Sulphuricum Acidum

symptoms, Pso., Sul. Weakness, Pic. ac. Sensation of white of egg on face, Alm. Sensation of subcutaneous ulceration, Pulsatilla Alcoholism, Querc. Prolapse of vagina, Staphysagria Larynx sensitive, Lachesis Warmth of genitals (Sul. coldness).


Lifting arms. Falls. Bruises. Concussion (of brain). Chafing. Surgical operations. Sprains.


Mental excitability, and exaltation. Melancholy dejection. Inclination to weep. Anxious apprehension and mistrust. Despondency. Agitation, precipitation, and impatience. One feels in a very great hurry, feels that everything must be done in a hurry (also *Argentum *nit.). Restlessness. Irritability, nervous fatigue, and tendency to take fright. Peevish moroseness, and dislike to conversation. Disgust to life. Seriousness, alternating with buffoonery. Extraordinary absence of mind. Dulness of intellect.


Semi lateral confusion of head, as if the part contained smoke. Vertigo when seated, disappearing in the open air. Sensation as if brain were loose in forehead, and was falling from one side to the other, worse when sitting quiet in the room. Headache, which at first increases, then suddenly disappears. Sensation of weakness in head. Headache, as if brain were lacerated. Rush of blood to head. Throbbing headache during menses, with sweating. Pressive headache. Sensation of heaviness and fulness in brain, as if head would burst. Sensation of constriction in head. Painful shocks in forehead and temples, worse in forenoon and evening. Headache as if a plug was thrust quickly by increasingly severe blows in head. Shocks and blows in the head. Violent jerk beneath left frontal eminence, suddenly disappearing. Headache, with dull lancinations, or drawings and tearings. Sensation of wavering of the brain. Sensation in exterior of head as if suppurating, or ulcerated, painful to touch. Itching and eruption in scalp. Hair turns grey and falls off. Pimples on forehead and side of nose.


Burning aching in eyes, in open air, or when fixing eyes on an object in a room. Tension in lids in morning. Smarting, burning sensation in eyes, and lachrymation, especially when reading. Sensation of a foreign body in right outer canthus, in morning when walking. Eyes red, with photophobia. Chronic inflammation of eyes. Difficulty in opening eyelids. Myopia.


Tearing in ears. Tearing and shaking in right ear. Violent tickling in concha. Dysecoia, as if there were a band over the ears, or as if a leaf were before them. Rhythmical roaring in ears. Ringing of bells before ears. Humming in ears, in evening.


Epistaxis in evening. Dry coryza, with loss of smell and taste. Coryza: thin, lemon-coloured discharge. Pimples on side of nose. Flow of water from nose, with obstruction of one nostril.


Paleness of face. Contusive pain in zygomatic process. Tearing of bones of face. Dry shrivelled spots on face. Sensation as if face were swollen, and as if it were covered with the white of eggs dried. Lips are cracked, and exfoliate. Lips swollen, red, painful to touch. Pain, as from excoriation, in commissures of lips. Inflammation and swelling of submaxillary glands.


Toothache, more violent in evening, in bed, worse by cold air, better by warmth, generally with tearing digging, or gnawing. Bluntness of teeth. Toothache with tenderness and pain along side of head and down spine (R.T.C.). Teeth on edge. Swelling and easy bleeding of gums. Ulceration of gums.


Aphthae in mouth, in children. Sensation of dryness in mouth. Tongue dry. Tongue, horribly swollen, swallowing impossible, covered with wrinkled white skin, tip and edges red, denuded at tip and intensely red. Ulcers on inflamed tongue. Talking difficult as from want of elasticity in parts. Breath very offensive. Profuse salivation. Haemorrhage from mouth.


Sore throat during deglutition, with lancinating pain, especially in evening (swollen as if a lump were in it, worse on left side). Thick yellow membrane on fauces, sticks like glue. Swelling of uvula and roof of palate. Swelling and inflammation of submaxillary glands. Roughness in throat. Mucous membrane of palate and pharynx swollen, injected and ulcerated. Stringy, lemon-yellow mucus hangs from posterior nares, in diphtheria.


Putrid taste. Bread has a bitter taste, and is heavy on stomach. Bulimy, with rumbling and borborygmi in abdomen. Desire for fresh fruits (plums), brandy. Loss of appetite and great debility. Chronic alcoholism, vomiting in morning, acidity of stomach, burning in oesophagus and stomach, sour, acrid or foul eructations. After eating, pain in stomach and rising of food by mouthfuls. After warm food, sweat. After a meal, agitation, gripings, and digging in abdomen, or excessive inflation of stomach. Cold perspiration, immediately after hot food. Lassitude and flatulence after drinking milk. All drinks chill the stomach, if a little spirit is not added to them.


Empty or bitter risings. Acid, bitter, salt, or else sweetish regurgitations. Sour eructations, violent heartburn. Violent hiccough. Pyrosis. Nausea in the stomach, with shivering. Vomiting, first of water, then of food. Vomiting of drunkards. Very painful sensitiveness of region of stomach. The water (or every drink) causes cold of the stomach, if not mixed with some alcoholic liquor. Fulness and pressure in stomach. A contracting sensation in stomach in evening, as from a chill. Contraction in stomach and scrobiculus ( worse from hard food). Cuttings round stomach. Sensation of coldness or burning in stomach. Cold, relaxed feeling in stomach.


Lancinations in spleen. Spleen enlarged: hard and painful, hurts when coughing, after intermittent fever. Stitches in liver and spleen. Shootings in the hepatic region. Shooting in loins. Colic in abdomen, like labour pains, extending into hips and loins. Movements, gripings, and pinchings in abdomen, sometimes at night. Sensation of heat in umbilical region. Jerking throughout hypogastrium, especially at surface. Inguinal hernia, much protruded. Flatulent colic in the hypogastrium, with grumbling and borborygmi, and sensation as if a hernia were about to descend. Weak feeling as if menses would appear.

Stool & Anus

Tenesmus. Ineffectual urging to go to stool. Evacuations retarded, hard, knotty, and black. Faeces of a very large size. Chronic relaxation of abdomen. Loose evacuations, of consistence of pap (yellowish-white, partly solid, partly liquid), greenish, and watery. Watery diarrhoea, very offensive. Diarrhoea, of frothy slime only, with burning sensation in rectum. Diarrhoea with great debility. Soft stool, followed by a sensation of emptiness in abdomen. Evacuations of mucus, streaked with blood. The child frequently has a stool as if chopped, saffron yellow, stringy, slimy. Very fetid stools of a putrid smell. Discharge of blood during the evacuation. Sanguineous congestion in rectum. Haemorrhoidal excrescences in anus, with shootings, burning sensation, itching and oozing. Haemorrhoids feel damp and are painful to touch, itch violently, pain at stool as if rectum were torn to pieces, stools like sheep’s dung, piles in hard drinkers. Pressing in anus during and after pasty stool.

Urinary Organs

Diabetes, lassitude, debility, despondency. Diminished secretion of urine, with burning sensation when urinating. Emission of urine at night. Urine watery (brown, diminished secretion of) and as if it contained earth (or loam). Slimy sediment in the urine. Sediment like blood in the urine, which is covered with a fine pellicle. Pain in the bladder, when the want to urinate is not immediately satisfied.

Male Sexual Organs

Excessive heat in genital parts and testes. Emission of semen, without voluptuous sensation. Itching pain in upper margin of glans. Scrotum relaxed. Orchitis (right).

Female Sexual Organs

Strong desire for coition, from irritation of the external genital organs (in females). Catamenia premature and too profuse. Catamenia of too long duration. Metrorrhagia. Nightmare before menses. During menses, lancinations in abdomen and vagina. After menses, great desire for, or else great aversion to, coition. Sterility, with catamenia premature and too profuse. Acrid and burning, or milk like leucorrhoea. Discharge of sanguineous mucus from vagina. Prolapse of vagina, parts look greenish and smell badly. Climacteric age with constant hot flushes, and a feeling of tremor all over body, with great debility, and as if everything must be done in a hurry, spitting of blood, constipation, symptoms are worse by smelling (not drinking) coffee. Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, never vomited food, but could not eat because of increased distress in stomach and vomiting of mucus.

Respiratory Organs

Hoarseness, with dryness, and roughness in throat and larynx. Pain in larynx, with embarrassed speech, as if the parts were not sufficiently elastic. Larynx excessively sensitive, to pressure. Cough, excited by open air. Cough worse from walking, riding, cold water, and when smelling coffee. Dry, short, panting cough, sometimes in the morning, after rising. Moist cough, with slimy expectoration. Long-continued haemoptysis. Cough, with haemoptysis. Cough with expectoration in morning, without expectoration in evening. Cough from irritation in the chest, with expectoration in morning of dark blood, or of a thin, yellow, blood-streaked mucus, generally of a sourish taste. After the cough, eructations. Profuse haemorrhage from the lungs. Risings and regurgitation of food after coughing.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica