Secale Cornutum


Lifting (causes abortion). Injury (causes worse gangrene). Sexual excess.



Discouragement and timidity.-Great anxiety.-Sadness and melancholy.- Great anguish.- Furor, with desire to jump into the water. Madness and inclination to bite.- Fear of death.-Mania.- Weakness of the intellectual faculties (stupid, half-sleepy condition, moaning).- Mental alienation.-Delirium.- Loss of consciousness.- Consciousness seems to continue to the last breath, and just before death it seems as though the patient would improve.


Head confused and stupefied (unconsciousness with heavy sleep, preceded by tingling in head and limbs, in haemorrhages from the uterus). Sensation as from intoxication while undressing.- Vertigo as from intoxication.- Stupefaction, with tingling in head and pain in limbs, which are worse from motion.- Diminution and loss of senses, sight, hearing, &c.- Peculiar feeling of lightness of head, especially in occiput.- Attacks of vertigo of different kinds, also chronic.- Headache with dull and painful confusion, especially in occiput. Semilateral headache (left).- Hair falls out.- Scalp sore.- Twisting of head to and fro.


Eyeballs sunk deep in the sockets, and surrounded by blue margins.- Pupils spasmodically contracted or else dilated.- Convulsed eyes.-Squinting.-Pain in eyes, with feeling as if spasmodically rotated.- Fixed, with look.- Cataract, hard, or soft, with headache, vertigo, and roaring in ears.- Suppuration of cornea, worse from warm applications.- Suppressed secretion of tears.- Eyes yellow.- Complete blindness.- Double or triple vision.- Mist, spots and a veil before the sight.- Weakness of sight.- Sparkling before the eyes and cloudiness of sight.- Exophthalmic goitre.


Humming and roaring in ears, and hardness of hearing.-Undue sensitiveness of hearing, even slightest sound re-echoed in head and made her shudder.- Transient deafness.


Sneezing.- Nose feels stopped yet watery discharge runs from it.- Nose stopped left side as with a solid plug.-Nose-bleed: blood dark, runs continuously, with great prostration, small, thread-like pulse, in old people or drunkards, in young women, from debility.


Face discoloured, pale, yellow, wan, with eyes hollow and surrounded by a blue circle.- Distorted features.- Livid spots on face.-Face of a deep red.- Swelling of face.- Tingling in face.- Forehead hot.- Muscular twitchings, usually begin in face and then spread all over body, sometimes increasing to dancing and jumping.-Lips bluish or deathly pale.- Lips and mouth painfully contracted (spasmodic distortion, risus sardonicus).


Lockjaw.- Grinding of teeth.- Loosening and falling out of teeth.- Bleeding from gums.- Difficult dentition.


Very offensive breath.- Increased secretion of saliva. Dryness of mouth, with thirst.- Haemoptysis.- Sanguineous or yellowish green foam before mouth.- Tongue discoloured, brown or black, or else loaded with a thick coating (of mucus).-Painful tingling in tongue and throat.- Swelling of tongue.- Stammering, embarrassed, indistinct, weak speech, as it the tongue were paralysed, or there were resistance to be overcome.- Twitching of tongue.- Frequently bites tongue.


Dryness of throat.- Burning sensation or troublesome tingling or crawling in throat.-Follicular pharyngitis, hawks up little follicular exudation.-Paralysis of muscles of swallowing and speaking, in danger of choking.- Inflammation of the oesophagus.


Dullness of the taste.- Burning, insatiable thirst.-Unnatural appetite, even when dying from exhausting discharges from bowels.- Insatiable hunger, especially for acid things.


Frequent risings.- Disgust, especially for meat and fatty things, and nausea.-Continuous nausea, worse after eating.-Nausea and inclination to vomit.- Hiccough.- Retching and vomiting of bilious, crude matter.-Easy vomiting.-Vomiting of food, with great debility.-Vomiting of lumbrici.- Vomiting of mucus.- Vomiting of black bile.- Vomiting of dark brown, coffee-grounds fluid, of all food and drink.- Haemorrhage from stomach.- Stomachache.- Cramp in stomach.- Excessively painful sensibility, distressing oppression (as from a weight), and anguish in pit of stomach, with ineffectual want to vomit.- Burning sensation in scrobiculus and epigastrium.-Great anxiety and pressure in pit of stomach, with great sensibility to touch.- Inflammation and gangrene of stomach.- Inflammation and cancer in stomach.


Abdomen excessively inflated and tight.- Cuttings and tearing pains in abdomen.- Inflammation and gangrene of the liver.-Liver enlarged.- Burning (or coldness) in abdomen.- Fixed, burning pains in splenic and lumbar regions. Pains in the loins as from false labour pains.-Colic, with pains in sacrum and thighs, frequent risings, and vomitings.- Painful colic, with convulsions.- Sensation of excessive coldness in abdomen and back. Burning sensation in abdomen.- Strong pulsation in umbilical region.- Borborygmi.- Pains in hypogastric region.

Stool and Anus

Constipation, with continued and ineffectual want to evacuate.- Loose, frequent evacuations, with serous, slimy, or else discoloured or brownish faeces.- Diarrhoea of a putrid smell.- Diarrhoea, with sudden prostration of strength.- Involuntary (very watery) evacuations.- Offensive, watery diarrhoea (in child-bed).- Cholera, diarrhoea after the cholera.- Diarrhoea: frequent brown discharges, dark-coloured, very offensive, thin, olive green, very exhausting, pernicious.- Haemorrhage from the bowels.- Expulsion of worms.- Paralysis of rectum and anus.- Anus wide open.

Urinary Organs

Suppressed secretion of urine.- Scanty, hot, burning urine.- Emission of urine, drop by drop, difficult, scanty, with continued want to urinate.- White urine, clear like water.- Increased secretion of urine.- Urine retained.- Bladder paralysed.- Enuresis: of old people, pale, watery, or bloody urine.- Haematuria, bloody, albuminous urine, thick black blood.- Urinary deposit like white cheese.

Male Sexual Organs

Numerous erections, even after coition.- After lightness in occiput, strong dragging in spermatic cord, so that testes seemed drawn up to inguinal ring.- After sexual excess palpitation of heart.- Weak memory after exhausting coition, impotence.- Chronic spasmodic stricture of urethra.

Female Sexual Organs

Catamenia too profuse and of too long duration, sometimes with violent spasms.- Metrorrhagia of a black, liquid blood, flowing especially during a slight movement, sometimes with tingling in legs and great debility.- Discharge of blood during pregnancy.- Labour ceases, and instead twitchings and convulsions.-Too long and too painful after pains.- Suppression of milk.-Miscarriage (especially in third month).- Defective contraction of uterus after miscarriage.- Swelling and warts on the cervix uteri, which is partially open.- Gangrene of vaginal mucous membrane, with a dark, slate colour.- Vagina hot or cool.- Sanguineous congestion in uterus.-Offensive discharge from uterus causing her to vomit (Ussher)-Lochia scanty and fetid, or of too long duration and sanguineous (followed by fever and inflammation of uterus).- Puerperal convulsions.- (Female genital organs in general pains like labour pains, which are protracted for a long time, skin cold and no wish to be covered, &c., labour pains ceasing, labour pains too weak, abortion in the characteristic patients.- ***H. N. G.)- Cancer and gangrene of uterus.- Prolapse of uterus.

Respiratory Organs

Heavy, anxious breathing, with moaning. Spitting of blood, with or without cough. Feeble voice, inaudible, stammering. Expectoration of blood during violent efforts to breathe. Voice hoarse and hollow. Painless aphonia in morning, as the day goes on he gets hoarse (produced. *R.T.C.). Anxious and obstructed respiration, with sighs and sobs.


Dyspnoea and oppression of chest.-Suffocating oppression of chest, with cramp in diaphragm.


Praecordial tenderness.- Painful sensation over heart.- Praecordial anxiety.-Violent spasmodic palpitation of heart.- Pulse small, very rapid, contracted, frequently intermittent, fluttering, slow, depressed.

Neck and Back

Stiffness of nape of the neck.- Profuse miliary eruption on nape of neck and chest.- Sensation of coldness in back.- Pain in back and small of back.- Tingling and insensibility in back (extending to tips of fingers and toes).- (Severe pain in (lower) back worse when walking much or sitting long in same position.- ***R.T.C.).- (Lumbago.).


Drawing, crawling, tearing, and tingling in limbs and joints.- Distortion of limbs.- Jerks and convulsive movements in limbs, which manifest themselves especially at night, often also periodically, and which are better by stretching the parts violently.-Contraction of hands, feet, fingers, and toes.-Limbs become cold, pale, and wrinkled, as after being a long time in hot water.-Disagreeable sensation of sleep and formication in limbs.- Cramps in legs, calves, arms, hands, and toes.- Burning of hands and feet. Fuzzy feeling in limbs.- Cold gangrene of the limbs, the dead part separates at the joints and drops off.- Trembling of limbs- Weakness, heaviness, and torpor of limbs.- Numbness, insensibility, and coldness of limbs, especially tips of fingers and toes.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica