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Homeopathic approach for the diseases of veins have been discussed by dr. j.c. Burnett…


THE first part of this little treatise is just my own clinical chat : clinical chips from my own workshop, thrown together without any attempt at classification or order, such being deemed needless. For it must obviously be much the same thing whether all the cases of haemorrhoids come together or not, -and a dilated vein is essentially the same pathological entity whether it be portal and miscalled live disorder, or on the legs and termed varices, or at the anus and designated piles, or round the spermatic cord and known as varicocele it is the same thing in different localities bearing distinctive names and resulting in varied morbid expressions. yet all linked together as dilated vein. This idea gives the beautiful unity in the pathology of Fletcher, but unfortunately lost sight of but to often in our cliniques and consulting rooms: nosological names becloud us, and in the very deed.. wo die Begriffe fehlen, da stellt zur echten Zeit ein wort sich ein! Hence we consider dilated vein our central idea, because we should expect a priori that if vein-medicines are a reality they will affect the veins in any part of the body though, of course, local affinity or specificity of seat will if itself render any medicine a vein remedy and experience teaches the truth of this.

– Special organ remedies will also be often necessary to put right any consentaneous organ-disease; and dyscrasiae, such as psora, syphilis, sycosis, have the same value here as elsewhere. It is astonishing how many pegs there are on which therapeutic ideas may be hung Paracelsus, Hahnemann, Rademacher, Fletcher, Grauvogl, Virchow, Schussler, Guttceit – all help.

Therefore we will consider general varicosis, varicocele and varicose veins together giving, however haemorrhoids special consideration, because of the peculiar anatomical and physiological relationship of the parts involved but much that is said of haemorrhoids will apply to other forms of dilated veins.

It is needless to say to the man who has read and understood Hahnemann that the accurate individualization of each case is the true way to wander always, but generalizations and pathology must not be neglected, for they are most important in actual practice and a diagnostic survey of the state of the various organs will be generally necessary. At least generalization and pathology are tools I cannot do without. It is a silly proceeding to work out and elaborate homoeopathic equation in a case of homoeopathic equation in a case of scurvy for instance, and the practitioner who understands the constitutions of Grauvogl will, all other things being equal have more success than he who pooh- poohs them. Furthermore, although we certainly cannot cure all that is curable with Dr Schussler’s twelve tissue remedies yet our knowledge of the spheres of action of these same remedies is vastly enlarged by his original way of working out his deductions.

Withal a very careful consideration of these various notions and generalization brings us back to the law of similars in its varied degrees.

It will be better to take first Cyanosis, or the Blue Disease.

MORBUS CAERULEUS The Rhus case narrated in the first part of this treatise warrants us in giving Rhus a trial in the blue disease. Of course it cannot be expected to be a specific but considering what it did in the case in question, and its equally undoubted beneficial effect in lower degrees of the same affection of which I have spoken practical men will do well to give it a trial as our therapeutic means in this ugly state are certainly not very numerous even with as good a title as that now being vindicated for Rhus. Then it may be remembered that Rhus causes,- palpitation of the heart that is so violent that body becomes moved thereby; tremor of the heart; pain in the chest as if the sternum were pressed in; dyspnoea and oppression of the chest. So we know that it affects the heart very powerfully.

For the venous state of the blood itself the chlorate of potassium and the Peroxide of Hydrogen have been used with undoubted benefit.

Ferrum is a most likely medicine indeed on theoretical grounds and from analogy; the sixth trituration of the phosphate is very potent in controlling the vascular system and it simultaneously affects the blood mass.

And referring again to Rhus: There is also not wanting evidence of its action on the venous system which, though not great, still is there: “Swelling of the anal region, haemorrhoidal tumours” It seems also to act pretty strongly on muscle.

The best study of Rhus with which I am acquainted is Carroll Dunham’s (Lectures on Materia Medica, 1879, P. 121, et seq.), and this eminent man says (P. 127): it produces an apparent passive congestion of the heart.

That Rhus is an important cardiac may alone be deduced from its reflected action upon the skin. It is also undoubtedly a blood medicine.

James Compton Burnett
James Compton Burnett was born on July 10, 1840 and died April 2, 1901. Dr. Burnett attended medical school in Vienna, Austria in 1865. Alfred Hawkes converted him to homeopathy in 1872 (in Glasgow). In 1876 he took his MD degree.
Burnett was one of the first to speak about vaccination triggering illness. This was discussed in his book, Vaccinosis, published in 1884. He introduced the remedy Bacillinum. He authored twenty books, including the much loved "Fifty Reason for Being a Homeopath." He was the editor of The Homoeopathic World.