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Zincum oxydatum

Zincum oxydatum signs and symptoms of the homeopathy medicine from the Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by J.H. Clarke. Find out for which conditions and symptoms Zincum oxydatum is used…

      Flowers of Zincum met. Oxide of Zincum met. Zincic oxide. ZnO. Trituration.


Coryza. Debility. Deltoid, pain in. Diaphragm, neuralgia in, Elbow, pain in. Hiccough. Hypochondriasis. Laughter, involuntary. Sleeplessness.


An extensive proving of *Zn. o. was made by Wernek, Buchner, and Michaelis. These symptoms have been included by Allen in the pathogenesis of *Zincum, and some of them will be found in my Schema of *Zincum. Jahr kept a separate record of *Zn. o. I append his account. The contracting, shrivelling-up effect of Zinc was marked in these provings. Among the more *Peculiar Symptoms were: Undulating movement in some muscles. Contraction of the risible muscles and constant impulse to laugh. Teeth blunted, incisors feel soft and glued together. Hiccough, better after regurgitation of bile. Liquid stools which better

all symptoms. In these provings the *left lung was very markedly affected. There was coryza worse after a meal, with difficulty to respiration and nasal secretion. Stoppage of the nose was much complained of. Anorexia better after a meal. Farrington says *Zn. o. is very like *Conium in hypochondriasis and melancholy from masturbation, the difference being that *Zn. o. is irritating as well as weakening and depressing.



Anguish and agitation, as from a consciousness of having committed some crime.- Ill-humor, sometimes very great.- Unfitness for serious occupation.- Spasmodic laughter (sardonic).


Confusion in head: on awaking, with vertigo, with aching in forehead, in occiput, with heaviness, giddiness, violent, with transient heat.- Vertigo, sometimes with transient heat.- Headache: with slight vertigo, tension in forehead, sometimes with pressure, at night, lancinations and tearing pains in right side of head, above temple.


Pulsation and noise in ears, especially in l., with increased secretion of liquid cerumen and hardness of hearing.


Tickling in nose and impulse to sneeze.- Inability to breathe through nose (nose stopped), with anxiety and oppression, or else as during a violent coryza.- Coryza worse after a meal, with difficulty of respiration and nasal secretion.


Paleness of complexion, convulsive drawing in facial muscles, sometimes with constant nausea, or else with contraction of the risible muscles, and constant impulse to laugh.- Dryness of lips.


Teeth as if blunted on closing them, the incisors appear to be soft and glued together.


Flow of an acrid and bitter water into mouth, frequent flow of saliva, with nausea, salivation increased.


Pressure in throat, accumulation of mucus, with tickling in larynx.


Anorexia: total, with violent thirst, at breakfast, with loathing, better after a meal.- Disgust, which, however, may be overcome.- Ardent thirst.- Strong desire for cold water, which affords great relief.


Frequent risings: empty, bitter, after partaking of broth, with hiccough.- Regurgitations: of a yellow, bitter, bilious water after a meal.- Violent hiccough, ceasing after a regurgitation of bile.- Nausea: after supper, proceeding from the stomach, with acidulated taste in mouth and flow of acid water, with heat, followed by vertigo, with transient heat, spasmodic pulse, and general depression.- Nausea, with loathing.- Retching, with risings and want to evacuate.- Vomiting: often sudden and involuntary, in the case of children, of a mucous water after the nausea, succeeded by another fit of nausea, and then the headaches are dissipated, bilious vomiting, sometimes very violent, of a yellow colour and bitter, vomiting and diarrhoea.- Pressure in stomach: after supper, with risings, spasmodic, sometimes chiefly in pit of stomach, or else with tension and sensitiveness of the stomach, burning pain in region of stomach, sometimes with loathing.- Fullness of stomach, sometimes with sweat on hands and head, followed by easy vomiting of contents of stomach, which are rather acrid, and occasioning a burning of the parts touched, the throat also preserves a long time afterwards a sensation of roughness, which is succeeded by a keen appetite.- Lancinations in diaphragm.


Colicky pains below navel, tearing pains from side to side until evening, dull pain in umbilical region, spasmodic drawing in abdomen, with dull pain.- Lancinations in hepatic region.- Pinchings in abdomen.- Inflation of abdomen.- Borborygmi in abdomen, sometimes with aching.- Boil above the genital parts, first red then dark-blue, with hard areola, later, discharge of a yellow foul pus, after which the areola remains for a long time, red and hard.


Liquid stools: with tenesmus and pinching in abdomen, and followed by a marked better of all symptoms.

Respiratory Organs

Abundant accumulation of mucus in larynx, with dryness of throat and constant want to hawk, with viscid and mucous saliva.- Impeded respiration, especially in the left lung.


Great oppression of chest.- Constriction of the entire thorax.- Spasmodic sensation in lungs and heart.- Spasmodic aching in chest and pit of stomach.- Lancinations in left side of chest, sometimes with aching, or else with soreness of the left nipple.- The left lung is affected.- Externally ribs painful to touch.


Frequent palpitation of heart, with anguish, sometimes chiefly in evening, and with spasmodic pulse, pulsations more rapid.- Sensation of pressure, weight, and spasmodic tension in the heart itself.


Sacral pains: at night on turning body in bed, on stooping, extending to lumbar vertebrae.- Sensation of paralysis, extending to hips.- Tearings and lancinations between shoulders, or else pains extending to loins and sacrum.- Throbbing below left shoulder-blade.- Pressure on the shoulders on waking in morning, with confusion in head.


Drawing pain in the limbs, sometimes with sacral pains.- Tearing pains in limbs.- Tingling which passes along limbs.- Undulating movement in some muscles.- Trembling of limbs, sometimes with jerking of muscles of legs.- Lassitude in limbs.

Upper Limbs

Arms: Pain as if broken, sometimes chiefly in deltoid muscle, or else in bend of elbow, heaviness and paralytic aching in the bend of the left elbow.

Lower Limbs

In lower extremities: permanent debility, pain as if broken, sometimes chiefly in the left leg, or else in joints of hip and knee, pulsations in the left buttock, tension in the left leg, in the left knee-joint, frequent tingling in left foot, drawing pains in the bones, trembling of the feet.


Tension in muscles and painful sensation during movement, pain

throughout body better during repose, pains in all limbs.- Depressed state of whole body, sometimes with lassitude.- Perceptible failing of the strength, sometimes with general internal uneasiness.- Conversation occasions fatigue.- Turgor vitalis sensibly diminished.


Very restless nights.- Agitated sleep, with concourse of dreams of all kinds, with dreams of fire, of falling, of false coin, with fanciful ideas, and towards morning general perspiration.


Sensation of coldness: of the extremities, constant, with general uneasiness, followed by febrile movement throughout the body, with shuddering and drawing pains in back, with shivering of whole body.- Shivering which passes over the whole body.- Coldness of hands and feet.- Shuddering over the whole abdomen, with retching.- Pulse small and hard, sometimes to a very great degree, spasmodic, and sometimes small at the same time, wiry, accelerated, irregular, hard, and dull. Perspiration, especially towards morning, sometimes while sleeping.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica