

Palpitation of the heart.

Neck and Back

Painful pressure and tension in back and nape of neck, with lancinations of least movement of trunk or head.-Lancination between shoulder-blades and in muscles of neck.- Stitches in back through into chest on least motion.- Swelling on one side of neck, painful to touch.-Contusive pain in loins, especially while stooping, and afterwards.- Pains from small of back down spermatic cords, worse at night and from motion, after emissions.-Tingling in loins.- Tensive pain from loins to hips on least movement.


Paralytic tearing in all joints and limbs, often accompanied by trembling of hands and feet, painful tearings in head, and pinchings in abdomen.- Rigidity and immobility of limbs.- Lassitude in the hands and feet.

Upper Limbs

Tearings and pressive shootings in arms, forearms, and joints of hands and fingers (principally on motion).- Sweating of hands. Herpes on hands. Numbness of fingers. Pain in tips of fingers (bruised and sore), as from subcutaneous ulceration. Purulent vesicles on fingers. Deep rhagades in skin of fingers (with burning pains).

Lower Limbs

Affections of any kind in general, appearing in right lower extremity, right lower side (***H.N.G.). Pressive tearing and shooting in thighs, knees, and legs. Lassitude in thighs and knee-joints. Swelling and stiffness of knees, with shootings. Red, herpetic spots on calves. Rigidity of legs, as from contraction. Cramps in legs and calves of the legs. Drawing tearing in right big toe. Painful pressive throbbing and throbbing-shooting inner side right sole, later on whole sole when sitting. Painful sensibility of soles. Tension and swelling of feet, with heat and redness. Coldness of feet, especially before going to bed.


Shooting, tearing, pressive pains.- Darting, pricking sensation in bones.-Paralytic tearing in all joints and limbs, often

accompanied by trembling of hands and feet, painful tearings in head and pinchings in abdomen.- Arthritic pains (after taking cold in the water, from suppressed gonorrhoea), with diminished secretion of urine.- Rigidity and immobility of the limbs. Hot and dense swellings.- Great lassitude, especially in lower limbs.- Lassitude in the hands and feet.- Emaciation.-The pains cause depression of spirits.


Itching, sometimes over whole body, especially in evening in bed, and in morning when rising.- Red and dry pimples, which itch only when body is warm.- Miliary eruption on going into fresh air from a warm room.- Nettle-rash.- Fine rash on skin of forehead.- Exanthema like milk crust. Purulent vesicles.- Ulcers after abuse of *Mercury.- Skin slow to heal. Herpes on almost all parts of body (especially on prepuce).- Warts.- Many little warts. (Horses lose hair with eruptions.)- Shrivelled skin.- Great emaciation, the skin becomes shrivelled or it lies in folds.- Deep, burning, painful rhagades (on fingers).


Complaints concomitant to yawning.- Worse when yawning.-Sleep early in evening.- Nocturnal sleeplessness and frequent waking.- Frightful dreams with frequent starts.


Shiverings night and day.- Chilliness predominating, day and night).- Coldness, even near the fire, over whole body, except face and chest, but principally in feet.-Rigor, mostly in forenoon, running from feet upwards.- Heat in the evening, with ebullition of blood, palpitation of heart, and perspiration (only) on forehead.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica