

Pain in eyes in morning, as if arising from the great dryness, or from the presence of sand.- Pressure and smarting in eyes and lids.- Tearing shooting pains in eyes on pressing them together. Shooting, which seem to pass out through eyes.-Itching, smarting, and burning in the eyes.- Redness of eyes, with smarting pain in canthi.- Inflammation of eyes.- Affections appearing in angles of eyes, in region of tear-ducts.- Swelling of lachrymal gland. Lachrymal fistula.- Lachrymation, especially in open air.-

Agglutination of lids, at night.- Fungus haematodes and ulcers in cornea.- Cornea thick, rough, warty, as if it were a mass of hypertrophied tissue, scaled off leaving cornea clear.- Specks and scars in cornea.- Weakness, heat, quivering of eyes.- Spasmodic closing of lids.- Presbyopia.- The letters appear confused, when reading.- Objects seem to be pale, when reading.- Confused sight, as if directed through a greyish veil.- Blackness before eyes after headache.- Momentary attacks of sudden blindness.- Cloudiness of crystalline lens.- Cloudiness of the sight, as from amaurosis.- Sparks, and black spots before sight.- Photophobia, and dazzling in broad daylight.- Encysted tumours of lids go away after *Silicea 200 (Bradshaw).


Otalgia, with drawing pain.- Boring and throbbing in the ears.- Shootings in the ears, from within outwards.-Itching in ears (especially when swallowing).- Inflammation and running from edges of ears.-Scabs behind ears.- Swelling of exterior of ear, with discharge (of pus) from the ear, accompanied by a sort of whistling.- Copious accumulation of moist (very thin) cerumen.- Otorrhoea with great sensitiveness to cold air.-Excessive sensitiveness to noise. Obstruction of ears, which some times disappears on blowing the nose, or else with a loud report.- Hardness of hearing, sometimes without noise in ears, or else exclusively for human voice.- Hardness of hearing, worse when the moon is at the full.- Paralysed auditory nerves.-Tinkling, clucking, and noise, like the fluttering of a bird, in ears.- Roaring and singing in ears.- Caries of the mastoid process.- Swelling and induration of parotids.


Nasal bone painful when touched.- Soreness as if beaten, in nasal bones.-Gnawing pains (and ulcers) in upper part of nose, with heaviness when stooping, and excessive sensibility to contact and pressure.-Pulsative pain, as from ulceration in the nose, and extending into the head.- Drawing in root of nose and right malar bone.-Inflammation in nostrils.- Itching in nose.- Voluptuous itching about nose, in evening.- Itching and redness of nose (at the extremity), which is covered with scabious vesicles.- Sore, painful spots below septum of nose, with sticking on touch.- Furunculi on nose.-Scabs, pimples, and ulcers in nose.-Nose inwardly dry, painful, excoriated, covered with crusts.-Epistaxis.-Anosmia.-Frequent, violent, abortive, interrupted sneezing.-Too frequent, immoderate, sneezing.- Obstinate obstruction of nose, sometimes arising from (hardened) mucus. – Troublesome (painful) dryness of nose, sometimes at night.-Dry coryza.-Continued coryza.-Frequent fluent coryza, or which removes an obstinate obstruction of nose.- Alternate fluent and dry coryza. – Acrid and corrosive mucus in nose.


Pale and earthy complexion.- White spots on cheeks, from time to time. -Red, burning spots on cheeks and nose, especially after a meal. -Heat in face.-Shooting in bones of face.-Itching in whiskers. -Furunculus on cheek.- Cracks and rhagades in skin of face. -Scirrhous induration in face and upper lip. -Swelling of lips. -Ulceration of commissures of lips.- Scabious eruption on lips, with smarting pain.- Ulcers on red part of lower lip.- Furunculi on chin.- Herpes on chin.- Cramp in maxillary joint.- The articulation of the jaw is spasmodically closed (lockjaw).- Nocturnal shootings and drawings in lower jaw.-Swelling and caries in bones of lower jaw.- Swelling of submaxillary glands, with pain when touched, or also with induration.


Toothache from hot food, or introduction of cold air into mouth.- Drawing, jerking, and tearings in teeth, and cheeks, worse at night, or else only when eating.- Toothache at night, commonly lancinating, which disturbs sleep, worse by cold or hot things.- Toothache, with swelling of bone or periosteum of jaw, and universal heat at night, which hinders sleep.- Digging and boring in teeth.- Bluntness of teeth.- Teeth become loose and feel elongated.- Painful inflammation, swelling, excoriation, and easy bleeding of the gums.- Gumboils.- Gums painfully sensitive on taking cold water into mouth.


Dryness of mouth. – Fetid breath, especially in morning.- Stomacace.- Mucus constantly in mouth.- Sensation, as of a hair on (forepart of) tongue.- Excoriation of tongue.- One-sided swelling of tongue.- Ulcer on right border of tongue eating into it and discharging much pus (carcinoma).- Ulcer on the palate.- Tongue coated with a brownish mucus.


Sore throat, with an accumulation of mucus in throat. -Severe tonsillitis (“*Silicea 12X trit. is specific.”- Bayes).- Pain as from excoriation and pricking as from pins (stitches) in throat, during deglutition (quinsy).- Swelling of the uvula.- Swelling of the palate.-Difficult deglutition, as from paralysis of the gullet.-Paralysis of velum palati.- Tendency of food to ascend into nasal fossae during deglutition.- Food is ejected through nose.


Great appetite, desire for beer and warm food, immediately after eating, appetite and thirst returned.- Ravenous hunger so that it was difficult to fall asleep.- Ravenous hunger before supper, with complete loss of appetite and trembling of all the limbs, followed by chilliness and coldness over whole body, with heat on chest.-Ravenous hunger: morning, evening, with collection of water in mouth.- Is very hungry, eats as usual, and then complains that everything seems to be up in the throat.-Loss of taste.- Bitter taste in mouth, also in morning.- Taste sour after eating.- Sour, putrid taste, or as if blood or mucus were in the mouth.- Violent thirst, sometimes with anorexia.- Repugnance to all food, especially to cooked and hot things, with desire for cold, raw things only.- Aversion to boiled food.- Loathing of animal food, which proves indigestible.- Aversion of a child to its mother’s milk, with vomiting after sucking.- After a meal, strong disposition to sleep, pyrosis, acidity in mouth, sour risings, fullness in stomach or abdomen, or else (often consecutively) aching of stomach, water-brash, vomiting, febrile shiverings, congestion in head, heat in cheeks.


Risings, with taste of food, sometimes after every meal.-Sour risings.-Warm uprisings from stomach to throat.-Pyrosis. Hiccough: before and after eating, sometimes in evening, in bed.- Nausea, every morning, with pain in head and eyes, on turning eyes, or else followed by vomiting of bitter water.-Continuous nausea and vomiting, worse in morning.-Constant nausea and vomiting, even at night.- Water-brash, sometimes with shuddering.- Water tastes bad, vomiting, whenever drink is taken.- Vomiting of food, even at night.- Pressure in stomach, sometimes after every meal, or on drinking quickly.- Painful sensibility of scrobiculus, when it is pressed. -Heaviness in stomach. -Squeezing in scrobiculus, as by claws, sometimes after a meal. -Burning sensation in pit of stomach.


Swelling and induration of hepatic region. -Inflammation and induration of liver.- Pain, as from ulceration, in hepatic region, with throbbing, pains are worse by touch, by walking (or when lying on right side, or when breathing). -Shootings in hypochondria, especially on the left side.- Pain in abdomen, colic in children from worms.- Colic, during which hands turn yellow, and the nails blue.- Aching (pressing) of abdomen, especially after a meal.- Abdomen, hard, tight, hot (also in children) and sometimes painful on being touched.-Enlargement of abdomen.- Colic, from constipation.- Cuttings or pinching in abdomen, with or without diarrhoea.- Burning sensation in abdomen.- The pains in the abdomen are better by application of hot linen.- Painful inguinal hernia.-Inflammation and swelling of inguinal glands (large as peas, painful to touch).- Incarceration of flatus.- Gurgling and borborygmi in abdomen, especially on moving the body.-Difficult expulsion of flatus.- Very offensive flatulence.

Stool and Anus

Constipation, and slow, hard, difficult, knotty faeces (composed of light-coloured lumps).- Hard faeces, with frequent tenesmus.- Constipation where the stool comes down with great difficulty, comes a little way through the anus, and then slips back before it can be voided, obstructed evacuation of bowels, fetid flatus.- Even the soft stool is expelled with much difficulty.-Stool remains long in rectum.- Stool like pus, with maw-worms, with tapeworms. – Faeces of consistence of pap, several times a day.- Diarrhoea (stool horribly offensive) with colic. Reddish faeces, or with sanguineous slime.- Frequent discharge of fetid serum, or a corpse-like smell. -Cutting and stinging in rectum.-Burning or stinging in rectum during stool.- Shootings and itching in anus, and in rectum, also during the evacuation. -Burning in anus, especially after a dry, hard stool.- Constriction in anus during stool.-Constant but ineffectual desire for stool. -Painful haemorrhoids protrude during stool.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica