Secale Cornutum

Upper Limbs

Spasmodic curvature of the arm, with drawing in the part.- Burning sensation in the hands.- Swelling of the hands, with black pustules.-OEdematous swelling in the wrist.-Distortion of the hands. Tingling, crawling, with numbness and insensibility in finger-tips.-Contraction, distortion, and turning back of the fingers.- Spasms with fingers spread apart.- Peculiar prickling in tips of fingers that are very sensitive to cold after awhile they began to suppurate, and later the nails separated from their matrix and fell off one after another, leaving an unhealthy granulating surface. Degeneration of pulp of nails, the nails are raised.

Lower Limbs

Lassitude and soreness in the legs.- Contraction of the legs and toes.-Distressing cramps in calves and soles, especially at night.- Burning sensation in (swollen) feet.- Distortion of feet.- Swelling of feet, with black pustules.- Feet seem asleep and stiff.- Mortification of toes. Gangrena senilis.- Tingling in toes.


For female complaints chiefly, and especially when occurring in thin, scrawny, wrinkled females or children.- Skin is cold, but the patient does not wish to be covered up.- Copious vomiting of a mixture of thick, black, pitchy, bilious, and slimy matter.-Dry gangrene, particularly on right side, beginning in toes and running up the limb.-Amaurosis occurring in patients characteristic of this drug, hard hearing, blue colour around eyes.-Worse from drawing up limbs, especially in troubles of childbed.- Better from stretching out the limbs. Drawing, tearing, and tingling in the limbs and joints. Violent and wandering spasmodic pains.-Cramps in legs, arms, and chest.- Burning sensation in all parts of the body, as if caused by sparks.- Tonic spasms, of all extensors.- Tetanus.- Epileptiform convulsions.- General atrophy and emaciation.- Rapid emaciation of paralysed parts.- Unsteady gait, unsteadiness of the whole body, trembling, rapid sinking of strength.- Collapse when the patient cannot bear covering.-Syncope.-Great lassitude and indolence.-Paralysis. Complete mortification of some parts by sphacelus.- Affections in general of right side, crooked limbs, sensation of deadness in any part.- Loss of sensation throughout the body.


Skin sallow, lead-coloured, flaccid, and shrivelled.- Skin rough and dry.- Torpor and insensibility of the skin.- Miliary eruption, especially on chest and nape of neck.-Petechiae.- Purpura haemorrhagica.-Ecchymosis.- Furunculi.- Swelling and pain without inflammation, coldness, blue colour, gangrene.- Black, gangrenous pustules.-Blackness of outer parts, crawling on the skin as of insects.- Subcutaneous tingling.-General desquamation of epidermis.- Ulcers that turn black, skin withered and gangrenous.- Heat, with thirst and want of perspiration.- Sanguineous vesicles, which turn to gangrene, in the limbs.- Anthrax becoming gangrenous.


Strong inclination to sleep and coma.- Deep, lethargic sleep.- Sleeplessness, with agitation and dry heat.- Coma with delirium, starts, and fright.


Violent shivering, followed by violent internal burning heat, with violent thirst.- Excessive coldness in back, abdomen, and limbs.- Coldness of surface of body, especially of extremities and face, dryness.-Dry heat, with quick pulse, agitation, and sleeplessness.-Small, suppressed -pulse (generally slow and contracted, sometimes intermittent, only slightly accelerated during the heat).- Pulse unchanged, even with the most violent attacks.-Cold perspiration.-Cold, clammy sweat all over, especially above waist-line.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica