Sulphuricum Acidum


Dyspnoea. Great weakness in the chest, with difficult speech. Aching in the left side of chest, and in scrobiculus. Cutting pain in front of left axilla. Pains along sternum, beneath sternum, cutting, burning. Sternum sore as if beaten. Dull stitches in left side of sternum by costal cartilages. Dull tension in left side of chest and in pit of stomach. Dulness of base of right lung, pneumonia, collapse, death. (Many cases of poisoning by *Sul. *ac. are followed by pneumonia.) Slight pulsating, twitching beneath left side. Lancinations in chest. Violent sticking in right breast, frequent and continuous, when pressing on it pain extended deeper.


Palpitation of heart (with or without anxiety). Lancinations across heart. Praecordial region very painful.

Back and neck

Neck swollen. Left neck painful on pressure. Large suppurating swelling left side of neck. Sensation, as from excoriation, and as of a fracture, in the back and loins. Drawing in the back and loins. Pain in small of back. Boring in small of back. Furunculi on back. Stiffness of back several mornings, on rising. Painful sensibility and swelling of axillary glands.


Convulsive movements of arms and legs. Pains in joints felt during sleep, disappear on waking. Tearing in all limbs during menses, especially in evening. Inclination to cramp in hands and feet. Wrists and other large joints painful and swollen, but not red. Limbs livid. Twitching of tendons.

Upper Limbs

Heaviness of the arms. Spasmodic, paralytic contractions in arms. Shootings in joint of shoulder, on lifting arm. Tensive pain in elbow-joint. Bluish spots on forearm, as from ecchymosis. Cramps in hands. Shocks and blows in bones of hand, when writing. Eruption on hands, and between fingers. Lancinations in joints of fingers. Chilblains on fingers.

Lower Limbs

Inner surface of thighs red, sore, excoriated after riding. Heaviness of legs. Torpor and numbness of legs. Want to stretch

and retract limbs. Tearing in varices of legs. Painful weakness of knees, with dull lancinations, shocks, and blows in those parts. Red, itching spots on tibia. Stiffness of ankles. Coldness in feet. Swelling of feet. Tearing and lancinations in corns and feet.


For any affections arising from general debility, as prolapsus uteri, retroversion, any uterine trouble whatever, the patient having a sense of tremulousness all over. Burning darting pains in muscles, shocks as from pain, black and blue spots in body, in a bruise (especially if an old person) when the injured part gets black and blue, and seems as if it would mortify. Haemorrhages of black blood from all the outlets of the body. Affections in general occurring in right abdominal ring, sexual organs right side, right upper side, left lower side, inguinal hernia. Worse afternoon and evening, from surgical injuries in general, in the open air, from smelling coffee. Tearing pains throughout body, also in face. Stitches in joints. Cramps in limbs. Pains, felt during sleep. Icteric sufferings. Jerking of the tendons. Appearance or worse of symptoms, morning and evening. The patient feels worse in open air. The left side seems to be more particularly affected. Slowly increasing but suddenly ceasing pain, as if a blunt instrument were pressed against the part. Sensation of soreness as if bruised over the whole body. Weakness of the whole body, with sensation of trembling. Extreme weakness and exhaustion, with sensation of tremor all over the body, without trembling. Sour odour of body. Great weakness and emaciation with backache in young girls (R.T.C.) General weariness in a plethoric woman and pain in lower back, chiefly left sides, with weakness in lower abdomen, worse at menses, furred tongue and constipation.


Bed effects from mechanical injuries, as from bruises, falling, knocking, pressure of blunt instruments, and contusions (especially in old women). Gangrenous tendency after a bruise. Itching over whole body. Red, itching spots on skin, or small, red, livid, and bluish spots, as from ecchymosis. Excoriation of skin, also with ulceration like gangrene (becomes easily chafed when walking or riding). Furunculi. Gnawing (eating pain in the ulcers. Painful sensitiveness of glands. Chilblains. Corns in feet, with tearings and shootings. Warts.


Retarded sleep and early waking. Sleepiness. Sleeplessness from mental excitement. Jerkings during sleep. Anxious dreams. Jerking of fingers during sleep. Nightmare before menses.


Chilliness during the day, worse in room, better when exercising in open air. Frequent chills running down body. Heat in evening and after lying down in bed. In evening frequent flushes of heat, especially when exercising Flushes of heat with perspiration (in climacteric years). Heat predominates. Small, feeble (accelerated) pulse. Perspiration on least movement (which continues for a long time after sitting down). Profuse perspiration in morning. Perspiration at night. Cold perspiration as soon as one eats warm food.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica