

Sensation of pressure in chest. Heat in chest (M). Sticking pain in chest, especially at the apex of left lung. Sensation of constriction in the precordial region. Pains in both sides of chest going to back. Pains in left side. Sticking in side. Nightly pains on chest. Sticking pains: in lungs, in left side, pains between scapulae. Aching in side in night. Sticking pain in chest, on right and left side. Sticking pain in left side in morning and afternoon. Sticking pain in lungs when laughing. Pain in axilla, especially when elevating arm. Sticking pain: in lungs with cough and palpitation. Pressure in chest, sticking pain on both sides of chest, in back. Palpitation, caused by deep inspirations, aching in back with pains under ribs. Pains in sub clavicular region with cough. Sticking pain in left lung. Pain from clavicles to throat. Pain in apex pulmonis radiating to axilla and arm. Sticking pain in chest and in back, worse from every movement. Pain in left lung to axilla. Pain on left side going to back. Pain in left apex and in region of the spleen. Severe pain in back, in axilla and arms. Pains in left side, must take deep inspiration. Bronchitic sounds in both lungs (W C). Dullness right apex (L B). Sudden, profuse hemoptysis, ends fatally (E). Developed a cavity on side opposite to that first affected (E). New deposit of tubercles on pleura (E). Surface of old pulmonary cavities showed unusually intense redness of granulation layers (V). Hemorrhagic infiltration of the walls (V). Recent hemorrhage observed in the cavities. In fatal cases of ulcerative phthisis the lungs esp., and also the pleurae, showed extensive and severe recent changes, _ pleurisy, for the most part very severe, simple and tuberculous, frequently hemorrhagic, and not infrequently bilateral (V). Caseous pneumonia or caseous hepatization _ the lung appearing like blood-pudding studded with pieces of lard, (the patient, an architect, 33, had six injections, the last four weeks before death. At the beginning he had induration of one apex only. The treatment was suspended because of persistent fever and infiltration of lower lobe. V). Catarrhal pneumonia was found, but it differed from ordinary catarrhal pneumonia (in which the alveoli when squeezed out have a gelatinous appearance) in that the contents of the alveoli were very watery and turbid a turbid infiltration, it resembles a phlegmonous condition (V). Soft hepatization, which differs from ordinary catarrhal hepatization in that in the midst of the patches foci of softening become developed, leading to rapid breaking down and excavation (V). Development of fresh tubercles: small tubercles giving rise to new ulcers have suddenly appeared, especially in pleura, pericardium, and peritoneum (V). Metastasis, bacilli mobilized (V). Abscesses in the lungs (V). Perforating abscesses in respiratory organs (V).


Palpitation early in morning. Sensation of heaviness and pressure over heart, Palpitation with cough and sticking pains in lungs. By deep inspirations severe palpitation. Aching in heart. Palpitation in night, worse when raising himself up. Palpitation with pain in the back. Death from paralysis of heart (Libhertz).

Neck and Back

Glands in neck and scars swollen and very tender, various lupus points about them showing yellow fluid under epidermis (lps.). Scars in neck softer and flatter, no lupus nodules now perceptible (lps.) Glands cannot now be felt, except the largest, which is now reduced to size of a pea (lps.). Cervical glands much smaller (W C). Aching like needle-pricks in the back. Prickly feeling in skin of back (lps.). Weakness in lumbo-sacral region. Sticking pain over both scapulae, pain in region of spleen, vague pains in back and on chest, with sensation of pressure. Sticking in back. Pain in back with palpitation. (Sensation on his back as if the clothes were moist. *Bac.) Three red patches on left side of back became much deeper (lpr.). Violent reaction, during which severe pains in loins worse by pressure, (case of Addison’s disease, two injections given. Pick.) Tuberculosis of sacrum greatly improved (Kurz).


Sensation of formication in arms and legs. Great weakness in limbs after dinner. Sensation of fatigue and faintness in all limbs. Pains in limbs, fatigue (K, 3 to 4H. after injection). Pains in limbs (K, 2nd d.). Pains in ulnar nerve and calves of legs and knees, left great toe much affected, and became very red and turgid (lpr.). Trembling of limbs (in an alcoholic). Twitching in the limbs (M).

Upper Limbs

Aching in forearms, vague, sticking pain. Diminution of inflammation above elbow-joint, disappearance of abscess over olecranon, sinus connected with radius discharging freely a thick yellow pus (W C). Sensation of luxation with severe pains in right carpal joint, worse by effort to move it, ceasing by rest. Trembling of hands.

Lower Limbs

During night pain referred to right knee, right leg rotated in and flexed slightly at hip and knee, movement of right hip-joint free, 1 p.m., left hip much more painful and tender, more flexed, abducted and rotated out (disease of left hip in girl of five. B.M.F.). Aching in the hip-joints. Pain in right knee without swelling (Heron, a non-tubercular case). The knee became easily movable and could be bent to a right, angle (tuberculous affection of right knee). Swelling and tenderness of both knee- joints (Heron). Tenderness in right ankle-joint (Heron).


Feeling of fatigue (K, 2nd d.). Malaise, depression, headache, somnolence, oppression of breathing, tightness of chest, nausea (lps.). General fatigue in morning, sensation of faintness, great weakness in lower extremities, especially from knees down to feet. Terribly tired, so that she can scarcely walk. General excessive fatigue after a short walk, so that he must lean on his companion. Emaciation (lost six pounds in fourteen days, twenty pounds in five weeks). In parts affected throbbing pain. Leucocytosis, diminution of oxyhemoglobin (M). Oxyhemoglobin first diminished then increased (Henoque). Feeling well, but decidedly losing flesh (lps.). Acts principally by very acute irritation of internal organs affected (in the same way as in external organs), causing intense redness and great swelling (V). Actual inflammatory processes (not mere hyperemias), and especially active proliferations, occur to an intense degree, in (1) edges of existing ulcers, in (2) neighboring lymphatic glands, especially bronchial and mesenteric (V). Lymphatic glands present a quite unusual degree of enlargement, and notably that form of medullary swelling, characteristic of acute irritations, which is caused by rapid proliferation of the cells in the interior of the glands (V). Leucocytosis: various infiltrations of white blood corpuscles over affected parts, especially round the tubercles themselves (V). Enormous dangerous swellings in parts near ulcers (even where the surface of the ulcer becomes clean), causing dangerous constriction (V). Phlegmonous swelling resembling erysipelatous oedema of glottis and retropharyngeal abscess (V), Where tubercle is associated with any other specific disease, reaction is so slight as to be scarcely discernible (Heron). Syphilitic cases are refractory to reaction Heron). Children bear the treatment well (Wendt).


Erythematous eruption like measles or scarlatina (M). Erythema with subcutaneous indurated nodules (M). Great bronze patches on the forehead and temples. Bronze finger-points. Finger-points as if touched by *Argentum nitricum. Itching all over the body in the evening in bed, changing place after rubbing. “Rash on chest and abdomen similar, patient says, to what came out when disease first appeared” (lpr.). Rash on abdomen and back, commencing very red, speedily becoming brownish, resembling ordinary skin eruption of secondary syphilis (L B). Edematous condition of upper lip. Edematous condition of eyelids. Nose swollen, tense, erysipelatous-looking epidermis in lupus patch raised by yellow fluid. In two cases, at least during the febrile action, old chilblains became again inflamed (H). Slight attack of jaundice (several cases. W C). Site of injection slightly painful and red (K, 2nd d.). Erythematous blush confined to lupus parts, which were the seat of throbbing pain. It has repeatedly caused general erythematous eruptions on the skin, and, in some, nodular effusions into the cellular tissue (H).


Great desire for sleep, drowsiness during day, after dinner. Inclination to sleep in mornings. Shivering when beginning to sleep. Cold feet in bed. Troubled sleep, sleeplessness. Sleep disturbed from 3 a.m. Sleeplessness on account of constant coughing. Many dreams, disturbed sleep, interrupted by fearful dreams, gloomy dreams, disturbed sleep, interrupted by fearful dreams, gloomy dreams, dreams of shame, cries out in dreams.


Shivering, when beginning to sleep, cold feet in bed. Freezing and heat alternately, cold and heat for moments. Violent attack of ague, lasting almost an hour (K, 5H.). Freezing on the back in evening. Freezing during whole day. Sensation of heat in evening in bed. Flush of heat from back to head. Feverish, nausea, thirsty, with headache, no vomiting (Heron). Flushes of heat after eating. High temperature, abating in twelve hours (K). Lowering of temperature after each injection (Heron). Lowering of temperature before a rise (Heron). Temperature seven hours after injection, 103.8, accompanied by thirst, rigor, increased cough, headache, and pains in joints (Heron.) Sweat in the night. Much sweat, especially on head in night. Profuse sweat after light exertion A little walk and slight efforts produce sweats. Short sweats in morning, while awaking. Profuse sweats during slight exertion.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica

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