubbing (after one hour).

Severe pains in the elbows they feel bruised (after one and a half hours).

Stiffness in the elbow-joints, with weakness of the forearms.

Pain in the elbow-joint, apparently in the tendons, as if he had knocked them against something, increased by moving the arm, or leaning upon it (after walking in the open air), (after twenty-four hours).

Pressure in the elbows (immediately).

The left arm feels heavy, when one is walking, with pressure on the outside, in the region of the elbow-joint, as if the arm were being pulled down when left hanging free (after four hours).

Drawing in the forearm and hand, like a cramp.

Frequent stitches from the hand to the elbow.

Pressure in the wrists (immediately).

Right wrist feels as if dislocated, with sticking.

Single, deeply penetrating stitches over the right wrist- joints; (after seven hours).

Paralytic weakness in the hands and elbow-joints; he could scarcely move them; but without stiffness, and without otherwise, any difficulty; with chilliness and want of animal heat (after one hour).

Cold hands (after one hour).

Cold hands and fingers (after one and a half hours).

Heaviness of the hands.

The hands feel swollen.

Drawing and pressing pains in the hand and fingers (after four hours).

Feeling of heat on dorsum of left hand (after six hours).

Rheumatic, drawing pressure upon the dorsum of the right hand, in the evening.

Dull stitches in the dorsum of the right hand, in front of the wrist-joint (after half an hour).

Drawing around the joint of the thumb, as if sprained, especially when bending the thumb.

Pressive pain, internally in the flesh of the ball of the left thumb (after quarter of an hour).

Severe pressure in the fingers, hands, muscles of the arms (immediately).

The fingers of the right hand only are cold to the touch, and they feel cold (inwardly), (after three hours).

Drawing in the fingers (immediately).

Drawing in the fingers (after one hour).

Drawing in one of the fingers of the left hand.

Pain in the lowest joints of the fingers, as when moving an ulcerated part.

Pain in the right middle finger, as if torn out.

The ring finger feels insensible, numb, pithy, and as if dead.

Lower Extremities.

Weakness of the lower extremities, especially felt above the knee-joint, as after a long walk.

Sudden heaviness and lassitude in the lower extremities (after quarter of an hour).

He cannot walk fast, his legs feel too stiff.

The upper part of the hip-joint feels painful, as if luxated; it is almost unfit for walking.

During motion, frequent pain in the hip, as if stiff or dislocated, almost like cramp.

Pressive, drawing pain deep in the tendons of the hip- joints, upon rising from a seat (after seven hours).

Fine shootings in the skin of the glutei muscles, accompanied by tingling, externally.

Boring, paralytic pain in the region of the ischiatic nerve, on the back part of the thigh.

Tensive, pressive pain in the upper and anterior portion of the rectus muscles of the thigh, when stretching the part (after two and a half hours).

Cramplike pain in the middle of the posterior surface of the thigh, only when walking (after twenty-one hours).

The anterior muscles of the right thigh feel paralyzed; painful tension when moving the muscles.

When bending the knee, one feels a tensive pain in the anterior muscles of the right thigh.

Drawing aching on the external side of the thighs when walking.

Pressing pains in the muscles of the thighs (immediately).

Fine tearing in the thighs, apparently more in the bones; worse at rest than in motion (after two hours).

Sharp stitches in the anterior muscles of the right thigh.

Jerking stitches in the left thigh, and in the upper border of the ilium, extremely painful, and felt only when sitting (after quarter of a hour).

Throbbing above the flexor of the left thigh.

Fine itching of the thigh, going off by rubbing (after one hour).

Sense of drawing and cramping in the right knee-joint when walking, or when standing upon the foot stretched forward.

Pressure in the knees and thighs (after one and a half hours).

Pressure in the knees (immediately).

Stitches running up in the external tendons of the knee, when walking in the open air (after thirteen hours).

Bruised sensation in the knees (third day).

Bruised pain in the knees (immediately).

Intermittent prickings in the left patella, when walking in the open air (after six hours).

Paralytic sensation, like a contraction of the ligaments, from the middle of the bend of the knee, as far as the calf, both when at rest and in motion (after quarter of an hour). The feet and legs feel numb and pithy, as far as the knees, but without tingling.

Drawing in the legs (after one and a half hours).

Cramplike straining drawing from below upward, in the calf, and also in the thighs, extending upwards from the bend of the knee.

Stitches in the calves (immediately).

Stitches in the calves, and pressing pains (after one and half hours).

Drawing at the sides of the tendo Achillis, in the calves (immediately).

Drawing at the sides of the tendo Achillis (after one and half hours).

Burning in the tibiae, when walking.

When walking, a drawing, superficial (softly pressive) pain in the tibia, and around the ankle, with a sensation as if the tibia would break, which prevents him from walking. Drawing in the tibia and the neighboring muscles.

Pressure and drawing in the tibia, in the evening, when sitting (after twelve hours).

Dull stitches in the left tibia (after one hour).

Stitching in the skin of the shin-bones (immediately).

Paralysis of the ankles.

Feeling as of burning, around the right external malleolus, when walking or sitting (after twenty-six hours).

Dull, drawing stitches in the right ankle, when sitting (after eleven hours).

Early in the morning, when walking about, a drawing and aching in the ankles, with heat in the joints, and sensation as if they were dislocated, near the malleolus externus (after three days).

Left ankle as if sprained; sometimes, also, the knee-pan.

Severe boring in the ankles, and in the feet (immediately).

When crossing the legs, a cramplike, tearing, drawing in the left heel, which is standing still, and a pressive drawing in the other knee, which is laid across (after ten hours).

Pressure in the right heel.

Stitches in the heel, when sitting, in the evening.

Sweat of the feet.

The external border of the foot, and the part below the external malleolus, go to sleep when walking.

Pain of the foot, when stepping upon it.

Her right foot felt warm.

Momentary cramps in the feet.

Cramplike pain in the foot, followed next day, by a pressive pain, and a feeling, when standing upon the foot, as if it had been bruised.

Severe, compressive sensation in the right foot (after one and a half hours.) Pressure under the right metatarsal bones, as from great fatigue after walking (in the morning, in bed).

Sense of stiffness in the feet (lower extremities), almost as if the contact with an invalid had deprived him of all strength.

Cramplike pain in the forepart of the foot, without any real contraction of muscles, more when sitting, or at rest (after half an hour).

Cramplike, pressive drawing on the border of the left foot, on the prominence of the fifth metatarsal bone, as if he had sprained the joint by a misstep (after five hours).

Frequent drawing in the feet, especially at the external edge (immediately).

Pressing, drawing pains in the feet (after two hours).

Pressing pain, as from a sprain, in the right foot, when walking in the open air (after two and a quarter hours).

Pressure in the joints of the feet, shoulders (immediately).

Shudders from below upward in the right foot.

Formication in the foot, and strong throbbing.

Severe stitches in the soles of the feet (soon after taking).

Sudden tearing in the sole of the foot, when sitting.

Almost lancinating tearing on the dorsum of the left foot, mostly when moving the parts.

Drawing in the toes (immediately).

Stitches in the toes (after one and a half hours).

Pricking in the right toes, and the same severe stitching pain on the inside of the right foot, moving upward to the lower leg (after one hour).


In the evening, after sitting an hour, he feels quite stiff and contracted; after rising from his seat he is unable to straighten himself (after thirteenth hour).

Inclination to constant stretching.

Prostration as after a fever.

Excessively tired, especially in the thighs, after walking in the open air.

Lassitude and weariness of all the limbs, without any sleepiness.

Sensation in the whole body as if he had lost his strength, and especially as if the marrow of the bones had become stiffer and coagulated (immediately).

Cracking in all the joints (after twenty-sixth hour).

Cracking in almost all the joints, but not audible.

When walking, a painful tension in the muscles, here and there.

Periodic hammering and tearing, as if a weight oppressed her inwardly.

Frequent drawing in the occiput, on the sides of the head, in the fingers, shoulders, and joints of the hands (after one hour and a half).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.