ZINCUM OXYDATUM symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy ZINCUM OXYDATUM…


ZINC. OXYD. Oxyde of Zincum met. See “Hygea,” XIV.


Tension in the muscles and painfulness during motion. Drawing in the limbs, with pains in the small of the back. Tingling in all the limbs. Undulating movements in single muscles. Trembling of the limbs, also with jactitation of the muscles of the lower limbs. Remarkable sinking of strength, also with internal sick feeling.


Restless sleep, with dreams about feeling, fire, counterfeit money.


Feeling of coldness, followed by febrile motions through the whole body. Shuddering over the whole abdomen. Pulse small and hard. Spasmodic pulse. Tight, quick, irregular, hard and dull pulse. Sweat, particularly towards morning.


Spasmodic laughter.


Dullness and heaviness of the occiput. Vertigo, with flushes of heat. Tightness in the forehead, also with pressure.


Pulsations and buzzing in the ears, with increase of liquid wax and difficulty of hearing. Fluent coryza, worse after eating.


Spasmodic twitching of the facial muscles, with constant constant disposition to laugh.


Accumulation of bitter-sour water in the mouth.


Loss of appetite. Loathing. Violent thirst. Eructations. Gulping up of yellow, bitter, bilious water. Nausea, with sourish taste in the mouth. Nausea, followed by vertigo, and attended with flushes of heat, spasmodic pulse, and great languor. Sickness and nausea. Sudden vomiting of children. Vomiting of slimy water, after which the headache disappeared. Bilious vomiting. Vomiting and diarrhoea.


Crampy pressure in the pit of the stomach, with tightness and sensitiveness. Burning in the region of the stomach, with loathing. Fullness in the stomach.


Lacerating below the umbilicus. Spasmodic drawing in the middle of the abdomen, with dull pains in the whole abdomen. Distention of the abdomen. Rumbling. Liquid stools, with tenesmus and pinching in the abdomen. Bilious stools, followed by great relief of all the symptoms.


Accumulation of mucus in the larynx, with dryness of the throat, and constant hawking of tenacious slimy saliva. Difficult breathing, particularly with the left lung. Constriction of the chest. Spasmodic sensation in the lungs and heart. Spasmodic pressure in the chest and pit of the stomach. Palpitation of the heart, with anguish, also particularly in the evening, and with spasmodic pulse. Sensation of pressure, heaviness, and spasmodic tension in the heart. All the ribs are sensitive to the touch.


Pain in the small of the back, at night. Feeling of lameness, extending to the hips. Sticking and lacerating between the shoulders, or pain extending to the smell of the back and sacrum. The arms feel bruised. Constant weakness of the lower limbs. Bruising pain of the lower limbs. Trembling of the feet.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.