

*Antidoted *by: Camph., Helleborus, Fl-ac. *It antidotes: Mercurius Cor., *Sul. *Incompatible: Mercurius *Follows well: Belladonna, Bryonia, Calcarea, Calc-p. (in rickets when Calcarea p. fails), Cin., Graphites, Hepar, Ignatia, nitricum acidum, Pho. *Followed well by: Hepar, Fl. ac., Lachesis, Lycopodium, Sepia (If improvement ceases under Silicea a dose or two of Sul. will set up reaction, and Silicea will then complete the cure). *Complementary: Thuja, Sanicula, Pulsatilla (Silicea is the “chronic” of Pulsatilla). *Compare: Head-sweat and open fontanelles, Calcarea (Silicea lower than Calcarea and offensive). Head must be kept warm, Sanicula, Mg. m. Ailments from suppressed foot-sweat, Cuprum, Graphites, Pso. Want of vital heat, Ledum, Sepia Vertigo as if one would fall forward from looking up, Pulsatilla (from looking down, Kali-ca., Spi.). Chronic sick-headaches since some severe disease of youth, Pso. Headache better pressure and wrapping up warmly, Mg. m., Stron. Constipation before and during menses (diarrhoea before and during menses, Am-c., Bovista). Partly expelled stool recedes, Thu. Fistula in ano alternates with chest complaints, Berberis, Calc-p. Somnambulism, Luna, Kali-br. Vaccination: erysipelas, convulsions, diarrhoea, Thu. (Thu. when the fever is high), Apis, Sul., Malan., Vacc., Var. Cicatrix, fissure of anus, Graphites Offensive sweat (head, feet, axillae), Petroleum Aversion to touch, Cin., Hepar, Thu., Lachesis, Asafoetida (Asafoetida, offensive discharge from tissues, “intolerable soreness round the ulcer, cannot bear even the dressing”). Caries, Platina mur., Ang. (long bones), Strong. c. (femur, with watery diarrhoea), Gettys. (caries with ulcers about joints, discharge excoriating), Calcarea (scrofulous subjects, sweat sour rather than offensive, foot-sweat does not excoriate, not sensitive like Silicea). Sweat of head, body dry (Rhus, sweat of body, head dry). Last stage of phthisis, Phel. Perforating ulcers,, Headache ascending from nape, Meny. (bursting, better pressure, not better warmth), Paris (head feels unusually large), Strong. c., Sanguinaria (to right eye), Spi. (to left eye). Clouded sight after headache, Silicea (*before headache, Worse damp change, Barayta carbonica Foot-sweat, scrofula, rickets, and headache better wrapping warmly, Mg. m.

Catarrhal phthisis, Stn. Abscess of breast, fistulae, necrosis (of jaw), Pho. (Pho. has more erythematous blush and radiating streaks round opening). Hay-fever, itching at Eustachian orifices, Arsenicum, Rosa, Ranunculus bulbosus Nervous exhaustion, Pic. ac. Chronic suppuration of middle ear, Caps. Catarrhal diarrhoea, Pulsatilla Tetanus impending, wound suddenly ceases to discharge, Nux. Weakness of ankles, Causticum, worse thunderstorms, Na.c., Pho., Rho., Pet. Worse from cold or draft (Fl-ac., better cold applications). nausea when fasting, Pul., Lycopodium Calcarea Impatient, Chamomilla, Sul. Motes, persistent speck before right eye (Sul., before left, Macrot., right in morning). “Washed out,” but *won’t give in (, *must give in). Affections of one side of tongue, Calcarea, Thu. (ulcer right border, Silicea, Thu., left, Apis, left side swollen with loss of speech, Lauro.). Hungry but cannot get the food down, Silicea, Lycopodium Hair sensation on tongue, Nat.m., (on back part). Children are obstinate, headstrong, cry when spoken kindly to, Iodium Nipple drawn in like a funnel, Sarsaparilla Unhealthy skin, every little injury suppurates, Graphites, Hepar, Petroleum, Mercurius Crippled nails, Ant.c. Ingrowing toenails, Mgt.aust. Takes cold from exposure of feet, Conium, Cuprum Takes cold by uncovering head (Belladonna, by hair-cutting).Difficulty in holding up head, Antim tart. Callosities in feet, Antim crud. Worse after coitus, K. ca. Evacuant of foreign bodies, Lobel-i. Drinking cold water causes dry cough (Causticum, better).Ganglion, Benz. ac., Sul. Chronic and hereditary rheumatism, Ledum (but Ledum has worse by warmth, and symptoms extend from below upward, whilst Silicea affects particularly the shoulders and joints). Fibroma, Nat. sf. Cheloid and scars, Thios. Homesickness, Caps., Ph. ac. Brachial neuralgia, Calcarea (*see case under ***CALC.).


Vaccination. Stone-cutting. Loss of fluids. Injury. Strains. Splinters. Foreign bodies.



Despondency, melancholy, and disposition to weep. Nostalgia. Anxiety and agitation, yielding, anxious mood. Taciturnity, concentration in self. – Inquietude and ill-humor on the least provocation, arising from excessive nervous debility.- Scruples of conscience (about trifles).- Restless and fidgety, great liability to be frightened, especially by least noise. – Discouragement. Moroseness, ill-humor, and despair, with intense weariness of life. – Wishes to drown herself. – Disposition to fly into a rage, obstinacy, and great irritability.- The child become obstinate and headstrong, cries when kindly spoken to.- Excitement with easy orgasm of blood.- Repugnance to labour.- Apathy and indifference.- Weakness of memory.- Incapacity for reflection.- Great distraction.- Tendency to misapply words in speaking.- Fixed ideas, the patient thinks only of pins, fears them, searches for them, and counts them carefully.


Cloudiness.- The head is fatigued by intellectual labour (reading, writing, or reflecting).-Difficulty in holding head up.- Dizziness, especially in the evening, as from intoxication.- Vertigo of different kinds, especially in the morning, and principally on lifting up the eyes, or when riding in a carriage, and also when stooping, or after moral emotions.- Vertigo, with nausea and retching, or proceeding from the back to the nape and head.-Vertigo: as if one would fall forward, is obliged to walk to right side, is obliged to sit down, when closing eyes, from lying on left side.- Vertigo, which causes to fall backwards.- Pain which ascends from the nape into vertex, sometimes hindering sleep, at night.- Headache when over-heated.- Headache, with shivering, lassitude, and necessity to lie down.- Headache every morning.- Aching in head, with ill-humor and heaviness in all the limbs, sometimes in morning.- Heaviness of head, pressing out in the forehead, which seems ready to split, sometimes very dry, from morning till evening (worse from evening till night, from stepping hard, from uncovering head, or if head becomes cold in open air).- Tension and pressure in the head, as if it were about to burst (ascending from the neck to the forehead).- Drawings in the head, which seem to pass out at the forehead.- Tearing pains in the head, often semilateral, with shootings which seem to pass out through the eyes, and into the bones of the face and the teeth, or which manifest themselves every morning, with heat in the head, principally in the forehead (and great restlessness, worse from a draft of air and motion).- Lancinations (stitches) in head, especially in temples (principally in the right from within to without, worse at night, from moving eyes, from talking and writing).- Throbbing headache, generally from congestion of blood in head (pulsating and beating, most violent in forehead and vertex, with chilliness).- Congestion to head, with redness in face.- Painful shocks in head.- Movements and whirling in head, as if everything in it were alive.- Shaking and vibration in brain at every step (roaring and shattering sensation when stepping hard or knocking foot against anything). The headaches are worse principally by intellectual labour, talking, stooping, noise, jarring, light, and cold air, and are better in warm room, from wrapping head up warmly, from binding head tightly.-After the pains in the head, clouded sight.-Painful sensitiveness of exterior of head to least touch.- Profuse perspiration on head in evening, on going to sleep (this looks like *Calcareacarb, but in *Silicea the perspiration extends lower down on the neck, and is apt to have an offensive smell).- Burning in head with pulsation and perspiration of head, worse at night, from mental exertion and talking, better wrapping the head up warm.- Burning and itching, mostly on back part of head, worse from scratching, which causes burning and soreness, worse when undressing in evening and on getting warm in bed.- Tearing pain in scalp worse at night and from pressure.- Profuse, sour-smelling perspiration on head only (in evening), with great sensitiveness of scalp, with pale face and emaciation.-Tendency to take cold in head, which cannot possibly be uncovered.- Tuberous elevations on scalp.- Eruption on back part of head and behind ears dry, offensive-smelling, scabby, burning-itching, when scratching it, burning feeling, more sore, and discharging pus.- Itching pustules and bulbous swellings on hairy scalp and on neck, very sensitive to pressure, touch, and when lying on it, better when wrapping it up warm.- Sensitiveness of scalp to pressure (of hat) and to contact, worse in evening and when lying on painful side, burning after scratching.-Open fontanelles, head too large and rest of body emaciated, with pale wax-colour of face, hot, swollen abdomen and fetid stools.- Violent itching in scalp.- Moist scald-head, which itches. Falling off of the hair.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica