
Respiratory Organs

Feeling as if there were a lump behind larynx, which produces constant inclination to swallow.


Spasmodic tearing at top of left side and passing to sixth or seventh rib, at 3 p.m. when standing or reading, worse breathing. Pain in left infraclavicular region in morning. Drawing pain in left inframammary region, waking me at 3 a.m., better turning on back from right side. Aching, burning distress in sternum and under it is stomach, with neuralgic pains. Oppression along median line. Constriction, with pain. Heat and pressure.


Sudden flying pain from heart to stomach, arresting breathing. Burning pain in cardiac region.

Back and neck

Pain in back extending to extreme end of spine. Pain in lumbar region. Pain in region of right kidney, worse sitting still, next day in region of left kidney, better morning about, with heat, fullness, soreness on deep pressure (but it relieved the pain), with uneasiness in left thigh, frequent desire to urinate, stream very small, the following day it requires considerable effort of will to empty the bladder, which is done slowly, pain and soreness in left loin continue, heavy in lumbar region, bed with uneasiness about bladder (had no desire to urinate on going to bed), woke early in morning with distended feeling in bladder, micturition slow and difficult, urine scarcely colored, pain in back worse next, worse lying on face, better lying on right side. Bearing down in sacral region as in dysmenorrhoea, changing to left ovarian region and gradually extending through hip.


Cutting in bones of right hand and foot. Frequent rheumatic symptoms in arms, fingers, and legs.

Upper Limbs

Pain in shoulder-joints, rheumatic, in muscles of right shoulder. Intermittent, numb tingling sensation in right arm and hand every day. Pain in right elbow, worse motion. Stitching along metacarpal bone of right index. Rheumatic drawing pain in finger-joints, worse second joint of right index, all afternoon. Hypertrophy or loss of nails.

Lower Limbs

Pain in left knee when walking, increasing to cramp, obliging me to lean upon the arm of a friend, the pain, with occasional cramps, lasted all the evening, worse raising foot so as to press upon toes. Cramp-like stiffness in left leg, worse raising foot so as to press upon toes. Feet swollen, in morning.


Neuralgic pains in forehead, hands and feet. Rheumatic pains all up and down left side, with cutting in left knee and calf if I pressed any weight upon toes or flexed knee with any weight upon it. Rheumatic pains in muscles of arms, hands, fingers, and small of back, those in back worse walking. Symptoms of a cold. Malaise as if I had taken cold, felt sick with a cold, continual watery flow from nose and eyes, with occasional chills. Languor: during the day, with headache, worse noon, and with burning frontal headache at 9 p.m., in morning on rising, at 2 p.m. Faint feeling at 11 a.m. in a warm lecture-room. Faint spells beginning in epigastrium, with small pains in hypochondrium and bowels.


The scalp became one filthy mass of inflammation, two-thirds of the hair came out, the rest matted together, with oozing of watery serum from scalp, eruption like rubeola on neck and chest, gradually extending to feet, thickest on chest and joints, itching worse night, rubbing any part brought out the eruption, on face and neck it was in patches like ringworm, but not vesicular. Boils on nape. Congested feeling in skin. Skin dry and hot. Painful, destructive disease of nails.


Difficult falling asleep and then unpleasant dreams. Restless night, with fever, with troubled dreams. Sexual dreams, without emission, and disgusting, waking him, arose and urinated with difficulty and tenesmus.


Chills running up and down back. Heat at night. Internal heat, with vertigo, worse eyes, which are inflamed and sensitive to light, eyeball sore to touch, intermittent, worse eyes. Burning in face and scalp. Skin dry, at night, and hot.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica