

(Burnett recommends to give the Tuberculinum high if there is a strong tubercular element in the case, if that element is small, 30 is better.) *Compare: Bacillinum (including Tuberculinum of Swan), Bacil. test., Aviaire. In tubercular meningitis, Iodof. Irregular distribution of circulation, constitutional remedy, Sul. Analogous constitutional remedies, Pso., Medorrhinum, Syphilinum, Thuja. Sensation of an iron band compressing brain (Thuja Phthisis, insanity, Thyroid. Pain in region of appendix, Iris. t., Arsenicum, Lachesis Pains in breasts at menses, Conium, Calcarea *Compatible: Hydrast., “it actually seems to fatten up tuberculous patients” (Burnett, confirmed by Nebel), Calcarea, Calc-i., Calc-p., Phosphorus, Thuja, Sepia, Pulsatilla Sensitive to music, Aco., Amb., Nat-c., Nux- v., Ph-ac., Sepia, Thuja, Viol-o. (Better by music, Trn.).



Anxiety, gloomy, melancholy humor. Has lost melancholy expression she formerly had (lpr.). Is disposed to whine and complain, dejected mind, anxiety. She is very sad. Nervous irritation, aversion to labor. Indifferent. Forgetful. Aversion to all labor, especially mental work. Sensibility to music. Does not like to be disturbed by people, trembling of hands.


Vertigo: especially in morning, heavy with obscuration of eyes, is obliged to lean on something, by bending down, especially by rising after bending down, with palpitations, with headache, with nausea, with headache in morning, after dinner. Great heat in head, flushes of heat after dinner, sensation of heat in head in evening. Headache: deep in forehead, deep in temples, on vertex with sensation of heat, from neck to forehead, in morning,

passing away in afternoon. Sensation of heaviness on vertex. Headache with obscuration of sight. Headache with vertigo. Piercing headache. Piercing pain in forehead from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Headache in evening, in afternoon. Frontal headache in morning. Headache with rushing in ears. Headache in morning with bleeding of nose. Headache from neck to forehead, burning, piercing. Colossal hyperaemia of pia matter and brain substance, extreme engorgement of vessels on the surface, internally dusky red, tubercles presented no retrogressive changes (arachnitis. V.) (Sensation as if brain squeezed with iron band. *Bac.).


Swollen lids, headache with swollen lids in morning. Right eye much swollen, conjunctiva inflamed (lps.). Dullness and heaviness of eyes, darkness before eyes. Obscuration of vision with vertigo. Opens right eye (which had been closed. W. C.). Breaking down of cicatrices of old corneal ulcers (Stoker). Clearing of

corneal opacity the result of old tuberculous corneitis (Stoker). Tuberculosis of eyelids, small grey and yellow nodules, existing in conjunctiva of outer sections of lids, increased in size, ran together, then suddenly disappeared (A). Phlyctenulae appeared where none existed before (Maschke). Conjunctivitis, herpes on lids (M). Amblyopia with irregularity and complete paralysis of pupils (in an alcoholic).


Tinnitus (lps.). Rushing in ears with heavy head. Sticking pain from pharynx to ears. Headache with rushing in ears and pressure on vertex. Great aching in ears and teeth.


Coryza. Secretion of mucus from nose, viscid, yellow-green. Increased secretion of mucus, with frontal headache. Aching of ears and teeth with coryza in evening, with headache. Bleeding of nose. Comedones on nose, surrounded with minute pustules (lps.). The nose, which used to feel “hot and burning,” has lost this sensation (lps.).


Edematous, pale face. Clonic convulsions of musculus orbicularis inferior, acute. Convulsions in region of facial muscle, especially buccinator. In one case the inflammation of the lupus (on face) presented unquestionable erysipelas of a rather severe type, and the patient was for some time in danger (H). Flushing of cheek of same side as lung affected, during the reaction (Borgherini). Upper lip and nose become swollen during the first two or three reactions, the lip becoming cracked on inner surface (W C). Herpes on lips and eyelids (Heilferich). After the tenth injection his left moustache, which was kept cut to prevent scabs from gathering, ceased to grow, every hair fell out, and for a month the left upper lip was perfectly denuded of hair, and had all the appearance when seen under a lens of being depilated, however, the hairs began to grow well before he left the Home (lps., Hine).


Vague toothache. Teeth felt loose (lps.). “Feeling as if the teeth were all jammed together and too many for his head” (lps.). Sordes on teeth (lps.). Inflammation of gums, scurvy-like. Gums turgescent, felt swollen (lps.).


Tongue much coated (lps.). Coating on soft palate and tongue

(M). Taste: salty, purulent. aphthae on tongue and buccal mucosa. Tongue dry (lps.). Dryness of lips. On lips black blisters. Palate: granulations enormously swollen and vascular (lps.). Breath offensive (M).


Aching in pharynx and larynx. Scratching in pharynx. Tickling in throat exciting cough. Sensation of mucus in throat. Sensation of a tumour in throat. Dryness in throat, tonsillitis, general inflammatory condition of pharyngeal mucous membrane (M). Retropharyngeal abscess (M). Burning pain in throat. Sensation of constriction in throat, in larynx. Heaviness and sensation of rattling in throat. Aching extending from throat to ears. Dysphagia increased, later diminished (in laryngeal phthisis.L B).


Loss of appetite, especially in morning. Thirst: extreme, day and night, burning in morning.


Eructations and sensation of fullness over stomach. Nausea, vomiting (K, 5H.). Vomited severely with better to headache (lps.). Nausea and vomiting, nausea with efforts to vomit with colic and diarrhoea. Transitory sickness and vomiting after dinner. Vomiting after every meal. Nausea and sickness in morning with heaviness in stomach region. Pressure in stomach, going to throat, as if the clothes were too tight. Cramping pain in stomach. Nausea with pains in umbilical region with diarrhoea. Nausea with racking and stirring in stomach and increased thirst. Sickness in stomach and pressing. Nausea in morning. Sticking pains in stomach region.


Cramping pains in stomach and abdomen. Sensation of constriction in abdomen. Colic with diarrhoea and heaviness in stomach. Colic with great thirst. Fatigue and sickness in region of stomach and abdomen, sticking pains deep in spleen, severe pain in region of liver. Aching (sticking) in region of liver, spleen, ovaries, spermatic cord, testicles (especially left), in hip-joints, in rectum. Pains in region of appendix vermiformis. Mass of enlarged glands, in right iliac fossa much smaller (W C). Six pustules at different parts of skin of back and abdomen, and after discharging have healed (W C) Discrete papular rash over chest and abdomen (W C). Perforating ulcer in intestines (V).

Stool and Anus

Obstipation, stool hard, dry, with wind and colic. Diarrhoea with pinching and burning pains. Pressure and constriction in rectum. Pain in rectum. Itching sensation in anus.

Urinary Organs

Diminished quantity of urine. Is obliged to urinate very often, especially during changes of weather. One tenth albumen in height of reaction, disappeared afterwards (W C). Specific gravity of urine increases from 1016 to 1023 with an excess of urates and ropy mucus. Peptonuria in man, 33 (Maregliano). Hematuria with renal pain (M). Excess of urates (M). Abundant viscid mucous discharge.

Male Sexual Organs

Pains in testicles, and cord of left side.

Female Sexual Organs

Severe pains in breast in evening at beginning of menstruation. Menstruation with pains in lumbo-sacral and ovarian region. Sticking pain in lower abdomen, pains in lumbo-sacral region worse when walking. Weakness in genital region, painful menstruation. Blood lumpy, menstruation lasting more days than usual, menstruation antepones eight days. Burning pains in external genitals, sharp leucorrhoea, pains in sacral and ovarian region to hip-joints. Sensation of heat in genitalia externa, with increased leucorrhoea. Cramps in uterine region with pains in sacral and ovarian region. Burning pain in ovarian region. Menstruation returns fourteen days after parturition.

Respiratory Organs

Decided effect in laryngeal cases, mostly beneficial (L B). After ten injections, larynx markedly affected, inflammatory swelling and ulceration (L B). General infiltration of mucous membrane of larynx, high red color, brighter than normal (L B). Enormous swelling of arytenoids appeared (LB). Tuberculous outgrowth (L B). Exfoliation at right vocal cord, appearance extravasated below its posterior part (L B). Hyperemia of cords

intensified and covered with minute ulcerating points. Cough and expectoration lasting four months, from a wetting (removed, no bacilli found). Sensation of pressure on chest. Cough and sputa. Irritating cough, worse in night. Little cough in night with aching in side and blood-tinged sputa. Severe cough in evening with pains below mamma on right side. Inclination to cough (K, 3 to 4H.). Severe cough with muco-purulent secretion in morning. Cough prevents him sleeping in evening. Cough, secretion of phlegm, especially by walking, with sticking pains in lungs and palpitation. A sort of whooping-cough.Dry cough, in night. Cough with viscid mucus. After much cough sensation of mucus in pharynx, mucous secretion being easily ejected. Expectoration diminished (Heron). Palpitation and pains in back with cough. Crackling rales at right shoulder behind (lps.). Copious watery expectoration usually seen during the reaction (Wilson). With every increase of dose he suffered from asthmatic fits, lasting from three to seven hours. Extreme rapidity of respirations without dyspnoea, 60 to 90 in the minute, if the patient is spoken to, the rapid breathing ceases at once (as with a dog panting in the sun. Heron). Is obliged to take deep inspirations, dyspnoea. Difficulty in breathing speedily increased (K, 3 to 4H.). Marked feeling of suffocation (lpr.).

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica

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